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I bought a 1961 Rolls-Royce sight unseen and 100 miles away from home. The car sat for many years and was very broken but I only had 1 day to fix it before hitting the road for a long road trip. Enjoy!
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This is the original purchase agreement from 1961.. What in the world is that all right guys? This is a total nightmare. This was the hardest part of today like 350 and we're still really hot on coolant yeah. It does sound pretty good.

Look at this. It's a rolls-royce, you got ta have the great it's not a musical instrument, although it does sound pretty good. Well, i made a little bit of an impulse buy and by a little bit i mean a very, very big impulse. Buy i'm going to the amelia island.

Concours car show again and just like last year, i wanted to have a cool car there, so i did the most logical thing. I found a cool car sort of kind of near the show and my plan is to drive it there. Hence why i am in south carolina, 26, 000 lighter and the proud new owner of a 1961 rolls-royce silver cloud 2.. Now i know nothing about this car other than they use the silver cloud 3 in the old gray poupon commercials, and that this one needs a lot of work.

So from what i can tell right now it needs something with the brakes. It has no brakes all right, it's got no brakes and it makes a really really weird noise. That was smells weird. I don't know if this is the best road trip car.

It's also got a little bit of a misfire and it's been sitting for basically five years, so it was owned by an older lady. She just let it sit forever. The fuel turned into varnish, it's kind of a big mystery. I got it for a really good price because of this, and i for some reason think this is a a good car to drive 150 miles to a car, show yeah.

Okay. Now i've given myself one entire day to fix everything on this silver cloud to make it road worthy keep in mind. It is 60 years old and i actually had given myself two days but my plane, the plane that i was taking here, not my own plane. It broke so my flight got delayed, and now i only have one day but luckily uh steve, who brokered the deal who you're gon na meet here momentarily, has already drained all the varnishing fuel out and at least at this point it starts so we're starting from Somewhere, i guess all right so if my new rolls-royce can't believe i'm saying that if my new rolls-royce doesn't burn to the ground, if it makes it to the show - and i can eventually ship it back to the legit street quarters, i'm probably gon na make a Full episode on just geeking out over weird stuff, so a little teaser here guys when you pop this little cover off.

These are the fuses. These pieces of wire are fuses, and here are your spare fuses from rolls royce, they're just kind of tied away here and when one melts away or burns up, you cut off a piece of wire and replace it yeah yeah i've never seen that really cool. It also has two glass mason jars: they look like literal mason jars for the brake fluid. So i guess this has dual master cylinders and i think one of them doesn't work.

That's why we don't have any brakes. This is my favorite part of this car. I think is the documentation, so this is the original purchase agreement from 1961., so this guy traded in a continental, lincoln mark ii and he paid 14 000 for the rolls they gave him 1500 bucks for his lincoln. So that kind of stinks, but they just kept immaculate records and the paper just looks brand new.
It looks like this was printed yesterday, so we have receipts from this one's from 1963.. Look at this 20 000 mile service. This guy actually drove this thing. 70.

For the 20 000 mile service, that would probably be like three four grand right now on a rolls royce. I have no idea there's letters um from from people from the car dealership - it's just it's unbelievable, so i have tons of records there's more in here as well. So anyway, we just have too much to get to in this video, because we have to fix everything on this for me to be able to drive it. I hope uh all the way to the show and use it as basically my rental car for the entire weekend.

So anyway, with that uh, i think we're gon na start off with the brakes. Those are kind of important all right, so this is steve. He brokered this deal, so this was owned by an older lady that steve knew and she had this car in atlanta, georgia, right, atlanta, georgia and prior to that it was uh, mostly a western car spending, time on nevada in california yeah, which is one big reason. I was attracted to it, it's basically rust free and these bodies are all aluminum, that's right, which is great.

Those are aluminum yeah, so obviously the body's rust free, but the frame is nice as well, and he towed this car from the atlanta area to his house. In south carolina - and it's basically just been driven on his driveway um at a very slow pace because it doesn't have brakes and it's got a bunch of other issues, but he did get it to run um and he did top up this right. You topped up this reservoir. All right.

We got two master cylinders, um one's retaining fluid and the other one is has a leak for sure yeah. I can see the puddle underneath the car and hopefully that's uh - something to do with the brakes. Not working fingers crossed there cool and then we have a little bit of a theory that that crazy, loud noise, when i was applying the brakes, is a servo. The brakes are uh, servo, assisted in addition to mechanical brakes in the rear and then regular hydraulic brakes.

Um in the front, so we're hoping that the servo is um is acting up a little bit and making that sound, because the rest of the brakes aren't working, but you know who knows praying to the car gods right now. To be honest, so we don't have a lift. We don't have a whole lot, so we're gon na get underneath there figure out exactly where this brake fluid leak is and try to fix it and i'm sure they have all sorts of parts. For this thing at the local auto parts store, so we have a puddle here and it's a little concerning, because the car has only been sitting here for, like maybe an hour ish, it was in the driveway.
So we do have two master cylinders. I was hoping we had like a brake line issue where we could splice something in like over here, and that was the leak. But that is not the case. We have a master cylinder leak.

We'd have to find a reseal kit, uh or a new master cylinder. So, basically just impossible. I'm thinking at this point we're gon na have to bleed out these brakes. Um yeah.

He already filled the reservoir that obviously didn't fix it. So we'll have to bleed out the brakes, uh see if we can get our brakes back and then i'll just monitor this leak and i'll show you guys we'll press it a few times under here and just see if it's a real live leak and if it's Even possible at this point to drive it all right, so luckily the wheel cylinders are not leaking. I've looked over all of them, so there is our bleeder. So we got to crack that and then i'm going to work the lever right there.

So we don't need anyone inside of the car i'll just be underneath it, while steve's opening up the bleeders uh, we'll bleed those out and steve knows a lot about these cars by the way he's restored. A couple of uh 50s rolls royces, and he just pointed out that this is a leather pouch over the gigantic leaf springs. So this has a leaf spring suspension back here and you fill this leather pouch with grease. It's like a serviceable thing and a lot of these have the leather leaf spring pouch missing, and this one is intact.

So, overall, this car is just in really really nice condition and another part of the car that he pointed out was the battery box. So i guess in the world of old rolls-royce, this is rotted out. This is something people check on right away to know if it's a good car to buy and this one's intact, so definitely dirty um but solid nonetheless, and yeah, you can just tell the overall condition it's a southern car, no holes anywhere, just in good shape. So anyway, let's get to bleeding some breaks and see if we can stop this, like six thousand pound giant all right here we go all right, i'm all the way, you're closing yep, all right, i'm going back, so we don't want to suck up any air all Right go ahead, anything coming out, yet i'm going to close okay close, go ahead and open all right, i'm getting some bubbles, all right cool! Basically we're just going to keep on doing this until we have some clean fluid coming out the back and open.

I'm open lots of holes yep it's getting better, though sure is, go ahead and close closed open. I'm open, close i'm closed and open. I'm open close closed, fire's right up, i got ta say it starts up well, and this is the parking brake so push that in and let's see, we got oh got to go into gear that helps it stops and we don't get that crazy noise. It's definitely got a misfire nice.

We have brakes all right, so we have good news, bad news, good news, good news, i think uh good news is this 6 000 pound rolls royce now stops. It feels really really good, for you know drum brakes that are 60 years old um bad news is we still have that leak? There's really not much, we can do about it, but the good news is, i'm just going to bring a little bit of brake fluid. It shouldn't leak out all that much especially on the highway when i'm not using the brakes um and i'm i'm willing to gamble. I like crazy road trips - if you guys, saw my cl65 video from kansas when it was zero degrees out, i'm i'm down for the adventure, so i think we'll be okay with the brakes.
I don't recommend it um. The other good news is that you guys can save a ton of money by first off, not buying a 60 year old rolls royce and secondly, by using today's video sponsor honey. Honey is america's number one online shopping tool. It searches for promo codes automatically.

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Click here and click here and you're done when there's a coupon honey, finds discounts of 18 on average, so just go to, legit, streetcars or click on my link in the video description box and a big thanks to honey for continuing to support automotive content creators. Like myself, now, let's get back to the rolls royce, we have this thing's stopping. Now we need to get this engine running a little bit better. We got to figure out the misfire and let me show you some really really expensive spark plug wires that i had to buy all right.

So here are 250 dollar rolls-royce spark plug wires, so these have been handmade and tested by anna. So thank you. Anna and here we are so - we are going to replace these as sort of a maintenance item to see if it'll, clear up the misfire. It sounds like a slight misfire.

It's not too bad um and we're gon na see if the plugs look new, maybe they've been replaced already and check the gap. So steve found out online that these are factory gapped at 25 000, but a little rolls royce trick is to gap them at 35. Thousands and supposedly it'll make it idle smoother, so we're gon na attack the ignition system and kind of see what we can see and cross our fingers that we have the parts to fix it all right. So here we go.

We have one side open, so there's actually two levers to open the hood, so we just push this one down there we go and now we have this and there you go all right. So i just have one tube i have to disconnect. Then we can get this air cleaner out of the way and we'll have kind of a little bit more access on this side as well. Okay, so that's that now we lift this up, and this holds it.
How cool is that it's an air box, cleaner service position with an air box that has no filter, so i'll, show you guys here, i guess later, but there's some kind of mesh in here that we clean so anyway. We can now see the 6.2 liter v8. So some of the earlier silver clouds, the silver cloud one they had uh this straight six. I believe - and this has the 6.2 like the biggest v8 they could cram in here - and this uses a gm hydromatic transmission, so a very good transmission.

Those are pretty much bulletproof. So, okay, i don't really know what's going on here, um, let's just start figuring it out all right. So we have a pretty big ignition coil here and the lead goes right into the center of the distributor cap which actually threads on, believe it or not, and then we just have to take out two flat head screws. There's one all right.

Let's see we got here, okay and what in the world is going on in here, wow? Are you kidding me? Do these things just lay in here come on? No, that's it is there like a needle that pokes the spark plug wire. That's right! No get out of here pretty archaic. Look at that a needle pierces, the spark plug wire, here's the hole that is amazing. Oh man, i'm gon na have a blast exploring this car mechanically and finding all sorts of weird weird things like this.

This is so cool. Okay, so before i start removing all of these, i want to mark uh, which ones go where, because i don't think we're going to be able to find much of that information online all right, so we had to remove the wheels to get to the spark plugs And wires - and there is an inner fender liner, that i just removed that kind of covers up the gearbox right there. So here are the drum brakes. They have little cooling fins on them, pretty awesome, and then we have wide open access to the spark plugs and the wires right here.

So we are going to remove these spark plugs which are practically new. So we'll get to see what those look like um and then swap out these wires, and there is the exhaust manifold. The gearbox doesn't really look to be leaking. This bushing is pretty much shot and what in the world is that? What is that? What are these contact? Thingies look at, that that is hitting that contact and maybe hang on a second.

This is so weird guys comment down below. I know: there's a bunch of old rolls-royce experts in the comment section. What is going on here, this little metal rod, thingy, oh and hang on. This also has some kind of hydraulic suspension switch.

I believe this is for the rear, but i think this is normal and heavy, not really sure if that works, but maybe that has something to do with with this weird-looking contraption i don't know so much to discover, but for now uh. Let's just try and make this spark plug wire replacement as easy as possible. It's kind of a big pain in the butt to get all the way in here all right change of plans. So these 250 spark plug wires have two 90-degree ends crimped on both sides, but the wires on the rolls are just cut off at the end, with a little hole there, where the needle slides into so.
Had i known this, i would have just bought universal wires for maybe like 30 40 bucks and just made them myself. So it's kind of a shame to have to cut these up to make them work. I thought they were specific to this car. So at this point i went to the auto parts store and i bought the world's oldest volt meter sitting on the shelf at napa.

This thing looked like it had been returned like 20 years ago to tape all over it. So i overpaid for this guy we're going to check the ohms on each spark plug wire just to double check. If that's even an issue before we go down the route of spending more money that we don't need to spend all right. Let's check this first plug wire and it looks like we're at about eight or nine thousand ohms, so about 10 to 12 000 ohms per foot of plug wire would be acceptable, and this is a pretty long plug wire, so we're in really good shape all right.

So here is another one. I would call that good. So i'm going to go around and test all of these make sure they all ohm out nicely. They look to be in good shape.

None of the insulation is ripped or anything, although they do look old. So eventually, i will replace these so i'll check out the wires and, let's pull some plugs, we're on the passenger side. Now, and i wonder it doesn't look like there's an exhaust leak, but there's quite the gap here. So i don't know if we want to open up a can of worms of trying to tighten stuff.

Maybe i will uh, but here are these spark plugs? So i already pulled this wire off these things. Look very very new, so not sure if someone was messing around in here a few years ago and replaced the plugs with ngks. So, let's pull these out and see what they're gapped at okay, let's check out the gap here, it's right at 25, 000, so factory spec, okay! Well, i keep on running into weird cool things and i have no clue what this is. I mean guys seriously.

This is like a piece of foam. What are you doing guys all right? Let's just open this guy up just a tad all right, we're at 30 thousandths a little more all right, so 35 thousandths we'll re-gap them all right there and hopefully it'll idle a little bit better, all right last plug on this side, all right yeah! So they don't really look. I mean you know they're a little black, but nothing's dripping no oil wow. This is really bad, so the lowest.

This goes is 20 000. So i can't even get it in there. This is like, maybe less than 15 000. Something like that wow, that is bad that'll, definitely cause it to run poorly.

Let's open this guy up, okay, so 35 thousandths! This is weird, so yeah someone changed the plugs. This one was just gapped very, very tight, all right, so the spark plug wires are all back together. All of the plugs have been gapped at 35. Thousands and uh yeah, i'm hoping this will run smoother than it did before.
We also have to go drive. This thing a little bit more, i mean he did drain the gas out and get some fresh stuff in here, but it just hasn't really been driven in a long time, so not really sure. What's going on uh with the carburetors, but let's see we got here that fires up nicely: oh yeah, it's shaking a lot less now, yeah right off idle is smooth before we're getting just a little kind of shakiness, but this is pretty good, not bad. That sounds really good, see we got.

This is broken off right here, nice little hose. This is like an insane heater, i believe so not the end of the world, especially in this 80 degree, weather 85 degree weather. It does sound like we have a little bit of an exhaust leak. I wonder if it's this flange, oh yeah, if this flange is leaking for sure, not good, i honestly don't really want to mess with this.

I tried tightening them, they're really tight, but obviously there's a little gap there so probably going to leave that for when we get back home. So if i snap that off we're gon na be dead in the water and this thing's just running so good, so we have brakes it's running, smooth uh. What's next, we have to move on to changing the oil. It's been a very long time.

Oh and this car does have factory air conditioning and it's a big deal that we have the original purchase agreement. That says we have factory ac because some guys retrofit ac on these cars. It was a rare option, along with the power steering and the fact that this is left hand drive, and this is more desirable here in the states - and this is the original air filter - 60 year old air filter. It is just a bunch of metal wire mesh and per rolls royce.

You dip this in kerosene to clean it. So pretty amazing, pretty amazing, so they were uh thinking about low maintenance back then i guess, and that is looking fairly clean. I don't think we really need to mess with that. Oh and hang on.

It's got kind of a a bird stopper filter here. This is the pre-filter another mesh screen right in the beginning. That is amazing, and it's just sucking air from right here. So this is a hot air intake with a cleanable k, n style filter all right.

This was the original performance intake. There is a little bit of a fuel crisis going on in this part of the country right now, so steve was only able to find 87. So when he drained the tank he put 87 in this thing, these things really need 93. So i think we have 93.

Now we're gon na go find out um, but i am going to add a few additives in here, so we have the amsoil performance improver. Uh, so this is going to help clean up the valves and whatnot and the carburetor. The carburetors have just been sitting there with old fuel forever, and then we have upper cylinder lubricant. So you guys know i love my amsoil product and check out this trick.
You just do one of these, and it opens i'm just kidding. There's an electronic popper on the inside 1961. steve's in there. He just popped it um.

How cool is that and then the gas cap on this thing is like this will take a bullet man. This is crazy and of course it doesn't seal so we're just gon na oh yeah rolls his double fist in here with the good stuff, so this will hopefully make it run a little bit better too, along with getting the 93 octane in there. I think we're gon na be all set. I think this is gon na run.

Well, okay, so we have a new old stock rolls royce oil filter, which i am not gon na use, i'm totally keeping this the way it is uh. We have an aftermarket one and i'm gon na use that this time around, i just wan na keep that old one in the trunk, because i think it looks cool. We got a ton of seals and then this guy takes nine quarts of oil. So i'm going uh with the high zinc z-rod from amsoil.

This is meant for these older cars that need a little bit higher zinc concentration. This is also really good for performance engines as well so 1040. You guys know. I saw this stuff link down below 25 off if you use my site um.

So let's go drain, nine quarts of really old rolls royce oil or whatever the last guy used. Okay, so the rolls-royce normally comes with a tool kit that includes a special allen tool to remove the drain plug for the oil, but this toolkit is missing and steve's had one or two of these cars, so he made his own and it's not standard. It's not metric, it's just some weird size from rolls-royce. I guess so.

We had to kind of grind this down and make it work. Okay, there we go not bad. Let's see what this stuff looks like oh yeah, yeah, that is very black, very very black. I mean who knows how old this is? That's nine quarts wow! Well, you still got ta.

Do the oil filter, it's a cartridge style, but that didn't look like nine quarts cotter pin keeps on poking me come on baby. Why is this the longest bolt in the world? There we go okay now. Can we sneak this out? I got the cartridge out. The housing doesn't seem very easy to snake out.

I'm kind of making a mess, unfortunately, but yeah here is the gigantic oil filter. Cartridge looks, okay, doesn't look horrible, oh, and what is this? Oh man, there's all sorts of parts inside of here, they're all just kind of falling apart i'd love to get this out all right guys. This is a total nightmare. I've been messing with this for, like 20 minutes, everything kind of fell apart, and i can't get this canister out.

It's really hard to show you my phone and camera and mic and everything's getting disgusting, but yeah. We have the uh. This doesn't really matter because none of you guys have this car, but this is the spring and washer setup. Okay.
So if you're ever doing an oil change on these everything just fell out. So i had to figure this out from watching a old man on youtube. Do this and some articles i found so this is what you got to do before you put the canister on after messing with it. For a few minutes, i got the the filter actually on here.

You get everything nice and gross too, be perfect. If you could take this canister out, but some of the steering's getting in the way, but anyway here is our pain in the butt oil filter, and now i have to somehow flip this around, with no room and and screw it in so rolls royce. Oil change people, the gloves kind of gave up the cotter, pin ripped them a bunch of times and uh. This was the hardest part of today was changing out.

The oil filter not not a good time so kind of disgusting. We're gon na go ahead and fill it up with oil, so i was mistaken. It's not nine quarts! It's uh about seven and a half to eight and according to people on the internet, they say to run this one a little bit lower on oil. So more towards the seven quart mark, so it doesn't leak as much.

I don't know. I think, i'm just going to run the proper amount of oil and i'll take a little bit of leakage. I don't trust an old car like this that doesn't leak a little bit and definitely no funnel needed. Look at this gaping hole to fill the oil.

You cannot mess this up all right, guys, um. It is the next morning i've cleaned myself up a little bit and we just fired up the rolls and we're taking off so maiden voyage here to the gas station. So we need to get some 93 octane. Hopefully they have it and uh see if it runs any better.

I mean it runs pretty decent. I think right now, and so it's shifting, which is a plus yeah. It's very, very lofty, very floaty, very cool, though yeah i mean it runs good. It runs good yeah, no real misfires or anything like that.

God i wish we could fix the exhaust leak. It doesn't sound too bad in here. Just it would just be nice. Oh yeah lots of slop in the steering.

I say i've driven a lot of uh interesting cars, but uh this has got to be. Like top three, i don't know man. I feel right at home. This is like really comfortable uh yeah.

I like it. The oil pressure gauge reads: basically nothing. So that's not good, i don't think uh. I don't think that's a real issue, though it's probably just the gauge.

It is 60 years old, but we have that and then oh, this is actually getting up there too. Our water temp. It did start off right at the bottom, all right we're getting on a big road. The shifts are really nice.

This uses a gm hydramatic transmission, all right. There we go 35 according to the gauge, oh so we're in. Third, i guess i got ta there. We go shifts into fourth, i just got to the gas station.

That's so cool check out this radio. This look like a ford radio from the 90s. It doesn't say ford, but it definitely looks like one just shooting this into a huge barrel. Basically, okay, there we go yeah, it looks pretty good.
It's not gon na stop automatically, that's for sure all right, so 11 gallons. So i would imagine like a 22-ish gallon tank, something like that all right, so our fuel gauge basically works and now look at the oil pressure. Now the gauge works and we're still really hot on coolant. The amp meter seems to be doing something.

So that's good. So who knows what's going on with these gauges, but let's go get a a temp gun at the auto parts store. You can measure the oil somehow with this button check it out press this button and it says minimum oil. So this fuel gauge turns into an oil gauge.

I have no idea how it does that or how accurate it is. It has a dipstick and we're good on oil, but yeah. It has an oil gauge in the fuel gauge very weird. We're cruising along about 50-ish miles an hour.

We checked it with the gps. 50 is actually like, 47 46. Something like that. So it's off, but uh.

Overall, it's it's not bad. It's not bad! I mean the alignment is decent for such an old car and, let's see our water temperature has gone down, so it seems like it might be an airflow issue. As soon as we get going, it does go a little bit more towards the middle, which is great because i'll be driving 150 miles on the highway. Hopefully, we don't run into any traffic, but we're still going to take a look at this cooling system a little bit before we leave just in case look at how far down the water temperature went.

We were going about 50-ish miles an hour and it's only like. Maybe 70 degrees right now. Well, we found a walmart before we found an auto parts store, so hopefully they have one of those laser temperature guns. So we can see what this engine is really running at and uh we'll grab some coolant too so on the valve cover we're at 205 and we've been idling.

This thing and the gauge right now is showing pretty much pegged intake manifold 207.. I want to get the cylinder head, but you got to be careful not to get too close to the exhaust manifold, otherwise you're going to get crazy readings like what are we showing here like 350 on the exhaust manifold? That's not real um! There's the head! Yeah! That's too close, yeah. 222. That's the cylinder head! A lot of coolant temperature sensors are plugged right into the head, so yeah i'd say that gauge is way off.

This is totally normal, all right, so we're adding in some of this water wetter stuff. I have no idea if this works i used to put this in cars when i was in high school, make some pretty bold claims run up to 30 degrees, cooler, don't overheat and stuff like that, not sure if it works, but for 10 bucks, i'm just gon Na throw it in there and uh hope it helps out a little bit. So when we started this journey with this car, it looked like it had a decent normal amount of coolant and now after driving it - and i mean it, hasn't really been driven at all. In years it's gone down a little bit so not sure if there was an air pocket or what, but anyway, we are going to top it up with coolant.
Now before we hit the road to fill up the tires they're all at about 20 psi. So that's good news, because that means they're not leaking they're, all equally kind of going down after many many many years, all right, so it ended up taking about a half gallon that could definitely cause a fluctuation uh in the temperature. So hopefully that will help. But we are ready to hit the road, so i have a tire patch kit, some extra coolant, a bunch of fluids uh.

We can fill up the tires with this little compressor and the cigarette lighter does work. Oh and i got ta show you the coolest thing in the world that steve got me an lsc license plate. I'm a legit rolls owner now, all right, so we're at an old school gas station. It's really really cool i'll, show you in a moment, but we're actually just getting air, and it's got these really funky valve stems in the front, but not in the rear.

The rear has standard ones uh and we're just looking over everything as well. There was a little bit of smoke: oh yeah right there. You see that that is some brake fluid just dribbling out of the glass jar right onto the exhaust manifold, so we kind of overfilled it for the little leak, although that leak has definitely gone down. Quite a bit - and we barely had to add anything so anyway - we're gon na set these uh tires up to about 35 or so check over all the fluids.

One more time and i'll see you on the road 150 mile journey to florida begins right. Now you guys saw my cl 65 road trip, video. It didn't go well, it didn't go well to say the least. This is horrible.

I don't think we're gon na make it. That means this thing is probably lowering a little bit due to the leak. No one should have bought this car. No one lots of snow lots of snow in the middle of nowhere, but i'm feeling more confident about this 1961 rolls-royce that, just a few days ago, didn't run had varnishy fuel um had no brakes.

It was running poorly after we got it running. What else did we do? I don't even know i feel more comfortable driving this thing. For some reason we are, i think, about 10 miles into the trip just want to show you the gauges. Everything looks perfect uh.

It says i'm going 75 miles an hour, but according to my gps, that's more like 70 and uh, it's smooth! It's smooth, the alignment's, nice um, it's very floaty. The suspension is, you know basically like just driving on a on a cloud and it's a silver cloud. Yeah silver cloud too, i kind of feel like an old man. I'm not gon na lie and i feel like i have to dress differently.

I've made a stop with the rolls not for food, but to check everything over we're about halfway to amelia, island and uh. The only thing that's gone wrong is the cigarette lighter stopped working, so it actually worked and i was able to charge my phone and now it's not working. So we're checking at our fuses slash little strips of wire. Oh and look at this actually tells you which one's which so cigar switchbox three i don't.
I have no idea. Is it that one okay, steve knows steve knows that's the one, it's good all the fuses look good, so yeah not really sure. What's going on. If that's the only thing that goes wrong on this trip, i will 100 take that filling it up is kind of fun.

You kind of just point and shoot, and you really can't miss okay, so i think i filled it up right around to where we had filled it up last time and if that's the case, we went 75 miles and it burned up like nine gallons of fuel. So whatever the math is on that it is bad, it is really bad all right. I picked up some essential straight up: bacon, yeah, that's a thing five hour. Energy drinks and crackers, water and the best part got ta rock the aviators in this car.

So i got myself some 12.99 gas station specials and i'm ready to go again. I keep accidentally going a little too fast in this car. I told myself i'd keep it to about 60 65, but honestly, i'm just so comfortable in it. It is such a nice cruiser, it just begs you to go faster.

Everything is in the right spots. Your arms feel great. Your seating position is great. Visibility is awesome, people are giving you the thumbs up it.

Just kind of like makes you happy driving this thing, and what makes me really happy is that these gauges are absolutely perfect, so we have the coolant gauge. You can see it right there. Our oil pressure gauge is good. Everything is golden and i am loving it.

I'm listening to frankie valley in the four seasons, only 50s and 60s music in this car just having a blast, so we started off in south carolina. I went through georgia now we're in florida and i can't believe this is my car guys. I'm just smiling the whole way it is so much fun. I never thought in a million years i'd be driving a 60 year old rolls royce to a car show in florida.

As like part of my job like i had to buy this. Like i mean this is great, i can't wait to bring you guys some content on this car as well. So anyway, i'm gon na continue to enjoy this cruise. This was never on my bucket list, but i'm gon na jot it down and then cross it off, because this is too much fun so anyway, i apologize for the noise.

I don't have the mic set up or anything i'm trying to be safe while i'm driving. I am staying far far away from anybody because the brakes work well, but they are four-wheel drum. So not the best in emergency. Stop situations oh shoot starting to rain, and i was not expecting this.

We checked the radar didn't say it was gon na rain florida. What is the deal i feel like you probably do this all the time um, okay, anyone want to guess how to turn on the wipers uh screen and wiper. It says no idea if that works, hang on look at how cute these little guys are. They don't do anything, but i'm not even mad at them.
This is amazing all right. I guess it's better than nothing. Yeah, not the best, not the best wipers in the world, but if i replace them, it'd be pretty decent. These are probably like: a million years old, pretty nice huh, oh very nice, yeah, it's nice driving around and just staring at that little weird spirit of ecstasy yeah, that's right! That was like this.

This lady was like a mistress for roles. One of the roles guys there was two of them henry rolls, and i can't remember the other one. Oh is that the story - and this is one of the mistress to one of the guys - i'm learning a lot about this car yeah in this video. This is the first time i'd ever laid hands on a rolls royce before and now it's mine, so you have to do the huge garage play the harp yeah.

It does sound pretty good. That's how you know it's real yeah, real metal, all right. So wizard is the first other youtuber to see this car, so a few more of them are on their way, i'll show them the car and that's pretty much it guys. It really doesn't get much better than this uh.

We got away with a few easy fixes on this one. Sometimes we don't get as lucky, but i'll take it. So i can enjoy the weekend and then this is getting shipped back home. So we'll see who shows up here next it's the next morning and i am following sam crack and rich rebuilds in the giveaway e39 and i'm specifically following them in the rolls royce because of the two cars.

This is the more reliable one. So we were up until about one o'clock in the morning trying to get this thing to idle and not misfire uh. It's got some bad plugs. I believe it's got a bad coil, but we couldn't find any parts for it.

So here we are, it keeps on dying out, so i'm here to help just in case it totally breaks down in the uh roadside assistance rolls-royce. Well, i don't get to park with the rolls-royce people, but i do get to park next to a sweet alante and i could probably fit this thing in the trunk of my car all right. So i got absolutely no footage of the car at the show. I was walking around talking with people hanging out and i just didn't get to it, but it is way later in the day and me, sam and rich are going to eat.

We're gon na have a little snack in the rolls-royce, so these guys are already going to town back here. Guys kick this out. What are you, what is what are you guys doing? What is that we're just we're just getting ready to eat this? Is that regular mustard? Of course it is jesus? What are you guys talking about? It's a rolls-royce, you got ta have the great pout. These are crazy.

Give me this alex you're. The best man come on. No, i can't this can't be in my car. What do you do all right? Oh wow, rich, i didn't know how much you you like that stuff um huh.
Can. I just have my mustard back at this. Absolutely not it's a grey poupon! Oh all, right here you go sam. You can i'll make an exception.

This one time this one time, that's disgusting, good! No, no, i'm good! Okay, i'm good the whole crew pulling in at the same time, all right. So i found a few more guys that feel the need to play with my car. It bounces a lot. Oh, it's not a musical instrument, although it does sound pretty good.

It's very bouncy your tires are too soft yeah i couldn't get any more air in them. They have like 25 psi. If i open the, i mean as long as it's been upside down, it's just now, finally reaching max i'll take it. I mean i have every single fluid in the trunk, so we are good to go.

It's on the stick, all right guys that will do it for this probably really long, video. We are all going to go. Have some dinner. Yes, maybe take the rolls, i don't know or walk um.

So i hope you guys really really enjoyed this one. If you did hit the thumbs up, button share the video subscribe if you're new and, most importantly, have an awesome day i'll catch all of you in the next that knew it and good work i'll catch. All of you in the next video i could subscribe. Well, oh, the gray, poupon eat gray poupon, it's very good! I'm gon na get i'm getting sponsored by them.

One day.

By Alex

12 thoughts on “I Bought A Broken Rolls-Royce 1000 Miles From Home! 1 Day To Fix EVERYTHING Before Hitting The Road!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ken Sturm says:

    These detailed records are because most people that owned RR took very good care and didn't drive them all the time in bad weather. About 74% of all RR car's made still exist. This car is gorgeous, 26k you got a good deal!!! RR btw has the parts for what you need. You say for your viewer's to "Not buy a 60 year old RR?" I'd rather buy a pre 66 RR than a modern SUV! Smh

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ken Weiss says:

    I really enjoyed the video very much until your "friends" showed up. If you focus on the car and not the jerks, this could be an enjoyable series.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Twohill says:

    Just a suggestion, before you attend to the exhaust leak. Soak the nuts with WD40 or a suitable penatrating oil or better still heat them up with a oxy and cetalyne, till they glow cherry red. Attack those as you know without doing that and they will snap off, for sure. Good choise that you didn't try to fix it before you left on your trip. Obviously you know what would have happend. Cheers. Still looking forward to a video on the Cosworth.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Twohill says:

    So cool that the old girl gave you a good trip. Good stuff considering first up it is an old car which is for it's age quite complicated and second the period of time it had been sitting for. You did do some good prep work. Once again you have boutht back some good old memories. I was an apprentice and continued to work with Rolls Royce here in Sydney Australia for 12 years. I started with Rolls when I was 16years old in 1972 and finished with them and went to Mercedes in 1984. Good times good memories and your video bought it all back. I really should buy a Cloud 2 or Cloud 3, maybe I will once I can get back into a workshop. Was never really a fan of the Cloud 1, the six cylinder. Thanks for the post, most enjoyable. Also had a good laugh.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BAgodmode says:

    It’ll get better fuel mileage when you get it in shape. Found it in great shape. You’ll want to run Evans waterless coolant. And yeah, those Rolls (and the Bentleys from even before the Rolls buy out) are wonderfully easy cars to work on, and super reliable.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Golden says:

    1. Doesn't that car have a "mineral oil" brake system, where it shares the fluid with the suspension system?
    2. If that's a Hydromatic transmission, why doesn't it have a "park" position? Sure its not a Borg-Warner?
    3. 8.3 miles per gallon is not bad. That's about what large American cars also got in 1961. My 1960 Caddy Fleetwood got 7 mpg highway, 4 mpg city in the summer with air conditioner running.
    4. No British car had "factory" air conditioning in 1961. My '61 Jaguar 3.8 sedan was imported through Houston Texas (at that time the automotive air conditioning capital of the world), then shipped to the northeast. Other British cars had dealer installed A/C, regardless of what invoice says.
    5. Your battery box is not OK. You have just the frame of the battery box. The fix used to be get a replacement for the whole rear-right sub-frame, including the battery box.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ADAMN SCHIFTY says:

    I inherited the exact sacr from my Uncle for 1 day and his house burned to the ground days after he died, I think my Dad did it.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B Rad says:

    Bacon jerky, energy drinks, and excess fuel consumption. You have no idea just how perfectly that 10 seconds summarises America for the rest of the world.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ambread allan says:

    Mechanical masterpiece in its day these rollses my grandad and uncle worked in the Crewe factory and where always proud of their creations.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Frost says:

    Cool car, l can remember watching movies and seeing this model car in quite a few movies of the time. Can l have it PLEASSSSSSSSSSSSE 😆😆😆😆 well done getting it going 😊. By the way, great sunnys .

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Victor Seastrom says:

    The "S series" cars (RR Silver Cloud/ Phantom V/Bentley S") are probably the most reliable cars Rolls-Royce ever produced. Wonderful cars. Their only Achilles heel is the GM-based transmission. BTW GM parts will NOT fit this transmission. They were built by RR and the tolerances are different.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Purlee100 says:

    The ''Legend'' behind the statuette, which is called ''The Spirit of Ecstasy'' is that the model is believed to be Eleanor Velasco Thornton, who was the Secretary and probable lover, of Lord Montagu of Beaulieu, an aristocratic car enthusiast of the early 20th Century and a collector of fine cars. The statuette came about because purchasers were fitting hood ornaments which Rolls Royce thought were ''inappropriate''. The sculptor was a well known British sculptor, Charles Sykes, for whom Eleanor had posed several times. Rolls Royce have never confirmed who the model was, but the statue has long been known by the nick-name ''Ellie in her nightie''! Eleanor died in 1915, while travelling to India with Montagu, when the liner, SS Persia, was torpedoed by a German U-Boat. Montagu survived and went on to found the famous Beaulieu Motor Museum.

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