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In this video, I begin to work on my free Turbo Subaru Outback XT and discover that it's a big money pit. I start taking apart the top of the engine and the turbo to discover why this car was free. It's a total mess and I'm starting to think these are not the best cars.
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Hey guys welcome back to legit street cars and welcome to part two of the subaru outback fixing up series. I don't know i'm really bad at like coming up with names for projects. So let me know what should we call project subaru outback, i'm really bad. I'm really bad.

I just can't come up with anything uh anyway. Today we are ripping apart. This car we're gon na start, replacing some parts we're gon na. Do some diagnosis as well.

I am freezing because i forgot to set up the heat when i bought this building and now it's december, so it's 40 degrees in the shop, but i don't care because we have a ton to get to so without further ado. Let's get to work first thing on the list, turbo everything else really isn't in order, but i want to tackle this turbo first, it's right here and i want to verify that this has failed and that's why we're getting a ton of smoke out of the tailpipe And i want to do the turbo first, because just look at our new one, it's so shiny and clean. I can't wait to get this beautiful part on this soon to be beautiful, car, oh and because a bad turbo can send metal into the oiling system. This is the outlet and, if it lets loose inside metal shavings can get back into the oil pan.

Because of that i did check to see if we had any metal in the oil. Here's that footage, please don't be any metal in the oil filter. Please don't be any metal in the oil filter. There's oil there's oil in the oil filter and i really need gloves so far so good guys.

I don't see any glitter at all. Hang on all right. The official glitter test is dumping this out on a white piece of paper. You can also cut the filter open, but we'll get a good idea from this all right, that's pretty much everything it's got with the bright light.

We'd see the glitter. By now. It looks really good. We have to drain the oil, also see what this looks like it's magnetic, that's nice, so i'm draining the oil right now and the fact that it's kind of old oil is good to me.

I want to see it in this condition and not brand new fresh oil, like they were trying to figure something out that could definitely clean up all the metal shavings and hide a big issue, but this is looking nasty and good at the same time. This is a very magnetic oil drain and outside of a little bit of sludge, there is no metal at all. This is a really good sign that this motor is in good shape. Now this is totally normal for it to have some of this grayish looking stuff, but no particles, no, nothing all right.

So we're going to take an oil sample from the very bottom of the sump right now to see, if there's any glitter in it and with the bright lights, you can see right through it, no glitter. This is seriously the most magnetic drain plug i've ever seen. This is nuts so anyway, we'll put that back, ah kind of hard to do i'll, get a new crush. Washer too.

Oh my gosh get in there. This is nice all right, all right, all right guys. So aside from installing that battery, i have never worked on a subaru before in my life, so you are witnessing the first bolt that i've removed from a subaru ever and i'm starting it off by not realizing that this isn't a 13.. It's a 12.
subaru. What's up with that just use 10s and 13s for everything? That's all you got to do geez here we go hey. It didn't break yay! Okay! So i'm removing this intercooler here. So we can get to the turbo and it's got to come off the turbo anyway, and this looks fairly straightforward.

It's already loose, it looks like we got a vacuum line there. A little clamp here. This hose is fighting me. I will beat you subaru intercooler hose yeah.

I told you get up get off my there. We go all right. Goodbye intercooler, that's really easy. So i guess this is a common failure point on these.

They start to leak, but ours passed the smoke test in the last video, so we're good. Maybe it's already been done. Well, we got a little bit of oil going on right there, but right now i want to remove this heat shield and i have a feeling these bolts are going to snap, but we'll give them a fighting chance spray them a little bit and let's just spray. These lines going to the turbo as well very good possibility.

None of this has ever come apart before and we'll get this guy to oh - and i see i see there - we're gon na have to get this v-band off eventually, so, let's go ahead and soak that guy too all right guys. This should be a 10. Yes, it is, it is a 10.. Let's see we got, it, didn't break all right, one down all right.

I believe we have to remove this guy as well. No problem he's a cake, i mean, i guess this thing is pretty high up. It's not going to get any road salt or anything like that on it, but still don't put really anything past a good old chicago car that salt kind of just mists everywhere. All right here we go shield is actually in really nice shape.

Surprised to see this. Considering what we saw at the bottom, if you guys remember all right, hi turbo yeah, never mind on pre-soaking that v-band right there. We have to remove these bolts here and we're gon na have to get to those guys down there too. Let's just soak everything since i know i have to do the brakes anyway, i'm gon na go ahead and take the wheels off and pre-soak a bunch of stuff in here too.

What is this? What is this? This is a lug nut on a subaru. Are you kidding me, look at this little guy. I've never seen anything so small, that's what she said. Look at this and i have driven it a few miles and it's not cleaning the rotor at all these brakes are in horrible condition.

I think i'm going to be doing the calipers as well and from here you can get a good look at the bushing for the lower control arm. That mark pointed out, that's actually about to pop up so you're not supposed to be able to see this rubber right here. That means it's about to slide out and you're, also not supposed to see a leaf in here either, and while our penetrating oil is soaking in it's time for keeps because two out of three men by the age of 35 will experience some form of male pattern. Baldness, i'm one of them, and it's kind of like how two out of three subaru owners buy a hundred thousand miles, need a turbo or a head.
Gasket or an engine so keeps is a subscription service that makes treating male pattern baldness easy and affordable by keeping everything online. So you're gon na consult with a real doctor from the comfort of your own home, come up with a plan, and then this is shipped discreetly to your door and it's as easy as a few drops on your head. Now it typically takes between four and six months to start seeing results. So the sooner you guys get started the better and if you click on my link in the video description box and use coupon code, legit you're gon na save 50 off your first order.

This stuff is affordable, it's easy to use and the results speak for themselves. So a big thanks to keeps for keeping my hair, where i want it on my head and for continuing to support automotive content creators like myself now with that, let's get back to some more turbo subaru all right. Let's get this downpipe out of here! This stuff has been soaking long enough, nice and easy. Oh come on yes, okay, okay, two down, oh, i think we have like three more to go: okay, loose.

Okay, so i got the three on the bottom. They came out really nice and easy, and isn't this nice, you guys from the south where they don't use salt you're, like whatever alex this, is no big deal. We don't even know what you're talking about but comment down below if you're from the rust belt - and you know exactly what i'm talking about just removing a nut and a bolt is a massive massive success really when working on any car from around here. So anyway, this all came off really nice, and this is kind of stuck, might need a pry bar, no big deal all right.

Here's the pry bar all right. It's coming all right! Well, slight! Dilemma! I can't get the down pipe to pull away from the turbo, because it's connected to the rest of the exhaust, i thought we'd have a little bit of leeways to pull this back, but i'm gon na have to either break it from here and yeah. That used to be a nut awesome or i could break it loose from here, which is mangled anyway. So i think i'm gon na do it from here.

For now, even though i may have to make a bunch of exhaust repairs over there later, but i want to replace the turbo and then try and drive this thing to see if it's fixed anything. So what is this is that normal that doesn't look normal. This doesn't look normal at all. You see that weird ugh i just broke this excellent excellent.

Did i ever tell you how awesome it is to work on cars from the rust belt, because it's pretty not awesome at all. Look at this, so i just loosened up this bolt right here, because this bracket attaches to the cat. I'm like. Oh that's what holds it in.
No, no! No i mean it did. It did don't get me wrong. It used to attach right there, but this is what it's turned into now. Okay, can we just talk about this right here? I'm honestly, not even mad, i'm impressed with the creativity, let's see if it shatters wow stuff's pretty good.

It's still look at that. Look at that, it's not even cracking off. You can still mold this. We can reuse it.

It's still malleable. This is crazy. What in the world? This is the good stuff fellas. This is the good stuff right here.

Is there just a huge gap from here to here? Is that what they did, they just filled a massive gap. What is going on all right, i'm done messing around, let's just break this off and be done with it yeah great. Of course it's got to be on this side. Of course it couldn't be this pipe right here.

I got to replace that anyway. Ah, this says the cat, probably why they goop this up to begin with the cat is really expensive. All right, this isn't budging. Let's get violent there, we go yeah, okay, oh wait! A minute is this: okay is the cat's side? Okay might be, oh, we might be able to work with that.

All right get out of here: okay, cool and yeah to the naked untrained eye. This might look like this end is pretty much destroyed. Some of it came off here and the rest of it is mangled there, but uh. At least we have something to weld to.

I think my guys at fluid motor union might be able to figure something out with that. This is pretty much destroyed, though this piece used to go on here and then this pipe's already been hacked together, a bunch of times look even right here as well. So we might just end up replacing the entire cat-back. Actually i don't know why i did quotes that's literally a cat-back with this disconnected i unplugged the o2 sensor and just one bolt for a bracket and now we are totally loose there.

We go and there we go downpipe is out sweet that wasn't too bad. Wait till you see the turbine wheel on this turbo. It's moments like this that make me really love my job. All right check it out.

This is great, i'm totally taking this apart. We have another souvenir, i love carnage, who doesn't like good turbo carnage. Let's get this turbo out of here. I want to dissect it all right.

I got to get smart here and move some stuff out of the way got to take that hose off. Anyway. Let's get this little reservoir out. Ah, there's hoses everywhere: stop it subaru, stop it! Okay, yeah we're! Definitely taking this upper plastic plenum off.

I think it's gon na reduce our chances of destroying this intake tube. But, more importantly, we have an oil leak under here. So i need to investigate this further, and this intake is definitely in the way. So we begin to go down the inevitable rabbit hole of while you're in there subaru repairs.
And what is this stuff here? Okay kind of looks like we literally had a rabbit living under this intake, so yeah. We need to take it off all right, so i've sucked out all the coolant from this reservoir. So i just disconnected one of the hoses on the bottom here. We'll get this out of the way.

Okay, there we go. That is gone! Okay! Oh! I don't like the feel of this. Do not like to feel these all right. Let's soak them don't want to snap any intake bolts, and this is a plastic intake.

So i can't really heat anything up. I got to rely on penetrating oil all right. Let's get this guy! Oh, oh! What in the world? Oh, no! No! What in the world is going on here? Oh jeez! This is not good. This is a little bit more than a rabbit hole.

I know what you're thinking it looks like a chocolate milkshake did i just break this or that just break free that loose? Oh, no, i think we're good penetrating oil is working well today, um. I know you're thinking that is a milkshake right there, maybe some cooling and oil, but i think it's just condensation mixing with the oil and puddling, because this probably doesn't have the best pcv system in the world. At least that's what i'm hoping. But we did all the engine checks in the last video and they passed with flying colors.

So i don't suspect any issues, there's nothing in the coolant, there's nothing in the oil, and that was just a puddle at the bottom of the bellow there. So it could have been accumulating for a very long time, but anyway, good news at the moment is that these intake volts are coming out really nicely, so be patient guys if something doesn't feel right, penetrating oil goes a long way. I soaked these for about five minutes. That's it and now they're coming out like butter, much better than breaking one off all right.

Let's disconnect this fuel line, it requires a special tool that slides in here to release a clip. So we push this in and then pull this line out like that, and we got a couple more to do this. One just has a clamp on it, though, and you're gon na lose a bunch of fuel here so just stuff, a rag underneath and let it soak all right. So i'm gon na be removing the alternator right now because i think something is holding this intake in maybe a bracket or something down here.

I have all the bolts out of it. I disconnected many many vacuum lines and look where we're at feels like something's holding it right down there, so we actually have to do the power steering pump anyway. So i'll get the alternator out of the way. Remove the belt no big deal all right.

There's a connector so obviously you're gon na have the battery disconnected when doing this job, not just the alternator job. But this whole thing just disconnect the battery just to be on the safe side, and i like to put back nuts in bolts. So you don't lose them anytime. You can do this, it's a good idea, alright, so we're just loosening up the tension on the belt.
This is old school no spring tensioner here, so it's a little unique. Okay. There we go belt is off okay. That is actually one of the easiest alternators in the world.

You can do this in about five minutes, so i can tell already this is going to make life so much easier, and i think it's going to make this job possible see this guy right there. That guy. I think we need to remove that bolt and it looks like it's holding some lines there. That's preventing us from removing the intake, you can kind of tell it's just getting caught right in that area and i'm not gon na lie.

If we were to snap this, i probably wouldn't worry too much about it. Oh it's coming nice. There are so many vacuum tubes connected to this intake or attached to the intake. Somehow - and this is definitely one of those situations you have to be so gentle all this stuff - it's pretty old and it can definitely break.

I like to use tools like this instead of a screwdriver, it's just a little bit more gentle like that, and let's just get this guy completely out of here. It's definitely a lot to forget to reinstall a lot to break on a car like this everything's just kind of brittle and look at this i found another bolt that needs to be removed right there. It's holding these lines, these fuel lines right here. You know we got to do next.

Okay, we're having some pretty good luck. I'm not gon na lie we're not breaking anything which is great knock on knock on plastic plenum. Sure we're gon na break something oh yeah, we're getting there there's definitely still more stuff attached, though you guys are not going to believe this there's another 10 mil holding a line on, or maybe, if you're a subaru guy. You are gon na, believe it.

But let me tell you even at the dealership there is no way they're reinstalling all of this stuff. This is horrible, just the worst possible place to attach a fuel line. I mean just what in the world, okay, so technically, i didn't even need to remove this. Other one: it's just that one now now we're getting somewhere.

You hear that i'm leaking cooling all over the place, but i think that was the last of it all right come on now there we go. That is it! That is it! Oh, this is bad! Oh man, something was living in here all right. Here we go. We definitely had an animal in here.

I'm hoping this animal didn't like the taste of wiring harnesses uh. He might have liked the taste of coolant, though, because i think we might have had a coolant leak in here and we got ta diagnose that, but first, let's vacuum all this nasty stuff up: ew. Okay, that works better. Honestly, i think this was soaking up any oil or coolant leak that we might have had good job.

Look at how deep this goes. Oh man, this is nasty. This is going to take a while to clean up ew and after some break clean, compressed air and a rag we went from this to this, so no more oil and no more home for a mouse or a rabbit. So this hose right here is very suspect to me.
I could see some oil gathering on the base of it, but this used to be rubber and it is rock hard right now, so we are definitely going to replace this guy. Let's just take it off right now and no reason to play around since we're replacing it we'll just cut this guy, make it a lot easier. There we go. Oh that's carrying some of that milk shaky looking stuff great.

This is what we had in the intake. Okay, yeah just broke off. This thing is so brittle this used to be a flexible rubber hose and it's solid as a rock, and we have some of this goo in there. So definitely a good thing to replace right now.

With that air intake tube off, we can get a really good look at what i believe to be two oil leaks gathering in this area here. So this is the major leak you can see it all puddling up in there. So i think one of the leaks is this hose right here, it's very brittle, just like the other one, and you can see there's oil at the base of it, but i actually think the primary leak here is the power steering pump. This car was definitely low on power, steering fluid and you can see the whole back side of the pump is leaking, and then it's traveling down and gathering in this area.

I do believe that a lot of this is power steering fluid. So i already knew that i had to replace the power steering pump and now i'll just have to order a couple more hoses and i'll look around here and see what else looks brittle and looks like it's going to fail eventually, anyway and i'll order. Those as well, but for now this is a great time to remove the turbocharger, so we can take it apart. Take a good look at the carnage and it'll make it a lot easier for me to clean all this up.

First things: first, oil feed line needs to come off and there's probably a crush washer or two for a banjo bolt yep. Let me just have a bracket here. No you don't! No! You don't got it now to loosen this guy up pain in the butt, but we got it and there is the turbo feed line and here's the other crush washer. So it just goes like this.

We'll have to replace both of these washers turbo flange bolts are being difficult. I mean look at this face, i'm making. That means i'm putting all my strength into it. Yeah all right, maybe a little heat.

We can heat this map gas torch time. All right get. My face ready to go scare. This thing loose yeah, you got nothing on me, dude get out of here, i'm not breaking any nuts or bolts on this entire car.

Okay, but i will drop my tools. I will draw my tools. Yes, all right, so i just got to undo a couple of coolant lines and this baby is coming out. Okay, here we go that is it turbo's coming out now? Yes, yes, goodbye, i got ta say it is pretty nasty in here and i'm really glad we're taking this turbo out right now, because we can do some serious cleaning and who knows what else i find to replace sounds pretty good that might have been might have Been part of the rattle we had and here's our factory turbo charger and if you just look at the compressor wheel like this, it doesn't look too bad, but we definitely have a lot of shaft play.
This thing, surprisingly spins pretty easy though, but as always the party is in the back here is the turbine wheel, so bad. So i will have to remove this v-band after all, so we can get this chunk out of there and i'll have to disconnect this linkage too. Just have a little c-clip. There we go that is gone.

We got a new turbo, so we don't need it right, and this thing was sealing really well by the way there was no wastegate rattle, no leakage from here. Unlike my 335i bmw, this one was in good shape. So let's just go ahead and take this off. We'll have to give it a violent tapper.

Now there we go. Oh i'm keeping this. I got ta send this back as a core, but they don't need this. They won't miss it.

As expected. The shaft that connects the two wheels has sheared off and what likely happened was this turbo, just probably due to old age, developed some shaft play, and this wheel started to touch the inside of the exhaust housing and it caught while it was spinning and it snapped This clean off, but something that makes me feel good about this failure is, although we have a ton of shaft play, you can see a lot of engine oil in here, and this is still spinning freely and in the case that the turbo is starved of oil. This will continue to spin and it'll grind into the bearing and destroy the bearing sending metal into the oiling system. This is the oil outlet that will lead to the oil pan so once that metal gets in there in some cases it can destroy the bearings on the engine and then you're done.

You have to rebuild your entire engine, so this makes me feel really good. We can see in here there are no metal shavings, no nothing going on, and this still spins really nicely. So in the world of turbo failures. This is probably one of the best kind.

Before i replace this turbo, i just want to take a look at the up pipe here, and this has to go anyway. My shield is completely destroyed there. We go oh yeah get out of here. This is a brand new car.

At one point guys, this was brand new. Okay, got ta be a way to stink this guy out of here there we go okay, goodbye, if you guys remember in the reveal video when we did the smoke test, we had smoke in this area, so i just wanted to make sure there was nothing wrong With this pipe, i've looked all the way around it and it seems fine, but i had to take that shield off anyway, so once we get it running now, we'll have a good look at this to make sure it's in good shape. I'll, probably just have to take all of this heat shielding off it's pretty rough, although this is still on there. I don't know.
Maybe i'll leave this so this subaru has a catalytic converter in the middle of the car, one in the downpipe and one in the up pipe feeding the turbo and look what i found a chunk of something in there that little pipe in the middle looks to Be an exhaust gas temperature sensor. Okay i'll grab this without damaging anything. What do we have? Oh nothing! This is just a piece of corrugated plastic from one of the harnesses. It must have fallen off when i was taking.

Everything apart, i was going to say it'd be a little odd for something to be right there before we even think about installing that nice shiny turbo. I have to get this banjo bolt out. Okay, that's painless, and this will verify my suspicion that the turbo was not starved of oil and there it is there's the little screen that can cause. So many issues on subarus, audi's, bmws, a bunch of different manufacturers, will use a screen before the turbo and, if you're off just a little bit on maintenance, these things can clog up and starve the turbo of oil causing some big issues.

So most people remove these. After they've destroyed a turbo, and in my case this was not the cause of the turbo failure, but i'm definitely going to remove it before we put the new one on look at how easily this rips it's just horrible. It's just a bad idea. The oil feed line is not that big, so if this comes apart, you're in big trouble, this is why we have oil filters.

We don't need this screen get out. These normally come right out this guy's a little stuck we're gon na get it there. We go there, it is so i know i kind of mangled this thing and the led lights in the camera can exaggerate things like my fingers, they're kind of gross right now, um, but yeah. This screen was really clean and it makes sense because he definitely kept up on his oil changes with the turbo off.

I have a lot of cleaning to do and i have to order up these new pcb breather hoses. So this port right here and this one right here that we're leaking oil are for the pcv system on this car. So i'll order. Those up i need some little banjo bolt washers as well, and then we'll be ready to plop our turbo back in and replace the power steering pump and the harmonic balancer and, like 50 other things, and with that i hope you will all join me for another Installment of project subaru revival - i don't know it sounds pretty good comment down below.

I obviously need some help, naming this whole mess of a thing right here, but i hope you enjoyed this video. I hope you learned something i definitely did. This is my first go-round with one of these things and yeah yeah. You guys have now been warned, and i have a feeling more warnings are coming in future videos, but uh anyway share the video.
Give it a big thumbs up that actually really helps the youtube algorithm promote my video to others. So i appreciate it. Uh subscribe, if you haven't already and most importantly, be very, very careful, buying an older subaru and have an awesome day i'll catch. All of you in the next video you.

By Alex

17 thoughts on “What i found inside the engine turbo of my subaru! carnage, animals an inevitable money pit!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan MacEwen says:

    Bflo, NY. Oh yeaH. In my teens it was stacking wrenches. Nice solid Craftsman wrenches, and a baby sledge. Thank the lord for MAP gas! Now I have all the toys. but, yeah.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TandemDawgBMG says:

    The person that ultimately takes ownership of this vehicle will watch this video series and be like "oh my god, wtf am I doing driving this car?"

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! IntervalePC says:

    Maybe call it "Project Subruised" or "Project Subaruised"

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam a says:

    I work in a shop in Palatine, not to far from you and a torch is a must have

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith Brumagin says:

    Oh god laughed a little harder than I should of on “thats what she said” another awesome one here Alex really enjoy watch your YouTube make it look easier than what it actually is…I would name your projects by make or my favorite would be models of what you’re working on (my opinion) looks like another awesome project thanks and have a great day my friend peace ☮️

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ari Bustillos says:

    Seeing you tear off rusted pieces of metal without gloves drives me to the urgent care for a tetanus shot.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lloyd Murray says:

    if you weld, they make replacement flanges you can weld onto the bad side of the cat. They run about $25-30.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan M. says:

    Is your tetanus shot up to date? 😳
    Naming the series… Surely you can come up with some sort of Australian reference, mate, since it's an Outback. "Walk-about"? Nah, that might become "walk-a-lot"" which isn't a good thing for a car.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Petriw says:

    rust – from Canada Toronto area – yes horrible, especially the rear end too, the brine they use before the snow is like acid

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JORGE VEGA says:

    How about su-bad-roo… I'm so cool 😎…my mother was right,and that's why I still live with her.👍😞

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timothy Lowe says:

    USA must have a lot of Tins of penetrating oil. All car youtubers useless of it.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Mitch says:

    Hi, but would it have been easier to drop the engine etc and work on it that way, oil leaks, turbo, clutc etc.
    Then repair and replace what ever underneath on the ramp.
    Exmachanic, only asking.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Antony Gantt says:

    Your car giveaway’s are a great thing and props to you and all the companies that get involved. Hope you are able to keep doing these and even better when they’re a different type of car than what you are use to. Great job!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathan Young says:

    The catalysts in the uppipe often fail and cause turbo failure. The stock uppipe from an 07 Legacy GT fits like OEM and requires no tuning. Good luck! I have an 05 Legacy GT 5-speed wagon, so very similar car.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyle Donigian says:

    07 Legacy GT 5MT , just hit 190k, still running strong, have had none of these "common problems" wish me luck

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timothy G27 says:

    I would suggest "Outback Outtakes" as a name for this series. Great content, but it makes me scared to every own a Subaru with all of the vacuum lines and hoses going everywhere.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars W J says:

    Well, good content, commentary, and video. I owned many subaru's and people never take care them due to how the promote the car and it's reliability. You did well removing the components and no Subie is hard to work on and the engines are readily available and easy to rebuild. So, good work and stock turbos on subaru's didin't last the life of vehicle to those cylinders below them causing overheating.

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