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In this video, I DIY Sandblast the frame on my SVT Lighting. This was definitely a "while I'm in there" deal as I'm waiting for my engine to come back from the machine shop but it turned out great and you guys can do this too! Enjoy and let me know what kind of pickup you drive.
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Okay, we're gon na be rolling the frame down a steep hill. This is the easiest thing ever wear more safety stuff than i'm wearing right now, take a look at the before and take a look at the after all right, so we just got to drift. This thing around the corner: okay, all right we're going into the turn going into the turn and drift drift, peter drift faster step; two remove rear, bumper, okay peter - i don't know - what's gon na happen, but um, let's lift and deal with the consequences later ready. Oh okay, hang on okay.

What are we attached to right here, peter? He forgot a bolt for a ground wire. I never forget bolts, oh wait a minute stuck on the gasket or someone forgot to pull peter all right. We got wheels getting in the way. So, let's remove wheels; okay, that's that's as low as it goes, coincidentally, but then that works out.

Coincidentally, i'm feeling strong, no okay hold on hold on hold on i'm either super weak, peter or there's something going on in this corner. Yep just super weak. Oh there. We go oh wow.

This really isn't as heavy as i thought. I thought this was gon na, be our save here. Okay, take ten! What is that? Oh, my gosh? This is really dumb. Okay, it's uh! It's a squatted truck, it's a squatted truck, so welcome to legit street cars uh in this video.

We are taking the term while you're in there to a whole new level. In today's video we're going to be working on my beautiful true blue metallic 2002 svt lightning, or at least what's left of it all right so right now we have to lift the frame of the f-150, so we can get the wheels back on our jack is Kind of stuck under there uh peter do you think you could lift the frame of an f-150? Absolutely, let's see get out of here. Get out of here. Peter is literally lifting a frame with one arm.

What what what he's so strong? Oh, my god wait! It's there's no arms. Now it's actually max and the power of his salmon colored sure. Here we go all right, so we're going to be blasting the entire frame on my f-150, which means that we have to strip a lot of it and we're gon na get most of this frame. Not all of it and a lot of the other components that are attached to the frame down to bare metal.

I wasn't really planning on this. I just wanted to do head gaskets, but uh, while we're in there and we're waiting on some engine parts that are on back order. We might as well. We might as well just frame off restore my svt lighting.

Look at how bad, though, look at that. I ripped it so yeah lots of while we're in there's there. We go piece of cake all right, nice and easy. All right definitely got some fuel.

I don't think it's full, though so even trucks from non-rust belt states are going to look a little bit like this. Once you get the cab off in areas where water and dirt have just been sitting for years all right, so we just put the wheels back on so we can lower this guy now excellent. This is mean this just looks cool. I just want to do burnouts in this.
What lies beneath look at all of this factory - catalytic converter - goodness, oh, this is worth like 500.. There we go. That's one way to do it, there's a lot of room to be made here in the weight of the exhaust system. Did you guys see the shiny new headers? I got check it out.

We have long tube headers for the svt lightning. These things look like they might flow a little bit better than the factory exhaust manifolds i'll move this guy out of the way get this harness out of the way, all right we're going to get these fuel lines out of the way as well. Now we're going to remove this entire abs assembly that exposes the frame right there we'll definitely take care of this bracket as well. Okay, so we're going to be removing this entire chunk of harness all of these lines, everything that's attached to the frame.

Essentially there you go look at this. That's beautiful, we're gon na be able to get all of this. That's funny so my mom saw the truck after we had just lifted the cab and removed the engine and she's like who's gon na put that all together and i'm like me, mom. She always forgets that, like i'm, a mechanic, i'm like me, this is what i do she's like really, how are you gon na? Do all that and she hasn't seen nothing yet well here you go mom another piece to the puzzle.

There we go. This is really heavy. Everything about this truck is super heavy. All right probably, should have taken that off a long time ago, we're gon na be rolling the frame down a steep hill and we're gon na hope that it doesn't just roll out in the middle of the street.

This is the easiest thing ever all right. That was mostly uneventful, i'm not gon na lie. I kind of didn't really think that was gon na go as well as it did um, but here we are a bear frame ready for some blasting there's some beautiful welds there ford great job. We haven't even started with the sand yet and look at this.

This is gon na look sweet just like my lawn does, because i use sundae. These nutrient packs from sunday are the best things since blasting sand, with a pressure washer just hook up your garden, hose open the valve and you're off to the races, and these use effective ingredients that you can pronounce like soy, protein, molasses and seaweed. To name a few so in this pack they ship me out lawn vitality and lawn strong and check out these easy to follow instructions today lawn vitality, and it gives you a date range to do the long, strong, just follow that and you're done getting started with Sunday is super easy, just type in your address and sunday uses satellite and geographical data to create a custom lawn care program in seconds. They also send you a free soil sample test kit to fine-tune your nutrients even further and everything ships to your house automatically and for free guys.

It's really simple. I don't know anything about taking care of grass and my lawn used to look like this. I started using sunday just last year and now my lawn looks like this and like this and like this, i also have neighbors that leave their lawn like this, but because i use sunday's dandelion doom, i don't have any dandelions. If you guys are anything like me, then your hobby is cars, not lawn care.
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We just have this connected to a gasoline pressure, washer that i picked up last night and we're gon na blast, the entire frame with water first and then we're gon na be introducing some sand. So let me show you guys the setup real, quick, all right guys. So here is the setup. I picked up this simpson pressure washer yesterday from my friends over at russo power and equipment, and it is a 3000 psi pressure washer that can flow 2.4 gallons per minute, so we're done blasting the entire frame just to get all of the big dirt and debris Off so we're gon na take that off and we're gon na be installing a wet blasting nozzle like so so.

This is gon na pop on just like a normal pressure, washer nozzle, but as you can see, we have this hose connected here and it's leading all the way into our bucket of sand, and this is just white play sand that you would buy for your kid's Sandbox, it's pretty fine, there's no big chunks of rock or anything in here. So as we pressure wash, this is going to suck up the sand and it's going to go through the hose and it's going to automatically feed it here and it's going to spray out with the water because because of the bernoulli principle, so it's basically the same Aerodynamic principle that causes airfoils to work and you have a lot of flow perpendicular to a little opening that creates a vacuum here and then it basically sucks all this. So when you have a lot of flow coming out here, which is why we needed the pressure washer, 2.4 gallons a minute is a good flow and then we'll create a good, suction and it'll suck up a lot of media and then we'll blast out all right. So now that you guys have the proper explanation of the bermuda triangle principle: we're ready to get blasting, so you can see this area here that i've blasted with just the pressure washer and we're not able to get any of this up.

I went right up to it and the reason why this came up so easily is because there had been a few oil leaks, a little bit of brake, fluid and stuff on here over the years and it just kind of softened it up. So right now we're going to be spraying the water and it's going to suck up the sand as well and we'll see what the difference is. Wow, look at that it's beautiful it's almost like polished, now, it's better than factory because we've cleaned it so well. This is very cool, so this is all pretty diy: we're going to go through about 75 dollars worth of sand that i picked up at home depot.
This is about 30 right here and if you already have a decent pressure, washer you're most of the way there anyway so for right around a hundred dollars, we're gon na be able to blast the entire frame ourselves, and, and so can you it's a diy project. All right so after about 10 minutes, this is what we've done with this front. Subframe area. If you will so this is definitely a weekend long project i mean it's going to take some time.

I would say we're going to have probably roughly i don't know - 20 hours into blasting the entire frame just based off of this section, and it will get progressively harder as we need to go underneath the frame, but the sand is doing work. This is looking beautiful foreign uh, so guys i'm not doing a time lapse right now, because i just want to show you in real time the amount of effort that this takes. So what you just saw there over the course of about one minute was roughly this section here all the way to that section. So it's not too much work.

I mean the sand works well and it's definitely instant gratification. This is so much fun. Oh yeah and you don't get dirty at all and wear more safety stuff than i'm wearing right. Now, yeah yeah, i'm a little sandy.

It's the beach right! It's the beach! It's a chicago beach, all right! So we ran out of sand. So we're refilling our buckets and we're using a screen to kind of filter it even more that way. We don't get any little pieces of rock in there see that. So, even though this is really clean, sand you're still going to get some of this, and since i don't have a pickup truck, i am really really taking advantage of the fact that i have a hatchback car.

So i filled up my kids little kiddie pool with uh. I think five bags of sand from home depot and it's just been in the back of my truck, i mean my tesla for the last few days. I've had to kind of shuffle it around and let it sit in the sun because it's got to be very dry. It won't feed through the tube if it's wet, so there you have it, you got to do whatever you got to do to make things work.

All right, i got some more safety equipment. These goggles that wrap around your face are excellent. Um a face shield would be a good idea as well other than that just have fun with it. It's like 100 degrees out today and uh.

This is the perfect perfect day to do this and i feel kind of like a ghostbuster right now. No now i'm not saying your neighbors are going to like this, but it doesn't create any dust at all because of the water. Obviously, there's gon na be a mess on the ground, but it's it's just natural sand. So all right guys, so i've been blasting for about two hours and then i stopped for about 30 minutes.
So everything is dry and you can see that we're getting a little bit of surface rust, so this is totally normal because it's bare metal that actually starts to form within minutes of you blasting it away after it dries. So no need to worry about any of that we will be coating. This entire frame and one of the steps in preparation is a rust converter. So that's going to take care of any of this stuff, so don't worry about blasting it and then trying to coat it immediately after that's impossible to do you're going to blast the whole frame.

It's going to kind of flash like this and that's okay, but overall the sand is doing a great job at getting into all of these nooks and crannies, and if you guys want to compare this diy project to the professional alternative, that would be literally shipping. This entire frame to a company for it to be blasted and you'd, be in like two three thousand dollars to get that done, depending on where you are and where the shop is so we're. Maybe gon na have like 150 into this entire project. But yes, i'm sure sending out your entire frame to a company like that will have a better result um, but for the cost difference.

This is going to be more than adequate, especially once you guys see this thing coated. It's gon na. Look so good. At this point, i'm gon na blast the rear frame and we'll hit the differential as well.

So i can show you how the sand does in an area that has a little bit more rust scale than up front. So so so so all right and there you go - this is definitely the worst part of the frame. Just these little pocketed areas where the dirt and water is just kind of sitting there for years and we're able to get it right back down to bare metal. You can even see the factory seam in here, and this is all obviously super strong and sturdy and here's a little sneak peek at the differential.

So it definitely cleans that up as well. So i just wanted to show you how an abrasive disc would work on a drill. A die grinder might be a better tool for this, but just to give you an idea here: it'll do it it'll get down to that bare metal for sure, and there might be more aggressive pads, possibly but the sand just. Does this much quicker? This would take a while, and it's not going to be able to get into any of the nooks and crannies either.

I'm also going to try out this more aggressive pad as well, we'll see what this can do, not bad. This actually might not be a bad idea for the very bottom of the frame, especially the flat surfaces. So we can use the sand to kind of get in the seat channel of the frame and clean that all out where this would not be feasible. But the bottom, unless we lift up this entire frame, it's going to be a little bit difficult with the sand.
So i might end up just using one of these, we'll probably experiment with some other discs, as well, just for the bottom flat surface, all right guys. We have run out of gas in the pressure washer um, but i just wanted to show you guys something because, if you're using one of these 30 adapters for the sand, it does get clogged up. So i have peter, of course and uh. He is basically just keeping this thing at right at the perfect level you can sometimes let it go and it'll just suck the sand in naturally, and once you get in one of those grooves, don't stop um, but it is kind of annoying and honestly, i think This would take like at least double the time if i didn't have another guy.

That sounds stupid, but you know what i mean double the time. If i didn't have a guy just doing this because it does get clogged all the time so anyway, just something to keep in mind uh, there are some pitfalls to doing this diy style, all right guys well after about 16 hours of peter, and i blasting away At the lightning frame we went from this nasty nasty little thing all the way to this, and overall i got ta say for a diy project, i'm really happy with the results. It's a ton of work, though, and obviously you need to have the right place to do this. You're, probably not going to do this on a neighborhood street.

Definitely don't do it inside of your garage, but if you guys have somewhere to do sandblasting and you're on a tight budget on your restoration project. This is a very feasible option and just look at some of these. Before and after shots, we had a decent amount of flaky scaly rust, especially in the back again, nothing structural, but it just doesn't look good and our coating is not going to adhere properly to it. So that's the reason we're doing all this is because we're going to coat the entire frame, it's going to look like it's all painted black, which essentially it will be, but it's going to be a special coating that is going to protect our frame.

Basically, for the rest of time, so we blasted the differential that'll get coated as well. We hit some of the suspension components. Also, the heads of the bolts have been blasted, so overall, this is going to look kind of like the frame did back in 2002 when it rolled off the showroom floor, and we still have a lot more work to do. We have to replace all of the body mounting hardware, and then we do have to do a little bit of touch-up work on the bottom of the frame, which i think might be easier once we get this thing on the lift and we can use a grinder Just on the flat surfaces, but the pressure washer has done an excellent job.

Inside of the c channel of the frame, all of the nooks and crannies, all of the cavities are now cleaned and yeah a picture or a video is worth a thousand words and just take a look at the before and take a look at the after. I could not be happier with how this turned out all right, guys that will do it. For today's video i am totally burnt out and uh yeah going home like this, has not been fun. I need to get a shower here at the shop um, but i hope you guys will join me for the next sbt lightning video, where, while we continue to wait for the engine to come back from the machine shop and our pistons and rods, which are on A slight back order.
We continue on with the frame and just doing everything else so that once our engine is done and we build it, we can literally just plop it in get the cab and the bed back on and i'll have my pickup truck again right in time for probably Chicago winner, but anyway, if you enjoyed the video, give it a big thumbs up share the video with your friends subscribe if you haven't already and most importantly, have an excellent day i'll catch all of you in the next video you.

By Alex

14 thoughts on “I was quoted $3,000 to sandblast my svt lightning frame so i did it myself for $100 so can you!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Uche Joseph says:

    I'm no longer waiting for the stimulus check because I earn $22,340 every 14-16 day's recently 👌

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arthur Glazier says:

    I would love to be the next owner of this truck, but I know it won't be cheap. You should be able to list it as new at this point.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bubble Snails says:

    Mommy only thought about when you were a little boy and ran everything apart and never put anything back together again 😂 and mommy stayed with the mess behind.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Holbrook says:

    $75 of sand isn't sand like 4 or 5 bucks for like a 60 or 80lb bag that sounds like a lot

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jmz388 says:

    Your hearing protection man?????

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lieberfreialsgleich says:

    I prefer dry ice cleaning. You can clean everything, a chassis, leather seats , electronic parts, everything. No water, no sand.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Shevlin says:

    Dry ice blasting would have been cool to see on this.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars benchph says:

    On your next sand-blasting job you should wear at least an N95 Mask.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Sharpe says:

    this is really time consuming … fact

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Todd R says:

    Taking the term “while your in there” to a new level is right! For what it’s worth I’m thoroughly enjoying it! I had no idea a nozzle like that existed, I may have to try this….

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jean Cavazos says:

    @legitstreetcars you need to workout 🏋️‍♀️ a little more. You were struggling bro. 😂 just joking man. We love your content and now my wife wants me to boost her suv too. 😂

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Williams says:

    Find videos like this sooooo satisfying to watch! Affordable and relatable! Keep it going!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guillermo R. says:

    I hope you recoat it , or it will rust in 3….2….1…… RUST GO GO GO!.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Merv says:

    At the end of the day, it's your car and your time, so if you're happy, that's all that matters.. But with all due respect, this did not turn out well. It looks like you spent about $500 and several frustrating days work, for a $100 result and frame rails full of sand that you'll never completely get back out.

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