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Here's the first Cobra video!
In this video, we look inside the engine of the abandoned SVT Cobra Mustang, inject a fluid to try and break the engine free, look inside to see a lot of weird stuff and then just send it and crank the engine over. It's a crazy ride but I'm glad you're here with us. Enjoy and let me know in the comments what you would do with this car and engine.
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So if you guys saw the last Cobra video then you know that the engine is kind of locked up. But we are going to try and free it up and get it running in this video because we have all of the parts. We can do it. We got parts for days.

we have a power so if you guys saw the last video, you know this fuel tank has a little hole that can totally be repaired. but Mustang parts are cheap. This is only 140 for a new tank so we're gonna install that. We have a working fuel pump as well.

We got new spark plugs, we got oil. we have a mystery fluid that we're gonna inject in the engine that's going to miraculously fix the Rusted piston rings. Yes, Definitely definitely gonna do that. So anyway, without further.

Ado Let's get to work all right guys. It's been about five days since we put in our concoction of transmission fluid and penetrating oil into the cylinders and I was kind of thinking that maybe that would have broken the Rings free, but it won't I'm using a little guy because I don't actually want it to spin unless it's going to spin naturally and kind of easily. We could force it with a breaker bar, but we don't want to break the Rings and this ain't happening with all the play plugs out. I should be able to spin this because I work out like constantly like four hours a day.

For the last 20 years, I've been working out so these guns could definitely spin the motor and it's just it's not happening right now. All right. So with that, let us suck out some fluid. All right, here we go.

This is the trans fluid and penetrating oil getting sucked out right in front of our eyes. It's almost gone. And what in the world is this stuff in the cylinder? What is that? A chunk of something? Oh man. After sucking out our transmission fluid and penetrating oil from all the cylinders, this is what we're left with and we got to dump it out.

I'm excited and a little scared of what we're going to find in here. Okay, no valves or chunks of piston yet. not that they would get sucked up in that little tube. it's getting chunky chunky.

Yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah baby. What is in this engine? Yeah.

I mean that's just kind of like carbon and stuff. You see any metal? Yeah, Is it cold. Have we struck gold? It does look like gold. Is this what it feels like to be one of those California gold colored prospector? Really? I Think so.

Yeah. Gold prospector. That's like a term you make. Yeah Peter makes stuff up.

He's way more educated than me and he makes stuff up. and then I don't know and he's like you idiot that wasn't for real. he's way more educated than I Alex whatever. Then it's me.

I Talk American All right, so we're gonna figure out what is in that cylinder a little later. I Want to get this stuff in there so it can get in and work its magic. We found this stuff called Evapo Rust and basically this is supposed to break up rusted parts now. I'm gonna warn you guys right now that no, this isn't gonna fix a rusted engine where the Rings are Frozen to the cylinder for 20 years I Mean no matter what if we get this to Break Free the engine is still damaged and probably won't last long.
So warning right there. But this is an experiment. We're having fun and it says it works for your Carlo or anyway, Evaporos works on basically everything including dual overhead cam Cobra Motors and all we got to do is pour it right in and this stuff has the consistency of water. We are going to fill these bad boys all the way up.

Let's take a look at this cylinder. Oh there it is. There's our evapor rust and it is flowing, evaporating, evaporating, it's destroying it's evapor, resting and removing a rust. Let's let's dunk the camera in here.

I Wonder camera versus evapor rust. Last time we used the boriscope. maybe? ah, we're in water. Look at that.

This is so cool. It's a magical world of evapor rust. This this camera is sweet. Look at this guys.

We are literally under under evapor rust going towards the Piston the alien planet. Very nice and let's come on out. Okay, we can't see anything now. Oh man, if we do get this engine running, we are definitely going to try and do a burnout with these tires.

except they're so bad they might they might pop I Don't know. But while that stuff is sitting in the cylinders because we want it to sit overnight, uh, let's let's put this fuel tank in. All right. We're gonna start with the last part we need to take off of this old tank.

Get out of here. There we go look at this little vent. It's in good shape too. Getting it out was kind of easy.

Getting it in looks impossible. Yeah, All right. little silicone spray on The Grommet Bam! Go to your home young fella. There you go.

All right. New square cut o-ring brand new fuel sending unit I Just can't believe how inexpensive the parts still are for this car. I mean probably not the engine, but this kind of stuff. It's cheap.

deep see if I can muscle this on? No. I can't use your Italian torque. My fingers hurt. click torqued all right.

So this fuel sending unit was like 12 or something. So everything in the fuel system so far has been really really cheap. except now we have to fill this thing with really expensive Chicago premium fuel which is not cheap unless you have the Upside app like me and upside is one of my favorite apps because it saves me money on things. I'm going to buy anyway and it works everywhere.

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So a big thanks to Upside for saving me a bunch of money and for sponsoring this video. Now let's get back to some Cobra. Okay, we'll really clean this guy up here on the ceiling surface where the O-ring is going to go? All right. Go back together like that.

So it sits in its little sump and I think these were kind of facing that way. Yeah, there we go. See how it's in its little sump right there. So when the fuel slashes around it, it still gets its fuel.

literally. Using the camera right now to see what I'm doing. All right. Last piece of the fuel tank puzzle as we're replacing this seal right here.

a little silicone spray. All right. There she goes. Let's clean up the tank protector.

All right, Because race car is that where bolts are born. This is where bolts come out of the womb. This is the bolt wound foreign goodness here. Oh, 17 000 mile? Cobra Looking more like a 17 000 mile Cobra.

All right. So we went from nastiness underneath here, where the fuel tank sits. Who? Absolute Beauty Look at this. Now that is a 17 000 mile.

Cobra Although the solid rear axle, spider webs, and rotted out tires, that's that's not indicative of a 17 000 mile. Cobra All right, here's me and Peter like 30 years later. Oh all right guys, in this episode, we're installing a fuel tank on this old 2025 Cobra that we found it's been sitting for like 30 years. That's that's my impression of of us 30 years from now.

If you didn't if you didn't know. So fun fact: this is actually a tank out of a 97 Mustang which I learned is the same as the Fox body tank I Thought it looked kind of familiar. Uh, but they put a 97 fuel tank in this 99 Cobra I'm not exactly sure why. Maybe because it's steel or something I don't know why.

let me know in the comments what was wrong with the 99 Cobra tank righty tighty, lefty Loosey Peter righty tighty just a push. it's like a nail, right? Yeah. I'll get the hammer. Okay Peter actually has never worked on cars before in his life.
Just before every video I tell him exactly what to do I have to read books yeah and watch YouTube videos right? right? So no? Hammer Yes to this. Yes, this is a bolt B U L bolts TZ All right, this is how you cross thread a bolt Peter I'm just kidding I didn't cross thread it, but that is definitely not how you're supposed to do it. But with my years of experience, I knew that it was going in perfectly straight. so don't do that Peter No no Hammer No hammers needed.

Okay, so our Shenanigans uh, definitely hindered the actual job. We forgot to connect literally everything so still got the hammer though. Yep, coming back out, that was actually just me chasing the threads. That's what you do first.

before you do the job you want to put the bolts in, do the entire job, and then do it over again. All right. Take two. That never happened.

This is totally the first time that we're doing this the proper way. This is what happens when you get too excited about turning an engine over. Can you, um, raise me up here? Peter I Raise you up. The tank can be connected I Raise you up So few? Okay, stop raising.

Hold on a second. Raise me down because we forgot about some strap on the bottom side. We're the worst mechanics in the world. Okay, now raise me up again so we can do this for the 15th time.

Simmer down there. Peter He's just so excited. I Know something else we found that's kind of improper is this braided hose shouldn't be held in with a clamp. but it is.

It worked for this long, so we're not going to reinvent the wheel here. We don't even know if the engine spins. You can probably tighten that from home. Have you seen the tools? They're all on the toolbox in a big mess.

I Can't find anything because we've just been going from Project to project without cleaning. We always claim that we're going to clean. We do. Sometimes we clean.

We do a pretty decent job. but right now it's just an insane amount of projects that that we got going on. But uh I don't I don't I can't slow down dude. we got to get this done.

Oh, you clipped that in already. Good job. All right. Ready Hey can you cotton eye Joeless? No, No No.

There you go. Ready to come from. Where did you go? Come on, where did you come from? Oh this filler is just. this is not.

This is not very good. Is that really it? I Think in the modulus, this was some kind of aftermarket thing. We got to get it way more in there, but it doesn't seem possible I wonder if they cut it out, huh? Silicone sprays? Oh never mind. that's easy.

Okay, all right, that's good. Okay, here we go. All right. New fuel tank is done.

and we do have a new fuel filter for this thing as well. All right. So we found a replacement fuel filter for this guy. although this one was very specifically.
It's got an address on there Kingsler Fuel Injection. This is probably a nice filter, but it's all we got. We got to change it all right? So we're gonna spit in the fuel filter under the line because none of this spins gotta spin something. Oh, tighten her up.

and then I reckon look at this spins. I Don't know people. I didn't I didn't build the car. Okay, give me a break.

In the last video, we powered up the fuel pump. It kind of spat out the last of the old fuel that was in it and it sounds really healthy so we should be good. All right. let's get some fuel in this guy.

That's how you open it all right. So we got our five gallons of 93 octane going in our new fuel tank. What did the EPA say about your old school thing? Did they love me? It's grandfathered in and they love me. EPA has three initials and so does Lse.

So so does SVT So does SVT. So we're basically all the same company. All right guys. It is the next day and it was very difficult to even leave the shop and then sleep because I'm I just I Want to know if it's going to turn and fire? but we had to let that magical Rust-Oleum or rust what is it called the Evapora evaporus? We had to let that work anyway.

Uh, let's get a gigantic breaker bar on this crank and actually give it some Brute Force We've done our due diligence here. We have attempted to break free these cylinders and now we're just going to give it some muscle with a breaker bar. And again, we're playing with house money here people. because I Just assume this engine is destroyed Anyway, now that bolt is just tightening.

Wow. Oh man. All right, we ran out of room up top and we have a ton of room here. So come on baby.

Well, it's not turning. The bolts is Oh yeah. Wow Yeah, no that thing is not budging at all. Oh no.

All right guys. this bolt is turning. Uh, we don't want to snap the bolt. Then we're kind of like dead in the water.

huh? we could. just I Mean at this point we could just use the starter. I Mean this engine is locked up. Why didn't we do that in the beginning? Well, we want to give it a chance.

We don't want to break the starter or the or the flex plate. I'm okay if we do either of those things, well, you know we're gonna do it. In order though. Peter we're trying to be gentle.

All right. Ginger we're trying to be gingers. Maybe if I just kind of do one of these. I can shake the Rings loose Shake Shake Shake shake shake shake Shake your rings, shake your rings.

Ow is there an owl at the end of that one? Probably. I think there's an owl there is now I have my slightly longer torque wrench on here. it's at 400 foot-pounds right now I don't know if I can get that to click I'm not going full full strength obviously I would have broken the bolt in half in two seconds. You work out four hours a day.

Okay, all right, let's hit starter and do this at the same time. Don't do anything we do at home people. Okay, I'm just gonna blanket statement: we're gonna try something weird. You've never seen this before.
I've never done it before. We're doing this so you guys at home don't have to. Yes, All right ladies and gentlemen, on this episode of Do Not Do This At Home Ever we have Peter with a starter push button connected to the starter and the battery so we can crank the engine with the starter if it wasn't Frozen And we have me working this gigantic torque wrench in the most proper way ever. and we're going to try and do this at the same time.

It is ratcheting so this shouldn't hit me in the face. but I'm still scared. Okay, I'm really. You start with the toys all right.

I'll start with the torque on the front I'm just gonna bump it a little. All right. I am seriously scared. All right.

ready. Yeah. I got torque on it. Three two one oh it kind of turned.

Did something I said something broke, did something come off? Something fell off? Yep. or was that fluid? you want to try again? Yeah. I Gotta say I didn't really do anything that was mostly starter. I'm too freaked out and kind of being a little six-year-old girl here.

Okay, all right. go three two one. Oh yeah, what is that? It's shooting out all the stuff we put in the cylinders on you? Did you get a hit? No I didn't know I was you know Manning this that would probably whack me in the face. Oh yeah, no no, there's more coming out of the yes, we have a leaking exhaust.

All right. All right. Hey, we got a tutorials over it turns and I'm does that mean I'm super weak? Kind of. Yeah.

All right. So now that we've got it to turn a little bit, I'm just gonna try I'm still tightening the bolt, huh? All right, well forget this thing. let's use electric power. All right.

Here we go. It's moving. I mean not a lot. All right, we're gonna give it a couple more bumps and then Boriscope.

Oh oh man oh man guys. I Don't know if you can hear this, but we can hear the fluid. I mean you could see the fluid leaking out of the exhaust. Okay, let's bore scope before we get.

I mean I Want to just hold this button right now and just give it max power but only Max can give us max power? All right, let's Boriscope. We're gonna check out that piston that looked to have some funky stuff on it. Oh that one is up all the way so we know it's moved. Wow, what is this thing though that's like right in our face it looks like a valve.

What? we can literally I'm poking it with the camera right now. What is that? That's valve? That's a valve right? Yeah. Oh man. the valves probably just stuck open so the Piston is just gonna give it a little love tap back up.

Yeah, encourage it. Yeah in an upwards. Direction it's very it will uplift the um the valve right. uplift the valve.

Okay so we just need a few more bumps which we can do right now and watch it. We can watch this live. Oh this is gonna be awesome or we're gonna Crush our boroscope. one of the two.
Yes, all right guys, here it is my little camera about to sacrifice it's life. Max Are you ready? Just a quick, not a Max bum. 30 seconds. A minor bump.

Got it? Okay, go for it. Oh oh, that's not moving normal. Yeah, that's not good. It's going down right? It's going down now.

It can't get worse. No, all right. Max another one keep going more more. hold it for like one second.

huh? That valve's not in the best of shape. Let's look at some other ones. All right. This one's kind of hard to really tell what's going on.

Okay, oh what is that? Oh no, that's not good. What in the world, Whatever that was should be somewhere in here? Oh man, this engine is in bad shape. I mean this Honestly though makes the most sense. Like it made no sense for this car to have just sat because that little idler pulley.

If you guys saw the last video, it just says a pulley that's bent and the belt flew off. It makes no sense that it would have just sat because of that, especially after we found out that this thing sold on eBay Uh, back in like 2002 or whatever for forty thousand dollars and then the new owner of the car after spending 40. Grand just a few months later let it sit. Until now 20 years later, he wouldn't let it sit if it was just a nightler pulley.

He would have let it sit if he blew the engine up. Then there was Carnage everywhere and that's what I think we are discovering. But what are the chances that the engine would fail and then the pulley at the same time the pulley'd go bad Shut up Peter We got to look into all these other cylinders at this point. see what else we can find? Is that a valve down there Hitting the Piston that is a valve, Is it? I Think so.

Oh yeah. uh uh. okay, it doesn't Okay, that's a relief. Yeah, and this one looks okay.

Let's go to the other side. All right. here's another one. I Don't know what these little things are.

This could just be little clean spots in the carbon or those chunks of metal. Yeah, those are kind of chunky. Okay next. I Love boroscoping engines.

Especially kind of destroyed engines like this. What else? It looks too normal. Oh, look at that valve is like properly open. Look at that.

you can kind of see the valve. Wow. But look at this thing. cylinder wall.

Yeah this thing is rough. but no, there's no valves in this one. Yeah, that's a plus. Yeah, we still have the evapo rust in here.

Okay last one people. yeah, this Piston's up pretty high. can't really see anything. We're back in this really bad one.

Let's give it a couple more clicks with the starter. Kind of try holding it for like a second. It's even more locked up now. Wow.

so we really only turned it a little bit. Hmm. All right. Peter Tell me one go.
Oh no. nothing, Nothing man. Okay, yeah, oh yeah, it turns backwards. Okay, that's nice.

Now we're just gonna get like a running start. Yeah, oh wow. Does this engine just turn backwards? Oh yeah, there it is. That's where it stops.

so we'll just get give it a big start. Okay, all right. yeah. just just go.

three two one. Oh okay. it's less violent than I Anticipated Is our battery charged? Yeah, it's a brand new battery. We're not getting away with anything anymore with this engine.

Peter This thing is wide. It will run. We have valves moving around Carnage Like I'll Just yeah. This is bad.

also. I'm pretty sure we left the boriscope running so whatever just happened, we got all of it. Oh okay. so I need a new borescope? Yeah, yeah.

great. All right. let's give it one more. one more backwards spin for the kids.

All right. not all heroes wear capes or something. There we go. Don't touch that button Theater Okay, good.

now you can do it. That's All She Wrote Folks, we need a new engine and it's not like we've never been here before. We currently need new engines for multiple most of the cars. All right.

You know, we got to take this valve cover off and look inside of this engine a little bit more. Goodbye intake tube. Get out of my way. You guys ever work on something? you're just so excited to look at it or get in somewhere that you just it's like move people, come on, harness, get out.

Peter Scalpel I mean like 21? No not the not the camera. like a 21 millimeter wrench or something and we were going to disconnect this guy anyway to Prime the fuel system and just kind of flush out the lines and everything. But I mean that doesn't really matter now. But since we'll inevitably need a new motor, we'll just leave this disconnected.

And by motor I mean engine Those Motors are electric. Well, we're also getting a new starter motor with the motor. True. So yeah, probably yeah.

Long live the Ls. I mean this was a nightmare. This whole engine was just a gigantic failure. Not only did Ford lie about its horsepower rating and had to issue in a recall because it didn't make that much power and they were so ashamed that they didn't make a 2000 Cobra because of that.

Not only that, but it's hard to work on I mean just the Ls man. Just come on now. there's no comparison. and I like Fords I got a lightning and a Mustang I'm kind of a fork I'm like you know people break down their ethnicities I'm like 12 Ford How many of the afford engines you own do you like Ford engines? Yeah yeah, the coyote I like the coyote, the Triton and the lightning.

I'm not a big fan of this. not a real big fan of I Liked the the O304 Cobra motor. that was good. No, it's different.

they did some. I mean it's a it's a dual overhead cam46 but because it's boosted and stuff there's some little variances there and there, but good. Don't want that to fall in. All right, this is not fun that is very tight.
Is that like a tiger? Is that a thing? tight? Like a tiger? Yeah. I Don't know what type like a tiger means he's never seen Austin Powers Yes but I don't remember movies from like 20 years ago you? that's all you talk about. Austin Powers No. Movies 20 20 years No it's cars Peter I'm obsessed with cars from 20 years ago that have been sitting tight like a tiger.

You really don't know I don't remember I don't remember tight Like a tiger. You guys remember you guys remember tight like a tiger. Come on now it sounds weird. It's like tiger.

Yeah I don't remember dude I don't know how I remember from that is one million dollars I Wish I remembered how to take this valve cover off. Did it remember down this throttle body is getting totally get in the way. must be longer. Don't have time to find proper tools.

Let's see. Carnage I'm gonna take the throttle body off to take the valve cover off. Geez this is ridiculous I Will not spend time getting the right tools. We'll clean up for the next the next car.

That's what we said I Know I know I know Oh come on. almost there. Oh now this sensor is getting in the way. This is horrible.

Okay, okay, whoa. what do we got? All right? So we need to get the boriscope back out. Uh, because this is the only way to get a good look at this. So that's the spring and the valve in question.

Yeah, I don't really see anything wrong with it right off the bat. I Was kind of expecting to see maybe a broken spring or or something. but yeah, everything looks okay. There it is.

It's from another angle. Um, does anything look broken in here? Yeah, everything looks intact and normal here. The valve maybe just got stuck in there I'm not sure it doesn't have head studs though. I think these are aftermarket head bolts though.

But all right. well. No Smoking Gun Here we have our Smoking Gun right here and I suspect there's more than one Smoking Gun Because this is this. Piston's on the way down and we can't get this thing to spin anymore.

All right. So everything from up top looks fine. Obviously this engine has major issues and is a bad engine that needs to be replaced. but when we do replace the engine, we will have this out and that means it's going on a stand and we are ripping it apart to see exactly what failed comment down below what you think happened to this poor Cobra engine.

Maybe it was karma from Ford lying about its power Ford You listening? We're watching you No more lies. Well ladies and gentlemen, this is the look of defeat. The look of abject failure. Is it object failure? Well, in this case it's both.

but it's abject abject. thank you. Shakespeare Um so we need an engine like we do for many, many other vehicles and that means that uh, we should probably just go buy a whole another car and uh, and just to kind of like soothe soothe our woes and our our hurt Spirit At this point so stay tuned guys for the next video where I bought a new really awesome card that I've always wanted since I was a young child. they like there's old children and uh we are going to order up a new engine for the Cobra We will get this thing running.
We will destroy these already destroyed dry rotted 20 year old tires. It will happen so with that if you enjoyed the destruction then give this video a big thumbs up. Share the video with your friends, subscribe if you haven't already. Peter one more for the kids have a good one guys.

By Alex

15 thoughts on “First failed start of the abandoned svt cobra what’s inside the engine after sitting for 20 years!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Art Dickens says:

    my money is on high revs with bad gas

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mac1969100 says:

    I’d like you to take that apart and investigate gents

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Princess Solace says:

    If that is my Cobra, that deserves a Ford DOHC motor in with its 6 spd manual trans.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alphawolf654 says:

    Make a video of you guys cleaning your shop

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Mac says:

    Engine swap? New Cobra engine?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TikiroseBlacksniper says:

    Love the video guys. Keep the videos coming. Cheers.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jesus villanueva says:

    Totally not an tesla, I pinky promise

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars n g says:

    Fix it properly. LS swap it.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Baconateher says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I-Busted-Milk says:

    Man I miss my new edge stang so much so one ruined it for me an only had it for an month bro an month 😢

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars keven moll says:

    alex. i
    alex i would love to talk to you about 2 of my past cars, that are worth revivgng. a 1994 z/28 and a 1998 bmw 740il, they would pe perfect for your channel. zyou seem to enjoy car rescues

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars octo925 says:

    This channel really hit its stride once Peter became a regular.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohamed Yasin Arakkal says:

    That thing in the cylinders is a broken valve

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff says:

    We do it right, because we do it twice!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars shed envy says:

    We say toight like a toiger all the time in our workshop hahaha

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