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In this video, we find a brand new part defect almost blew up the $10,000 engine in our Carbon Fiber Race Car! We fix it for $50 and get the car back on the road and the thing just straight rips! Enjoy!
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If you guys were around for the last Talent TSI video then you know it was quite the roller coaster. We had some ups and we had some. Downs After fixing a bad clutch master Enslaved cylinder, the carbon fiber Talon TSI could spare the tires again and we were ready to get it back on the road for a more proper test drive. We went around fixing everything like a loud suspension noise, a bad fuel hose, we installed a larger fuel filter, figured out we had a two thousand dollar Standalone ECU did a little Fuel and timing tuning and I even got to use my favorite car word Lambda Lambda Lambda Things were looking good until they weren't as we discovered our oil pressure went to zero and the timing belt lost tension with a loose timing belt.

It's possible we bent valves as the 4g63 is interference in our freshly built ten thousand dollar engine can't be run until we discovered the Smoking Gun for the lack of oil pressure Are the issues related and an easy? Or will the DSM Gods continue to punish us for buying someone else's unfinished project? Oh come on all right guys, Luckily we have another 4g63 engine. this is for Peter's Conquest which we will eventually get to, but you know we got we got problems right now. Uh, but what's nice here is that we want to figure out what's going on with the timing. Wait, this is super loose too because the the tensioner still has the pen in it.

This one hasn't been. Oh, it's gotcha. Okay, okay well anyway what we wanted to see on here is, where is the actual tensioner? So I was thinking, what if like many of the engines, I work on this tensioner requires oil pressure and then the engine doesn't have any oil pressure and that Luckily, that's not the case. This bolt could have loosened up.

Or this bolt or that bolt. Many of these. Yeah, many, many of the bolts could have loosened up. Something like that could have happened.

and that's why we have slack here. uh, in the belts. So we need to get to this. The only issue is we don't have the top cover, but we do have the entire bottom cover.

So unfortunately I think we have to take off some pulleys the crank pulley so we can get the cover off and see what's going on in there. Here is that front cover that we need to remove and here is the aftermarket crank pulley. It is not dampened like to point that out, you can see the factory one has rubber right here. But anyway, we need to remove this.

So let's start by getting this belt off. All right. We got the adjuster loose right there. We're good.

Let's just take this guy off. All right. There's that all right? So Peter's taking the wheel off. Oh, it's so light.

It is pretty light. I Was expecting to be way heavier. No, they're nice. Uh, so now we can get to this All right.

let's get this balancer off. I Believe this is just on kind of a hub I Think this is all we need to do. There we go. Okay, we can leave this.

That's nice. Look at these pulleys. Unorthodox racing. I Don't know.
I Kind of want the Orthodox racing like the guys that are really, really disciplined. Yeah, like they fasted. Yeah, exactly. unorthodox.

That just doesn't sound good to me. It sounds like they like discipline. Yeah, so we are going to take this pulley off as well. You got to get that out of the way to get to some bolts.

so we're just loosening this up. It is fully elusified, isn't it? I think I can do a little rolly deal. Ow Okay, we got it cool all right now. We just have these tens here to get that pulley out.

Oh yeah, that's fun. We probably should have loosened these up before we released the Bell tension. Okay, not thinking on that one. Did you say that like it's like unusual.

It is unusual. It's unorthodox. It's unorthodox of us to do that. No, luckily, luckily, your hands are so powerful.

luckily. I'm so old I have old man strength now. All right. So here's the trick: I'm gonna hold the belt as if I'm the other pulley.

it should work. Yep, like a child I Just like I've never done this before. By the way, this is just an accidental trick that I just learned right now. If you don't have any way of holding the pulley, just take the belt and hold that and I'm actually like using the belt to ratchet it off I've been doing this for years.

Got that old man experience and the old man string accidental old man experience. This is basically a strap wrench right now. Like okay, you're like a triple threat Alex a triple threat I can break them I can kind of fix them and accidentally figure out accidentally fix it. There we go.

The frame is kind of in the way I'm hoping. Oh geez, the frame is really in the way. can't you use your cool strap trick to get it out? I'm out of tricks at this point Peter I Don't have any tricks left except when it comes to lawn care because I use Sunday which is basically cheating because they make it just so easy. You just screw the nutrient pouch onto your garden hose, open the valve, and you're feeding your lawn with powerful ingredients made by using Cutting Edge Plant science and zero pesticides because you don't want those.

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That's going to get you 20 off a full year of Custom Lawn plans. So with that, let's get back to work. All right? So that's the bolt we needed to get to and why we needed to remove that pulley. It's a tough one that's for sure.

Well, you can do it. it. Just drop it. Peter I Don't care at this point.

just just let it go up here. Let it go, let it go, turn away and slam the door. Wait, You know that song. You shouldn't know that I have I have little girls I have a one-year-old niece who doesn't.

He's never even seen that yet. Why do you know the Frozen song? Peter It's getting. This is getting weird. It looks like we can get the rest of these from the bottom.

This is all aftermarket. Hardware It's like stainless steel stuff. All right. There we go.

Whoa Yeah, lots of different sizes here. Last bolt coming out all right. let's see if we can get this guy at least out of the way enough to see what's going on. Oh yeah.

oh, we're gonna get it. Yes, we got the cover off. I'm nervous. Wow.

this is so loose around the oil pump. I Mean it's loose everywhere and we're having that low oil issue just at idle. I Would imagine this would still spin, though. it's not.

It's not that bad. but see. Oh wait, that's skipped. Oh my.

God that is skipping. Oh yeah, that's super loose. Uh-huh it's yeah. it definitely skips and then it catches.

Man, you'd think at idle though, it would still spin this. It probably has least tension under Idol though because it's not spinning it around right? Yeah, that's true it just yeah. I Don't know. Then again, there is a lot of resistance for an oil pump since it has to pump oil.

So yeah, I mean this is skipping guys. Oh yeah, Oh yeah, that's easy. Okay, that skipped the timing. probably skipped.

Yeah, the timing skipped. Peter Oh, that's not good. So it's like yay. maybe we didn't have a blown up motor like.

Yay! Maybe oil pressure issue? Yeah, and we didn't run it long enough to hurt anything. but Boo. timing doesn't care how long you run it for. Well, it ran right, it ran.

but so it wasn't It might have only been off by a belter. Yeah, all right. Well, let's uh. let's look around a bit more here and try and figure out that loose belt.

but we're gonna have to. uh, see how bad it skipped timing too. All right. So right now we are setting up the crank so we can check the timing at the camshafts and you can see right there.

Right when these two guys line up, we're all set down below. Sorry. We spun the motor over to line everything up and the belt is still loose down there, but it has kind of temporarily tightened here, but it's still bad. Uh, something else that's bad and good at the same time is we did Skip timing.
Uh, with these dials facing up and the cranks set properly, these should be lined up straight across and it looks as if it skipped one tooth over. So that is definitely not good. but in a lot of cases the engine can survive. Uh, skipping one tooth.

It doesn't mean that the valves necessarily hit the Piston which we're gonna have to verify with a borescope. All right. So here is our cylinder one still at TDC and that piston looks perfectly fine. A lot of you guys commented about the part number on these Pistons they're very expensive I think they were Ross Pistons but they're pretty expensive.

like top of the line forged pistons which would make sense considering he didn't spare any expenses on this build. I'm just gonna pull them all and we'll just double check all of them that are safe than sorry. And then also this will give us a chance to make sure these are the right spark plugs for this engine. They are a heat range nine that is a very cold plug.

Which I mean that makes sense. It's a high horsepower car boosted good plug. What does it taste like? Let's see what does this. it's gonna taste like E85 .

Yeah it's like eating corn corn on the cob you guys ever have. Uh corn on the cob with the mayonnaise and the cheese? Yeah, like those little Mexican carts? Yeah yeah they're the best I Forget what that's called but it's delicious. comment Down Below Guys what are the what's the Mexican corn with the mayonnaise and the and the cheese on it? What is that called? Yeah, this looks good. Those are all valve reliefs.

They look fine. These cylinders still look brand new with all the cross hatching. We are good so far. looks great and looks great.

So obviously the ones that are super up close. You can't see the valve release on the side but we're in good shape. Nothing is destroyed so normally you would take the belt tensioner out to adjust the timing, but ours is so loose. Right now the belt is so loose we might be able to.

Yeah, there we go. Yeah. and we can just skip it ourselves. That's great.

All right. So now the timing is good. Both of these are facing up. These are lined up.

The cam timing is good. We had already set the crank, so that's good. So let's uh, we gotta. We got to make sure that the oil pump is lined up even though it may not matter in this situation.

So these have a balance shaft that's spun by the oil pump from the factory. but a lot of guys do a balance shaft delete I Don't remember in the receipts do we? Does this have it? I Think it does. Yeah, most of them, most of the ones at this level had it. It probably doesn't matter, but we're just gonna go ahead and set the oil pump where it needs to be.

All right. Guys, With the cams set up properly up top and the crank down below. We just need to move this guy a little bit right there. so see that dot right there? It's supposed to line up for the oil pump and we're good to go there.
So that's it. Cylinder one's at top. dead center. Uh, we're zeroed out on the adjustable cam gears.

Uh, so at this point we have to figure out why we don't have any tension right now. It's as if there's no tensioner, but there is that's not loose. I'll tell you that much that is not loose. Where's that little? Rod Isn't there supposed to be a little? Is that not connected to anything? Or wait, there's wait.

what? Wait a minute. I'm feeling around it. I Don't feel this little push right here that pushes up on this arm. Hang on.

let's take another look. Oh I mean it's like it's fully collapsed. It's fully collapsed. That's why I kind of feel it.

Oh, that's interesting is I mean is it just a bad tensioner? Is it a bad attention? That would be awesome? Dude, it's going to be a brand new tensioner though. if a part is defective, it usually fails in the first couple hundred miles. I Was thinking maybe this bolt had loosened up or something like that. I Was not expecting a potential bit.

but what's nice is that's just two bolts. Yeah, and you have one, right? You can just steal this one which is new. Yeah yeah, this is like a fresh build. By the way guys, this is a fully forged engine that's going in this.

Conquest but it's got a little surface dress on it. It's just a Teensy bit. Yeah, don't look at that part. I Do like this.

This is cool. yes that is. This is my alternator belt tensioner I Love it. Yeah, all right, it's just a couple of twelves.

Yeah, there's definitely some tension on this thing because I have to push it up to get the bolts out. We still got to take it off though. Okay, now now it is flapping around there. There we go.

Yeah, when you get them new, they come with a little pin here so hold it so you can install it and then you pull the pen. Oh, actually, this seems okay. There we go. So there's the pivot and it Springs back feels normal so it should be more like that.

and then the tensioner just automatically puts it to the proper tension. So it is a spring-loaded tensioner. There's no oil pressure. It's got a 2005 date code which goes along with when we think the engine was built roughly so it is a new part.

I mean it's got no miles on it I don't know what it's supposed to be like I guess I can't get it to move at all now unless it's supposed to come out more than this. All right, let's get it in the Vise Here it might have tensioned back down which is normal I mean this thing kind of moves around a little bit I mean I got in the vice right now and I can't even move that thing I bet you it's binding up. Oh, is it moving now? That seems excessively hard to do though like that. I Don't know if that's natural? No, That cannot be normal.
See, then it comes out pretty easily and then when you go to yeah, then it kind of resets and it's tough man. I Think the shaft is just binding in there. Let's let's get a new one. All right.

So a lot of you guys have been asking when we're going to work on Peter's Conquest Well, this is the engine for the Conquest. Does that count? Well, we're taking parts off, we're taking Parts off of it. We're going backwards here. Reverse information, right? Yes, exactly.

Look at. the pin is so much further out here. That's the locating pin for our pulley and on the Talon engine, it's way off. There's no chips in our yeah, no, you don't.

You don't need that that car to run, do you? The Conquest? Let's just it hasn't run in years. So let's what's the difference. So you can see here with the pin in it's down. Ours was all the way closed.

it was fully collapsed. Oh okay, all right. so we are going to put this new one in the Vise pull the pin just like that. just want to see how what this one acts like.

Oh wow, that's a totally different. It's totally different. now. it's the same amount of travel it looks like, right? Yeah, you're right.

the travel's the same I Think this one just gets stuck. It gets stuck down. So let's let's see here now. the spring pressure feels the same though.

but I mean bottom line is this was all the way down. Yes it was. it was all the way down and we just probably Jarred it and the shaft released and now it's working. but it can't be trusted.

but this Conquest part can be Chrysler that's why and this will also give me a chance at saying something cool when I pull the pen. What did I say before I'm going to pull the pin Yeah that was so dorky. that was not cool at all. That would be in zero action movies unless it was an ironic action movie, comedy action movie, or the action hero was the worst action hero ever.

like a Get Smart or a Tropic Thunder All right, we're re-pinned Let's do this all right. so we're gonna loosen. this guy like that isn't really that tight and this is essentially another way that we can tighten up the belt. I put a drill bit in here and you can see we can move the center portion and when we go up it gets Tighter and it pushes the belt that way and gives it more tension.

So before it was in this area here and I think it needs to be more like about there if I hold this drill bit in place I just need to then tighten this at the same time which seems pretty much impossible right now. There is a special tool for this, but obviously we do not have it. but we have the power of determination. Okay, hold on.

All right I think I tighten it enough to where it's holding. Should be good. All right. we're good.

Yeah, that power stance my hand is. it's got no blood left in it I Just put the drill bit back in. We're right past 12 o'clock That's good. We were around probably 11 o'clock before.
That should give us what we need. Now we're gonna put a little bit of Loctite on these. There we go. All right, going back together with our Conquest tensioner.

Do you rehearse your line I Have no idea what I'm going to say here Peter it's just going to pop up at the last minute Release Me that that is horrible. That is worse than before. Yeah. I Really need those comments guys and what I should say before like really exciting parts of the video.

but anyway, let's see if that worked because it should have just popped right up and we would have good tension. Oh, this is already a million times better. We do have to rotate the engine now two times to kind of reset it, but this is a million times better. Oh, let's go down.

This might have fixed it. Peter Get to the chopper that wasn't called for that. This is very unexciting. Mrs Spence Could not be slower right now.

Come on now. What do we got? What do we got? that already looks better? Oh oh perfect. Oh, we didn't measure the little. We didn't do the drill bit measuring trick.

All right guys. We got to rotate this engine and then we can take a measurement with our drill bit and see where we're at. But this thing has spark plugs in. at this time it's kind of hard to turn, which is a good thing.

Yes I have a lift and I should lift the car up but too impatient. It feels perfect though. like it feels great. Depression is good.

it's fighting me. Can You Feel The oil pressure from down there? Yes. I can that's gonna be fine Peter All right, let's check our spec here and that is absolutely perfect. No play whatsoever.

This is a 3.5 millimeter drill bit and that is totally within spec. so we are good and this is a 4.8 and it's not going in. so the top range of the spec is four or five so we're good. Yay! We fix the tension, We fix the timing.

we don't have crashed valves into Pistons Um, at this point we have oil pressure. Theoretically, Well, we have oil pressure to check. Oh yeah, yeah. I don't mean we have good oil pressure.

We don't know that yet. but theoretically, if the timing belt was skipping away on the oil pump and not spinning it, that would equal zero oil pressure. and we noticed it right away. So I think we'd be okay.

But anyway, let's put this all back together. and uh, we're at the point of we can start this thing. Oh, that makes me nervous. makes me nervous, but excited.

I'm confident right now. I Think we're going to be totally totally fine. All indicators point to yeah, like we're going to be fine. We're going to be fine.

So anyway, let's just do it all right guys. we're going back together with the timing cover. All right. All right.

we'll get our bolts all back together and then we're gonna go back together with a factory balancer that actually has the rubber in between the two pieces instead of this solid one. We've just read a lot that the harmonic balancer is pretty important on this engine, so we're gonna just go back to factory. There's really no performance gain in going with something like this, so why risk it all right? We just want to make sure that this hole here lines up with that. PIN Just like that.
All right. we'll get a little bit of Loctite on these bolts to hold on the balancer and we'll get some Loctite on the big center bolt. All right. Once we get the belt down, we'll torque that all down.

All right guys. We have everything back together. Timing belt tension is perfect. The timing is Set Uh, we're all assembled with the factory harmonic balancer in the belt and we have our oil gauge connected right here.

This is where the aftermarket line was going. You can see right there. So now we have a mechanical oil pressure gauge and we've unplugged this connector so the engine won't start I Don't want it to start just yet. Uh, we're gonna do some cranking Peter are you ready for this? I am ready I don't know if I'm ready I'm like it's not that cold in the shop but I'm kind of shaking.

So all right here we go. People Here we go all right. find the Hulk Hey, there we go. there, we go.

Cool. Yeah, that was good. Keep going. Yeah, Why not? Yeah.

Perfect. All right. Yeah, that's great. All right.

Um, yeah. I know. Okay, but well. I mean this is obviously awesome.

We can't rest easy just yet because uh, we noticed this issue when it was warm. Oh yeah, so we have to fire this engine up right now with the mechanical gauge. Let it get up to full operating temperature and then hope that the oil pressure doesn't start dropping to zero. So I'll uh I'll plug this connector back in.

there we go. It should run now and it should have oil pressure. This is kind of a cool scene. Just carbon fiber that looks amazing.

Just it looks good. That's it. Looks good. Let's let's see how it runs.

Got some cold start issues and this could be a timing thing. Well, our belt squeal's back, squeaky. hang on one second. Don't try and start it.

hang on. Oh yeah, this guy's too loose. Which one the top one of them? Yeah, they're both pretty loose. All right.

We just got to readjust these really quick. No big deal, no big deal. We can do it, just postponing us figuring out if this engine's okay. But yeah.

take two. Belts are tightened up, we're ready to go. Foreign 's a little squeak, but no big deal. Wow, it runs smooth.

Oh, and I've forgotten what I'm here for. Hang on. Like this thing just runs great. Yeah, this is.

This is what the aftermarket gauge was showing too. Like 90 95 PSI at cold start? Yeah, it starts to go there. Can you try and hold the RPM a little? Oh never mind. Will it idle on its own or no.
No, it's not idling on its own. I'm gonna bump that up a little. I'll bump up the idle. All right.

try that. Okay, use a little more, a little more. Okay, all right, there's a little more. Is that on its own right now? Okay, cool.

It's like 750 800. Okay, so we're at about 800 RPM right now. Uh, we still got a little belt squeal. This does run much better once it warms up too.

Yeah, these gauges are a little sporadic, but we definitely have good oil pressure right now. All right. So we had messed with the timing before and for all we know we were off a tooth at that point. So I've loosened this up.

Okay, well that killed it. Oh, you wanna try it again? It runs a little bit better. with some more advanced we'll have to get the light on there pretty good. Now it's not gonna have a perfect idle because it does have larger aftermarket camshafts.

So similar to a V8 that's thumping around, this is going to have kind of a little bit of a sporadic, kind of shaky Idol But this is. this is pretty good. Yeah, and then it's not dying. it's catching.

All right. All right. At this point, we fixed the timing. Uh, none of the valves hit the Pistons We got lucky with that.

Uh, the belt tension is looking great. We got to fix the alternator belt, but that is looking phenomenal. and now that it's getting some heat in there, yeah. I mean we're still good.

All right. I'm gonna let it run for about another 15 minutes and then we'll check on that gauge, but we might be driving it in this video again, but hopefully without it breaking. I Don't know it's a DSM You never know. As this thing is warming up, we are checking the timing.

Uh, if you guys saw the last video, this is how you adjust the timing. kind of like a distributor, but this is a cam sensor and it moves back and forth and we have it. Uh, basically at the spec of five degrees before top dead center. At this point we have the idle around 9 50.

and it's it's running really good. It's got good throttle response too. Last time when we were messing with the timing, it would rev really slow. but check this out, she is running good idles right down.

Uh, all right. and our oil pressure is definitely going down, which is normal. We're right around 30. we found out that the factory 4g63t engine uh, at hot idle is only around 12 PSI of oil pressure.

so that's normal on a stock one. And then when you build a race engine, usually the tolerances go up a little bit. Uh, so your oil pressure comes down. So even if this thing is idling around like seven ish, eight PSI something like that, that would be considered normal at a hot idle.

And that gauge is like 20 years old. So is the sending unit. So it's possible it hit kind of a threshold there and then just dropped to zero. But you know it's also possible that the timing belt was just skipping that oil pump.
It's really hard to see, but the factory balancer has a little line and it's right around five degrees before top dead center. So we're really good on timing. All right. We've been letting this thing run for about 35 minutes and it is smooth as the glass.

We have the timing set the fuel pressure we set in. the last video some of you guys had mentioned I had flipped a little plate inside of the regulator which I did and I showed you guys that on camera and then I realized and didn't film The repair but it's already fixed I just had to flip the cap. Anyway, that's done. let's check it out.

More importantly, we're basically at 30 PSI So I'm assuming this has an aftermarket pump on it's meant to run at a higher PSI probably to make up for the loose bearing clearances. Um, but I'm I'm completely okay with this. So at this point we are going to reconnect that aftermarket gauge line into the sender and we going for a ride. Yeah, yes, a successful one, right? Yes, Yes.

I'm Gods Please, We deserve this. Shine thy verses down upon us. All right, she's running this keeps on falling off I re-3m taped it. but I guess it needs more I don't know.

Okay, so we're at like 900 RPM and this oil pressure gauge is rating nothing. Still, it's got to have just a bad sending unit. We're just idling that for like 10 minutes. We just disconnected the thing and reconnected the hose.

Oh there we go. Okay, well, maybe the oil line. We just reconnected the oil line. Maybe it was.

it was empty. Okay, there we go. Yeah, this engine is as hot as it gets. It's at full operating temperature.

Nice day. Okay, all right, all right. this is the first restart. This thing is hard to drive.

Guys like you know like that sometimes even need to say we need to do some tuning here. Do you want me to pull it out? The breakfast dies. All right. Stay.

stay. such a race. Clutch? that's that's your fourth. I'm not gonna count this one.

Hey okay, it's the most brutal clutch ever. And I mean it just dies. Okay, that wasn't you. The car just dies.

It's such a legit street car. This is the complete opposite of a legitary card. Let me tell you, The Most Brutal Clutch Plexi Glass windows, No heat. No.

AC The radio doesn't radio. Okay, stop dying. So the top properly timed dungeon feels like there's a car behind you. Now you should know.

Oh, come on, let's drop it in a second. Let's go. I Think everyone okay, let's drop it. Okay, now we have a whole other problem.

I Think this has to do with with tuning at the end of the day. I I Don't know if this thing was ever finally tuned? Yeah, it's running super rich. Well, right now it's running fine. it's at one.

Lambda Uh, when we're in here just cruising, so that's awesome. But at idle it's like 0.75 So you know, like 11 and a half if you're used to air fuel. Uh, you know. Anyway, we got really good oil pressure though.
that's good. and then yeah. as soon as I let off the throttle, it dies. but then it restarts.

So I don't know. Oh come on. I gotta stay in a little bit of throttle so it doesn't die in between shifts. Man, this thing.

this car is fast. Yeah oh my gosh, that was like a quarter throttle. It wants to. just I mean it doesn't feel like a laggy turbo four-cylinder It's just like insta rip your face off.

That's great. Uh, great response. Like the the turbo kit? yeah it's a force. It's a Forced Performance ticket.

The same one that does the uh exhaust manifold on on your oh Yeah on the Eclipse Clips Yeah yeah, they they really match the size of the turbo well on this car. Yeah, okay hey, at least it doesn't really make that. The noises. oh yeah, we have this thing like loaded with yeah, lots of boxes but before it went over bumps it was going nuts.

We fixed that in the last video so that's good. Something to tune in here and starts to get richer as we get into it. laughs. What was that? How far into it did you get? That was like half throttle and it dies and then it restarts.

This is it's got eco mode. Yeah, stop starting as soon as you let out. Let's see. Yeah, it just dies.

We're increasing the idle right now. There we go. Yeah, all right. Peter Just adjusted our idle screw.

We had it at like 900 which I thought would be okay. Oh there, now we're good. So I think it's just off idle? yeah I mean I think this thing just wants to live around 1100 RPM idle which wouldn't be the weirdest thing I Feel okay with that. Oh my Gosh! I'll keep an eye on the FRS but it seems like they're really good.

We are one. Lambda people. hang on let me fix that for you. We got awesome oil pressure.

Obviously on D cell it'll go full lean. but here when I get into it it goes right back to one-ish We fixed it. dine in between ships. it just needed like another 100.

RPM Oh my Gosh. I am going to have something like this with my Eclipse Oh my gosh do I have turn signals? Well I think so. Hey it's got turn signals that's not totally race car. it's just 95 race car.

All right. let's cruise on the highway I Want to put some like actual mileage on this car because in the next video we're gonna be getting a tune like on the dyno and and really being able to go wide open throttle. I left the throttle the same right there and it was just the spooling of the turbo. Oh it's so good.

That is so cool. All right. we're coming to a stop here and yeah there's your 0.75 and oil pressure is good. Good Oh my gosh.

Okay, that was just a little. It's it's going to like .79 Lambda Like it's wide open throttle, like it's good. Like fueling wise. if I just gradually go into it, it'll go like you know.
9-085 8-0 The clutch is. it's difficult. It's definitely something to get used to that's for sure. Yeah, like there we go.

Oh my gosh. Anyway, we're we're on the highway guys. Like we're cruising along at 65 miles an hour. It just never stops.

All right here we go. We're in fifth gear. This is a five-speed transmission and we are cruising at 70 70 miles an hour. And by 70 I mean the legal speed limit.

Dude, is the alignment good on this car? Like the steering wheels off? Yeah dude. can we show the class? I Don't I Hope you guys can see this but the glass is like moving in and out. It's not glass, it's plastic That is so not worth it. That is not worth the weight savings.

There are so many things that we used to do to our cars the it's not worth it. especially when you keep a full sunroof in. Like right? I mean this car has no AC Yep, No heat? Yep, no clutch. Really? Yeah, Like no clutch.

There's there's better clutches now. Uh, more drivable clutches. but there's just so much sacrifice. And if you added all the Creature Comforts back in the car would weigh like a hundred pounds more.

So I don't care. These are the moments that I wish we had like a time machine and we could just for a split second flash forward to the future and just see. are we smiling and laughing? right? That's all I Want to know? Yeah, and we are definitely smiling and laughing right now like this is pretty awesome. Embarrassing.

Let me try and launch this. Okay, this is so bad. the clutch is like this much it's on off. It's like a button.

Hold on. Can we see? Can you look at? Look at my foot releasing Nothing. Nothing. Nothing.

Nothing. Nothing Nothing Nothing. Nothing. Still nothing.

Still nothing. Now it's starting to think about it. This right here. That's that's insane.

Good day. You can't even see your foot moving. Yeah, like you just you know. but there's pressure the whole way going up.

So you know because we did the master and slave cylinder. If the clutch is 90 of the way up, you're not riding the clutch because it hasn't engaged yet. All right there we go. Okay, you could do this like I can do that.

Do this. You just learn how to drive manually. Yeah, I learned how to drive this manual during the stoplight. Look at this.

Okay, so that that I think dude I'm so excited for the GSX Yeah, it could be all this and more, right? So Peter Bought this car. By the way, if you guys didn't know, Peter bought this in the Acura and uh, this the sale of this car is gonna fund his. Conquest Look at that takeoff right there. I Got this.

It's a daily driver for me now. Oh man. I mean I'm not staying in it long. We have to get this thing too.

It's insane. Okay, that's like quarter throttle. It just sounds crazy. Come on.

Just love a turbo car. Ah I Can't wait to get into the GSX All right guys, we're heading back to the shop. There's actually a snowstorm coming through Chicago unfortunately. Um, but we've gotten done what we need to get done at this point.
I mean we have oil pressure. We have fixed timing. Uh, we mess with the ignition timing as well. Honestly, at wide open throttle, the Lambda is pretty good.

Uh, it just needs some fine tuning. but yeah, I think we're I think we're in really good shape. Uh, for the next video which is going to be us potentially replacing uh, the engine's computer maybe? I don't know we're gonna do with that yet. Um, but no matter what we are going to get the front bumper on, we're gonna bring it to the dyno.

We're gonna get this thing tuned in an all-wheel drive Dyno and that's hopefully it. Hopefully it doesn't talk about us, but other than that I mean this car. It's It's rocking and rolling. Love it or hate it.

with the styling and all that kind of stuff. mechanically, we're in really good shape right now. So anyway, uh, we so far dodged a big DSM bullet. Oh gosh, yeah, we did 90 more bullets may be coming our way though in the next video, but right now it's we're in.

Bliss yes I Kind of want to just like pause, pause right now, pause time. but anyway. I Hope you guys have enjoyed this so far and uh, stay tuned for the next video. That's all.

I Gotta say we might be spitting Flames out of the exhaust at 85 and hopefully these smiley faces are still with us in the next video with that guys. If you did enjoy the video, give it a thumbs up, share the video with your friends, subscribe if you haven't already, and most importantly, have an awesome day and hang on! Alan I'll end it with this. See you in the next one. Did you say we should work fast bloopers at the same time? There is a special tool.

Okay, let's look. let's look. let's look. Don't fall yet.

Foreign. This is what it's like to teach Alex how to drive stick shifts.

By Alex

11 thoughts on “We fixed the $10,000 engine in our carbon fiber race car for $50! it almost blew up!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Korie Blount says:

    You can actually bend all the intake valves on 4g63 with no damage to oem pistons, i know from experience lol. But great it wasn’t the issue for you

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Patrick labaha says:

    I know what's wrong with the clutch too

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Patrick labaha says:

    Larger camshafts. And bent valves.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Patrick labaha says:

    It also has bent valves. Currently

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Patrick labaha says:

    Peter is the dude. Peter Peter Peter I just like saying Peter. Peeeeter

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jhager214 says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adrian Alvarado says:

    “Elote en vaso” is corn in a cup in Mexican culture

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Williams says:

    Unorthodox Racing are legends! Best customer service anywhere. I called with a super specific engine question and was given so much info like talking to a longtime friend. Would not have finished my timing belt job with out them. Mitsu looks sweet! Hope you are enjoying it🎉

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sic Semper Beats says:

    These two could fix a boeing jet

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars five0pd310 says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Clark says:

    Put your camera on a gimble would ya please!

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