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In this video, I reassemble the DeLorean engine, rebuild the cooling system, find out my frame is in bad shape, speak to the original owner who sent me a mystery gift, and more.
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So far, my DeLorean is looking pretty nice cosmetically and that's because we performed a big restoration on the body including reg graining the stainless steel and I ripped out most of the Interior to replace or restore everything. While I was waiting for mechanical parts to come in the mail, after making the outside and inside of the car look like new, we dry ice blasted the underbody, removing pounds of dirt and debris and the final product looked great. The only issue is we quite literally blasted right through the frame because it was weak from rust so it already had holes in the frame and we exposed them all with the dry ice and now I'm in a bit of a pickle because I'm not exactly sure how we're going to fix this and I think there's rust everywhere. Luckily OJ from Fluid Motor Union who does most of my fabrication work is on the way to inspect it.

So fingers crossed that he has good news and we have a phone call with the original owner of the DeLorean a little later on and he's going to tell us us more about the history of the car and spoiler alert this DeLorean does not actually have 16,000 Mi As I suspected, it has much, much more So, lots of surprises, lots of disappointments, but the original owner did mail me this mystery green box that we're going to open together when we call him and nothing bad can come out of a green shoe box. right before all that, we have a ton of mechanical work to do, like these coolant tubes that need to go back on the car and they are very very dirty. So I'm going to spray them all down with some deep. Greaser We ran out of time with a dry ice blast machine to clean these and we ran out of dry ice.

but we should be able to do this with the pressure washer. some Degreaser maybe a wire wheel? I Don't know. Get the red nozzle on the pressure washer. Let's see what happens.

Nice: I Need a little wire wheel on here to make them really nice, but this is working. Some of these have a ton of grime right where the hose clamps were and for these crusties, we're going to use this wire wheel just like that. Beautiful. You guys want to see something cool.

So I'm using the drill on the edges but this along the entire pipe and it's working out really really well coming out pretty clean. All the tubes are cleaned up, dried and ready to go back on. So this is what they looked like before and this is what they look like now. Much much better.

But before those go on, let's put the whole engine back together and we'll start placing the tubes in from there and then fishing them down and then you know, connecting them to radiators and such. If you guys were around for the Valley of Death video, then you know we have to reinstall our intake manifold. and before that, I'm going to replace some things like this coolant hose that looks like it's about to blow up. We'll get a new thermostat in there as well.

Uh, but some of you had wondered why we didn't dry ice blast the engine. Well, we actually did, but it didn't really work out too much. We did a little section of the valve cover and it didn't make that big of a difference. Honestly, to fully restore this engine, especially cosmetically, we would need to take the whole thing out, remove all the covers, sand them down, have them painted.
A whole big restoration project and the goal for the DeLorean has always been to get it to run and drive and look pretty for Halloween which is like 2 weeks away because I'm parking it on the front line of my house so we don't have time to disassemble an entire engine, rebuild it and paint everything and go nuts. We'll have to save that for another time. So first, we need to reinstall an aluminum coolant Y pipe and we have to get out these 1981 O-rings nice and crusty. I'm going to go ahead and say this is probably a big reason for little coolant leaks in this Valley of Death Yeah, very possible these things were leaking.

It wouldn't be a project without some Mercedes-Benz sunroof grease. We're going to use that on our seals, our new ones seal number two going in before our aluminum Y pipe goes in, we need to put in our gold coolant pipe. It's worth $1 million little silicone spray on our new hose. Okay, there's that and we'll tighten up our clamp.

There we go normally: I take stickers off of hoses but this one says DMC or at least DM and then half a c. So I'm leaving it. Oh the clamp is almost going to cover it up. can still see it DMC little silicone spray and this gets slid onto the back of the water pump.

All right. nice type. All right. it's time for the aluminum Y pipe and has this really short hose.

This is going to be fun! Okay, so I have to try and sneak this underneath. slide that under the water pump first and there we go. That was easy. I'm a DeLorean expert John would be proud.

Oh this is beautiful. All right. Four bolts going in, two shorties go in the back, longer ones go in the front. All right.

I'll go ahead and tighten these up by hand. I Have no idea what the DeLorean torque spec is I wonder if there's like one of those Hanes or Chilton's manuals? Remember the book books you used to buy at the auto part store and they tell you how to work on your car? Is there a DeLorean one of those? If there is I want it like not even necessarily to work on the car, but just because it'd be cool. Memorabilia: All right. click little baby, click click.

All right. This is all done Now we have to run some vacuum tubes. Oh wait a minute. Hold on before.

I Forget we have to plug in one of many coolant sensors and then we have this sensor here. There's like a million coolant sensors. We have one here. one right here, one right here.

and then there's one under the car. like on one of the tubes. there's four of them. DeLorean was super in coolant temperature like he wanted to know but show what it was now DeLorean May have been obsessed with coolant temperature, but not nearly as obsess as Autotempest is with helping you find your next new car. is the only site you need to find your next new car no matter what you're looking for. Their site is super easy to use. Just type in what you want and you're done. Need a super reliable daily driver? They have you covered.

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Um, and a big thanks for sponsoring this video. Next, we have a thermostat to replace and I would just like to point out that these are 11 mm and so are the intake bolts and so are the bolts that hold on this aluminum. Why so weird? Because there are 10 on the DeLorean and they use 11s for some things. And why are a lot of steering shafts 11 mm? You guys ever noticed that when you're taking a steering shaft off, it's an 11 mil? What's up with that sometimes I feel like the engineers all got together and it's just one big joke.

Like they sit around at the bar just laughing it up that with no explanation. they just use 11s for steering shafts. Okay, this thermostat is very crusty and I'm actually surprised because the rest of the cooling system was nice. Like green coolant looked good.

but anyway, good thing we're replacing it all right. I Clean this area up. So with the thermostat out of the way, let's do a little slice ofo right here. Oh more crusties! This should be fun to get back in.

Anytime you got to cut a hose off or a belt off, you know you're in for a fun time. getting it back on. you're just making it easy for yourself for a few moments. That's all.

Calm Before the storm? All right? Yeah, Hose number two. Okay, so we're placing this this with this little bit of a step up. let's see if I can sneak it in. All right, let's try this on first.

Oh yeah, we can do this. Look at that. Perfection Woo, that looks good. Next, we have one of the many coolant hoses that attaches to the tubes that we cleaned up.
So we'll get this one on First and I'll leave this loose so we can clock this properly. see if we can sneak this one on too. This one was so hard to get off going to give it the old sandwich feroo that's what I'm calling it. Oh okay, ow, that didn't work.

All right. let's try that again. We'll go on the top first. give it a Twist, give it the old sandwich fold and then we come around back.

give it a fish hook and another side Fish Hook Then another twist and a doodad and it's on. That's in the instructions. Fish Hook Double fish hook do dead top bottom hose on I'm saying the bottom clamp. We'll leave this one loose if you guys remember we needed to have these loosened up to put the intake on.

I Want to replace the spark plug wires while we're here. These are probably original and I actually saw some of these arcing when we had it running before. I Call them bougie cords Auto Radio Bougie Cord that is a cool name and I'm replacing them with something that sounds almost just as cool AC Delco Premium Silicone 7 Mimet Bougie cord Auto Radio So cool. Keep your GM all GM click.

Let's see how Google Translate says this: Boa cord Booga Cord It's bougie cord. It's a bougie DeLorean Google Doesn't know the spark plug going to the coil is red I was thinking it might be like an Excel or something. It's also Booga cord according to Google Why did they use a red one for the coil? It's so weird AR Going black like it should have been. Don't need any fancy red wires? Come on now.

Okay, it's intake. Time New intake seals Mercedes-Benz Sunroof grease. What else is stopping us here? Nothing. Nothing.

Just going to go around grease these things up. They slide right into their recess in the cylinder head. There we go. So satisfying intake manifold time and and lots of things need to be kind of snuck around for the intake.

and I did clean this out. if you guys are wondering. We got harnesses, we got tubes. We got it all There we go.

All right. Well, very uneventful. Nothing's in the way. we're good.

Cool. I Still haven't found gloves that I like. so we're swapping these out. I'm making dinner tonight so just got to make sure my hands are, you know, clean thinking.

I'm making some steak tacos. What are you guys making for dinner tonight? Or lunch or breakfast or whatever time you're watching this? The four 11 mm bolts for the intake are now going in. There's only four that hold this in. Kind of weird.

There we go. Oh, this one's nice and easy. Wait, No, this one's actually not easy. The intake runner totally gets in the way.

It's just easy to thread in with your finger in the beginning. Oh, this one's actually easy. Oh I get the ratcheting wrench for the win on this guy and two of them get wrenched. the other two get socketed.

Those are real terms in the automotive industry. Got to socket something? Would you tighten that bolt? I Socketed it it. This is one of the easier ones that you could socket and so is this one. Check it out.
I Can do this with my eyes closed because I'm a professional DeLorean Guy: Click All right. This tube is going back on the intake with a new seal and I cannot find the bolt. so we got a brand new one. Really nice and shiny.

It's actually stainless. unlike most of the hardware on this car. it's not stainless. Cck, it's time for our CIS flapper with the throttle bodies dual DeLorean throttle bodies and if I remember correctly from when I did this like two weeks ago I Kind of do one of these and let's see y right there.

Okay, cool. now we can tighten these hose clamps that they're out of the way of the intake. How do you guys tighten hose, clamp, screwdriver, or socket? I Definitely like using the socket more a little bit more professional, get a better feel for how tight you're going, and you can sneak in little spots like this. So we need a vacuum line from here to the intake.

The one that was on here broke in like a million pieces. But check this out! This was on my Buick Grand National and it fits. I Got to feed it in there quite a bit and it fits right there. perfect.

I Knew the Grand National would come to the rescue on one part on the DeLorean from the same era, they're practically Brothers Although I don't think the Grand National likes the DeLorean To be honest with you. Grand National is like kind of the tough guy big brother and the Delorean's like the artsy one that doesn't get along with anyone else in the family. It's kind of an outcast, but then later in life comes into his own and kind of just then fits in and is cool. It's kind of like that it is thermostat time.

Of course we have a new seal lubrication. There we go and then we have the housing and we're definitely getting this on before the Bullhorns. that's what I call them. Our thermost set is done all I'm just cleaning up the ceiling surface here for the throttle bodies.

A lot of people drop off Rags at my house because they know I'm a mechanic and this is what we're using to Day to Remember disinfect your surroundings with this angry guy. This deserves to be a rag, that's for sure. Bullhorn's getting some new seals and then this guy goes like this. Then we have.

we have new paper gaskets that go in here and we have some new bolts. We only have new bolts because I sent out a bunch of hardware for this car to get blasted and soaked in some kind of chemical that's going to make it gold and look all new and pretty again. I Mostly did that for the suspension when that has to go back together. but I accidentally sent out a bunch of engine bolts.

a lot of which you can't even see. so we must make do with what we have. Actually, these look really nice. They look better than what was on there.
New hardware for the center bullhorn bolt too. Final tighten by hand of course. All right. Bullhorn is on and we're going to lubricate the linkage right now for the throttle.

Little penetrate an oil. All right. Throttle is back. We're almost done.

Fuel Distributor Fuel Distributor is going back on. and now our flat blade screwdriver. You guys know the deal with the old fuel distributor. Three flat blade screws, a bunch of fuel lines go on here and then we'd be ready to fire this thing up again.

We still have to finish the whole cooling system, but I just want to fire it up. Make sure we got everything. So let's do that. Everything's back together.

We primed the fuel system, no leaks, we're all good and so we're going to start this up shortly with No. Muffler. We'll be able to hear a DeLorean Technically straight piped, but we ain't starting nothing with this broken starter wire. Some of you guys had seen this in one of the other videos.

It was hanging on by a thread when I bought this car. so we got to fix this up. All right. We'll twist these wires together like so.

man. the solder is melting into the wire right now. All right. Perfect.

nice weatherproof seal. Oh, and I Also wanted to mention some of you guys had said I should have dry ice blasted the Valley of Death cleaned it up really well and then filled it with epoxy. The issue there is that dry ice blasting is very abrasive and we don't know how thin that aluminum is. It's cast aluminum and if we blow through I literally need to replace the entire engine which again I don't have time for or the desire to some of you guys had mentioned fill it with epoxy Mike at DeLorean Midwest Has seen a bunch of these that come in with the epoxy in there and it never sticks or does anything so just kind of pointless.

So right now we've cleaned it up as best as we can. We've made sure that it's dry, everything is fine, it's not leaking right now so we're just moving on. Okay, straight pipe. DeLorean First start here we go.

Oh hey, automatic door wasn't closed all the way loud. There we go. Fuel cycling through that runs good great P DeLorean Oh yeah, he's very loud running a little shaky right now. I'm going to shut it off all right.

We got to continue on with the with the cooling system before we get too crazy here. but uh, it runs, it runs. everything's back. I Don't know how well it's running right now for some reason, but we'll we'll cross that bridge a little bit later.

Let's cooling stuff before we get to the cooling system. I Think fluid motor Union is in the parking lot All right. OJ's here, uh, inspecting the frame. We're going to come up with a game plan right now.

So this is the good side. That pocket screwdriver is just going right through. Yeah, it's not the worst. The main issue here is this epoxy that's between the two layers for us to get anything on.
you know, a weld or a panel or try to cut it off. We're only going to be getting access to what we have access to. so if we cut this bottom panel off, sure we'll be able to get a panel in there. But what about over the hump? here? You know, What about further back? What are we going to see in between the metal here for the control arm and the frame up here? Like is it going to be bad? Do we? at that point? Do we just say? who cares? Let's just put the P like I don't think you're going to want to do that like yeah See, this is the this is the problem with the DeLorean guys is I plan on keeping this car forever.

At the end of the last video I was being really positive about this and some of you guys in the comments even said like oh it's no big deal, you got some holes but it is kind of a big deal to me. You know like to have a rusty frame and can you get this structural fairly easy? Yes. I think there's no problem I Don't think you're going to run into like this thing bending. the problem though, is any any weld we attach to that is just going to be a sub power weld? It's going to crack off epoxy.

It's going to pull into the heat, the iron oxide from the rust that it's going to pull in there is probably just going to make the well junk anyway. So yeah, maybe it's attached in there. Maybe it looks good after you throw some paint over it. but what's going on after you know those years after? Is it going to be the same thing? Is it going to be worse? Like I said, if you were like hey, let's get this thing structural.

that's easy If you want to get this where you're not worried about it rusting later on becoming a worse problem somewhere else that we didn't see I Don't know man, you probably you probably got to take this Frame down. You want to see the bad side now. Oh boy. yeah.

but just say we attached the the weld along here. You know? What about up top here? What about further back, like we we don't know, right? and this is where the control arm sits in here. it it hasn't flexed or anything yet. but I don't even how do you even properly weld anything.

You'd have to do a bridge weld because if you tried to dig into the actual crevice there. You' Just be basically contaminating instantly with the epoxy like it would just heat up the epoxy and you know you might be able to bridge. You know, a weld between the two for it to be structural, but it wouldn't be a good weld. It could crack off, it could rust further.

It's just not. It's not the right way to do it man. and then yeah. I kind of over the weekend I I yeah I took a screwdriver and this epoxy.

Oh, there you go. Yeah yeah. So since the last video I poked around a little bit more sent OJ some more pictures. so he already kind of prepped me and was nice enough to come out here and just kind of take a look look.

But I don't think this is anything I want to try and like hack together? You know it's there's more too. Let me show you so there. Here's the side of the frame and it's just like a big crater. Oh I Just poked right through.
So oh, is that a hole now? y yeah so something else I Showed you guys in the ice blasting video was this. We were cleaning off the VIN tag here. These are the last four digits of the VIN and look at what's inside. it is just ballooned out in Rust so we'd have to cut this off and just weld in a whole new patch panel there and then random places all over the frame are ballooned out.

and that's because there's rust under here so we could probably flake up all this epoxy and it's weak. All of these seams right here have rust in between them. You can see this is not looking good either and here is a hole on this side of the frame and I started cleaning up the front shock. Towers Here my plan was to grind this all down and then get a rust inhibitor in here and then paint it.

but again things are ballooning like where does this end Where these double plates are, you can see here where there's the double wall. So we have a sheet of metal here and one here and all along the seams is rust. So how do you really get in there I don't know the whole weekend I was just thinking about us putting these panels in here and if after that I would be like okay, let's move on and it's like no the reality is I'd be like I would always think about it. So anyway, um yeah I hate to break your heart like that.

no it's I just I rather hear the truth I used the word devastated I think in the last video and some of you guys are like well this isn't that devastating eh it is I Paid $33,000 for this car and the frame is I got holes in it So and it's going to take I mean it's going to take a lot more work I mean if you especially had to drop the frame down I mean that's probably not what you were expecting I was not expecting to take the frame off my DeLorean no, but that is now a realistic possibility. The engine and transmission like at the bare minimum need to come out and then kind of go from there. but with the engine and trans out, we're just I could just take the whole frame off, have it blasted and I I don't think that's a bad idea. all right guys.

Um, not how I plan this to go I uh thought last week we would be cutting and welding and I'd be painting and grinding. but I don't think that's the case. So I think at this point uh what I need to do to meet my Halloween deadline is just get right back to work, put it all together, get this thing running and driving. I still have never really driven the car at all, so uh, we'll stick with that and we'll have to revisit everything else later.

I uh did not go into this thinking that the frame needed as much work as it needs. So I'm hoping by the end of this video I'll have like an decent game plan on what I'm going to do with the frame right now. honestly I just I don't even want to think about it I'm just going to move on with the project because I do have to still meet my goal of having this thing running and driving on the front lawn of my house for Halloween That was the goal after all. it's just the only difference now is that after that goal is achieved, hopefully I will have a crazy amount of work still to do with a lot of unknowns.
So I don't know. I'm hoping to have a good plan for you guys at the end of this video and then we'll open up that green. Mystery Box From the original owner see what he left us hopefully coordinat to where he left a brand new frame for a DeLorean that would be awesome, but we're going to keep on moving. We're going to keep on moving to get the cooling system done.

And yeah, and if you guys know of some kind of cool inspirational quote that I could plug in right now, like move forward or something like that, just plug that in right now. That's I don't know I don't know what I'm saying right now I'm just I'm bummed that's all. but uh. anyway, this is the original crusty radiator.

Here is our condenser also pretty crusty. I think I might just end up replacing this and we have crusty fans. So I do have new fans on order, but I don't really know exactly when they're going to be here and we need to keep rolling. Yeah, at this point I I only have like a couple weeks left to get this this thing running and driving.

So okay. so I have a brand new radiator for the DeLorean without the plastic end tanks. This is 100% aluminum and I cleaned up the fans a little bit. be replacing them later I think I'm going to also eventually replace this condenser.

Luckily, this stuff isn't too bad to get out of the car, but I couldn't find one of these in time so we'll just go back together with this one for now. Pretty cold so I don't really need air conditioning I could probably leave this thing off Al together, but we're just going to put it on it's practice before we install the radiator. I Want to swap out the master cylinder for a new master cylinder because we have easy access to replace this and I'm going to be replacing the entire braking system on the DeLorean So we have some nice willwood brake calipers for the front, new rotors, bearings, all sorts of new, cool stuff. Everything's been sprayed with penetrating oil.

Okay, we're good on this first one. The brake lines themselves are in great shape. Master cylinder might be okay too, but it is very, very old and I don't want to contaminate our new braking system and there's a chance that it might have an internal leak and we don't need that considering everything I'm doing to this car. this is cheap insurance.

Okay, it's threading out okay. Got that one out. line number two coming out too easy I say that before. I have these two crusty looking bolts to get off second brake line out.
We're good. Couple of 17s. Oh no problem. we're good on that one and that one too.

KN came off and so did the battery. The tabs on a lot of these batteries are broken so pain in the button. Oh she's crusted on there. Oh come on.

Oh there we go. Got it old. Master Zylinder is out I Don't know what this orange bracelet is, but yeah, it's there. It's got some numbers we do have to swap over the reservoir so we have to pull a couple of pins.

Come on. Now there we go. The hammer a couple of pins out. They are frozen H them with some penetrating oil.

Hopefully that'll help. Okay, I'll clean these pins up, but now we can remove the reservoir. Ooo nasty nasty fluid. oh what is this? Whoa.

this car is so nasty. What it's like caviar. have caviar inside of my brake reservoir. This is gross.

I'm very happy I'm replacing all this cuz who knows what's inside of here even with a flush. I Don't trust it. Nasty. All right.

I'm going to go clean this mess after a few minutes in the pressure washer. This is what we have. Looks much better. It is now worthy of our new master cylinder.

Beautiful new golden master cylinder going in. All right! I Get these brake lines back on, but you guys want to see something funny. This connector is supposed to go here to the reservoir. and I don't know if it's like ever been plugged in, it's just plugged up with dirt.

This definitely would have had a brake warning light on for the last like you know, 30 something years. here it is condenser radiator fans going back in the DeLorean Oh wait a minute No. I can't go back in I don't have brackets a I Sent these brackets out the ones that bolted onto the ends of the frame that hold the radiator. Mount I Sent a bunch of bolts and brackets and miscellaneous stuff out to a company that's going to sand blast them all and then recat them so they look all nice and new and I sent those out.

Darn! There is a lot of stuff to remember on this car. Let me tell you. Okay, so I can't put this in right now, but we could put those nice shiny aluminum tubes in so we'll get that done and that should actually line us up pretty well with the phone call with the original owner. We're supposed to chat towards the end of the day, so anyway, let's do some tubes.

Shiny aluminum pipe number one is going in and I already have a new hose on the other end so we'll slide that in like so and this one goes over here. What's interesting is we're eliminating this pipe Al together. this one used to go here and then there was a connection here and another connection here. so we're eliminating a connection Point as well.

So that's just how the cooling kit comes. Now for the DeLorean, but you know I'm keeping this pipe. It's literally like a pipe. We have a new hose for our coolant reservoir as well.

Oh, this feels so good replacing all these nasty hoses. new, everything. beautiful. Next we have an aluminum piece with yet another coolant sensor and that gets fit in through here.
Next tube going right up next to the frame rail and then it sits right in here underneath the parking brake cable. Silicone spray. Next tube, there we go and I'm not really tightening any of the clamps just yet because we might need to make little tweaks, but it's coming together all right. Next tube going in.

This is so satisfying. it just goes together like like Legos. So this was part of a big hose kit for this car. so these are all Gates and I'm not sure if someone literally just cuts these up and makes a DeLorean kit, but here they are and most of these were all ballooned out and in pretty rough shape.

But surprisingly, the cooling system wasn't leaking that bad like the engine was full of coolant. Now in the next DeLorean episode, when we get the radiator in once I Get those mounts back. we'll find out how hard it is to bleed one of these systems. with all of these tubes and the radiator in the front, the engine in the back, and all that.

Madness We'll cross that path next time. We're going to be putting a lot of new parts, like pretty much everything. We should be able to drive it for the first time. In the next video, all the tubes are complete.

I'm waiting for this bracket to get back from being blasted, but we are ready for the arrival of the radiator bracket so we can put that in. So things are looking good for the DeLorean and we're about to go speak with the original owner right now and find out what's in the green mystery box. But first, I want to go around with some reformer and just take care of all the existing rust that's on the car and stop it in its tracks because I Spoke with OJ again and a couple other DeLorean experts and what's back there. They say it hasn't gotten into the structural portion yet.

it eventually will. For now, the car is totally safe to drive. This is a car that's only going to be driven in nice weather maybe like 1,000 mes a year. so I could probably just live with this right now.

but eventually I'm going to fix it the right way. and I think that's going to require the removal of the engine and transmission so we can get to the frame at every angle and potentially dropping out the entire frame. I I don't know. It just depends on how far you want to go and I'm going to keep this car forever so you you know what I'm going to probably do.

But anyway, we got to keep moving on. We got to make the goal of having this car running and driving. So let's go around with some Rust performer. This is going to go on clear and then turn black and it's going to just stop all of the rusting so we'll just freeze everything in time so that later we can fix it properly.

So areas like this I've already cleaned up with a wire wheel. so I've gotten it all the way down to where the epoxy is still attached and so structurally, this is totally fine. It just bothers me because we're going to have nice coilovers and big brakes and stuff. but anyway, this goes on clear.
so it's not just going to spray everything black if you get a little overspray, but it turns the rust black. Some of it happens right away and then some of it. You just got to come back a few minutes later. So we're just going to spray all these seams where there's double metal and there could be rust in between.

I Just want to stop all of that stop rusting I Wish I could go back to like 1991 when he parked this thing and just sprayed all of this underneath to preserve it for myself later. This is the plate we're going to replace and we can get to it by removing this bottom one. but OJ said it'd be better if we can get to the top as well so we can just take all of this out. We'd actually remove these perches, blast them down to bare metal, and reinstall them, and just literally make this like a brand new frame.

Just going to take some work. All right? I'll go around and do the rest I Already have plans of making this Frame even stronger. But like right now, with this 130 horsepower engine, you could probably have half the frame rotted out and that's not going to make any difference at all. You know once OJ and the guys at Fluid get their hands on it, it's going to be better.

It's going to be the best DeLorean frame ever. Okay, it's mystery green box time Dave Said to get him a call, get him on speaker and find out a little bit more about the DeLorean So I Talked to him very briefly a few weeks ago and I found out the mileage 16,000 miles not correct. Hopefully we'll learn more about that. Hello Alex How you doing? Very good Dave How are you? Can't complain? Nobody listen.

Excellent. Excellent. You are moving to Nevada Yeah we bought a house down there about 2 and 1/2 years ago. C North Dakota yeah that's true.

North Dakota to Nevada that is. That is quite the difference in life style I would imagine. Well my wife picked out the spot 18 miles from the strip. She doesn't gamble, but she plays golf and she loves the golf course we're on so that's awesome.

Well you know what? I'll be in Vegas Uh November 1st through the 3D for SEMA So I I'll give you a ring SEMA I would love that. The reason this is strange. My son-in-law Um lives in Norway and he's the President of Am Car. American Automobile Club of Norway W is he is he going to? SEMA Yeah Oh very cool.

We should definitely meet up out out there. That'd be fun. I Have the green box that you sent me yes and don't tell me what it is I he's I'm going to open it right now with you on the phone. This is very exciting I Feel like it's Christmas Anything to do with this delore and like anything I discover about it is just.
it's so much fun. All right here we go. It was for 10 years. Well yeah, bought 10.

All right here we go. It's very well packed. Oh, get out of here Is that stainless steelan no way. this is so nice.

How long have you had this? um I don't know sometime. uh after. uh I bought the DeLorean Um oh so cool. Yeah my kids got it for me.

Oh so this is this is from a long time ago? Yeah it is. It was like probably about the time I parked it. Oh my gosh, so yeah, this is probably from like the early '90s or something and it's so cool. The doors actually stay up really nice.

Yeah we got get some new struts for them because they don't work. No they never had any. Oh oh this one doesn't Okay So it is a real DeLorean it's uh, you know it's broken. Oh man, this part of the frame back here would be great.

We found some Rust in the back frame that is going to need some work unfortunately. but uh yeah. I saw I saw the holes I saw the uh yeah dry ice? Yeah oh you saw the dry video. Yep yep.

so I kind of took a better look in there and it's got some holes in the rear frame but we should be able to fix it up. just not in time for the Halloween you know? I Did I tell you that my whole goal was to get this thing on my front lawn for Halloween as like a decoration? Yeah, good luck with that. We're we're getting there I Know you saw the last video. It's actually not much different than the last one except we have the engine back together and the cooling system and and some other stuff.

but I we it's going to happen. It's going to run and drive on my front lawn. Okay, okay, um Dave so I I just wanted to ask you. um I had mentioned in one of the videos about how I didn't think the mileage was correct to 16,000 and I know we talked briefly about this but you had said was the speedo cable broken like two or three times twice? Okay, well yeah, broke, twice replaced and then disconnected and then probably reconnected.

but I think oh no three times cuz the third time it actually worked. but that was right. that was right before I parked it. it was just one of those faulty Parts they broke.

yeah, that's what I hear it's a really common um so it says 16,000 What do you think the real mileage is roughly I think it's about 45 I think all the tires were original. it might have been the back when it said I'd replaced them or something. but yeah, but if I did, it was just right before you know I parked it. uh and I didn't drive that thing all the time as you as you have commented on I did drive it on a lot of dirt roads I called on Farmers unlike all of the larger States like even Minnesota where they pave all the roads North Dakota they don't pave anything.

so yeah, I'd be out there in you know the best day to call in the farmer is when it's raining. guess what that means? So you're driving this thing on muddy roads. Oh yeah, it was good for this. all makes sense now.
Yeah okay yeah this thing was grimy as I mean we must have removed like 10 pounds of dirt. it was. It was pretty bad. I think I think that's probably what did it in with the frame.

they were coated in epoxy but if you got any chips in it and then moisture, so mud just sitting in there, uh I think kind of rotted it out and Yeah I think that's that's pretty much what happened there. but um yeah, dirt roads in North Dakota That makes a ton of sense now that I have the car. Hey I me. When we went through the car washes, we always had the underbody thing done.

didn't do a lot of good. Yeah, it's unfortunate with these frames. the epoxy was like kind of a blessing and a curse. Probably more of a curse than anything.

But anyway, we'll we'll get past it. and and and all that something else I I meant to ask you was where did you get a DeLorean service in the80s in North Dakota Uh the funny thing is guy by the name of Ralph Thomas had the Chevrolet and Cadillac dealership and um he set up or bought a DeLorean dealership. So while they were still alive, there was a DeLorean dealership in Fargo North Dakota Then after Delan went out of business I just took it over to the Chevrolet Cadillac because I knew Ralph pretty well and U he took care of it I mean to exent. You know, do you remember if there was anything major replaced? I mean I know we're talking the last you saw this car was really in the 1991 but like do you remember anything in your ownership like an engine or a transmission or anything like that? Yes, as the line was going bankrupt, the transmission went out and they wanted five grand for a new one and Ralph got it through under warranty kind of last second.

Oh, and that's that's okay. You had told me the transmission went out of gear or something and that's when it rolled into the the pickup truck was that was that the failure of the transmission that led to the replacement? I think so. Oh okay, that makes sense. Yeah, you did tell me the transmission had an issue I didn't know if it was completely replaced.

Okay, so what that was like What? 1983, Uh, late 82, early 83? Okay, pretty early on in the uh in the DeLorean life? Okay, so new. Trans Cool. Oh the air filter. I'm sure that I mean it, just that the air filter in the first video was the worst I'd ever seen.

But If you were driving it on dirt roads, that can happen. how often were you changing the air filter on this? Uh, anytime the oil got changed I mean done. got any any service? The filters got changed yeah I looked at it. Oh I think they might have forgotten that or something.

Yeah no I I uh did try and service that thing fairly much. The reason I parked it is it just wasn't practical for business. I drove it part-time probably from about 84 to 90. So I mean when you parked it was there anything wrong with it like you drove in in 1991 like was it just a normal day and then you just left and never saw it again.
kind of deal. Pretty much pretty much during the the 80s. I had a couple of Cadillacs and ' 89 or 90 990 I think was 1990 I Just decided. Okay I'm just going to drive this one from now on.

It was more comfortable it was. That was the C the Cadillac you're talking about Yeah, yeah. El Dorado El Dorado Okay and then did you ever have any Corvettes back in the 80s too. Four of them.

Okay I know you'd mentioned something about Corvette DeLorean Verse 80s C4 Corvette would would you like better? DeLorean really more fun yeah it was more fun I mean the Corvettes were nice the first one I had I bought a Corvette in 80 8 and right? Okay, time flies, we haven't fun 68 I bought it in 68. had 4,000 mil on guy I bought it from he got married he couldn't afford both I got the car so um, that was my first Corvette The one that got me the DeLorean was a 1978 Indie Pace Corvette and um yeah I loaned it to an employee and she told it. oh man is that. So is that what led up to buying the DeLorean yeah I mean they just come out and you know thought hey, that's a cool looking car um and uh so I bought one.

you know there was no movie by then so it was just yeah, that's a cool car. we'll take that one. How how was it being around and owning one of these cars when the movies started coming out? Was it just I mean people already? I'm sure were just staring at you driving this weird you know, new car around. Yeah people, no you, they tried to stop you.

they they'd wave and honk and holler yeah it was It was kind of neat. That's cool. I'll tell you one quick funny story about it one day I was going down to the Tril in probably a little bit of a hurry. I Get under the underpass and right away there's like two patrol cars there in, you know, flashy lights and like they're close enough.

I I guess I have to stop. The sheriff walks up to the side of the car and he says roll down your window and you know how the little window is and he says is that it I said yes he says uh, is that there a DeLorean I said yes it is and he looked Me on he says sunny about 4 hours ago by chance were you headit it east said yes I was he says well Sunny we missed you then but we got you now No yeah, he got you for speeding. How were you going like 88 miles an hour? Yeah, pretty close. but no I think he gave me a warning which was a good thing about that car too.

What's that? Oh the police they pull you over but they let you go. Oh they wanted to check the car out. Yeah, um it does. uh Corner really really Well, that's what I hear I hear it Corners Well it doesn't break the best but but I am upgrading the brakes and the entire suspension on it so I'll I'll improve upon that a little bit.

So yeah, I'm excited to drive it. I I Can't wait I Already bought the Back to the Future tape and the tape deck works and all the speakers work and you know I I Just showed my family a couple days ago for the first time. I mean I've had it for you know, well over a month at this point and I had him over at the shop two days ago and me and my son just sat in there and listened to the Back to the Future soundtrack. So it was.
It was fun! I'm excited. Well hey we like your show. Well thank you. Do give me a call when you get out there.

if you don't know, do you do you go to Vegas often? No. I'll I'll just go for SEMA once a year at the most, that's about it. but yeah I'd love to meet up, meet your son-in-law as well and uh, buy you a drink and show you some most recent pictures of the DeLorean process at that time. Yeah well, he's going there for to attend the show and you know Norwegians are crazy I don't know if you know it or not but uh they have a Fourth of July parade because you know there's as many Norwegians in America as they are in Norway there's only 5 and a half million Norwegians oh wow I I didn't I didn't realize Iz the ratio was was that close.

It's here in the Midwest and out in the state of Washington. Well you know. So what's crazy is when I went out to North Dakota to get the car, one of my wife's family members lived like 10 minutes away or still lives 10 minutes away so a few of them do. We worked on it in a barn in Minnesota that's part of the same family and they're all Norwegians as well.

so that's our Norway North Dakota connection is my wife's side of the family. get online dig in the am a little bit. but anyway I I'm over there and they really like America I mean you ever want to go to a country where everybody loves Americans Or if you have a relative of any kind, you will not pay for a hotel or a meal, You're there? Really? Yeah. Anyway, so they're our our biggest fans.

you might say I want to go there and carwise, the American Auto Club is nuts. So we went to this Fourth of July parade they had. Have you ever seen 100 I'm not exagger now 157 Chevies in absolutely pristine shape followed by 80 56 te- birds in pristine shape followed. But and like that for like 500 cars.

Wow they love Americana like that. It sounds like they're totally into the history and everything. My my son-in-law Tori is an attorney. Well, when he married my daughter two years before they got married, he came over to ask for her hand.

you know that's they're kind of formal that way. and after she says yes and she still has a year of law school left here he he says do you mind if I ask you Do you mind if I buy your daughter a car and I said no I don't like to buy a car. why would you do that He says well, you have to understand how Norway works. There's an import Duty on all cars based on engine size and horsepower and weight of the car.

I said so what do you want to buy her He said a Lincoln Mark 8. This is back in like you know, 92 or 93 or something like that. Yeah, I says really yeah and I said Well, fine with me. So they're engaged, but he puts it in her name because if you marry someone who has owned a car for over every year, they can import it dutyfree.
And why is that important? Because if you would have imported a Lincoln Mark 8 back in the year when they got married, it would have been approximately a $100,000 tariff. No, yes, Why no, he's an attorney. He worked for 15 years with the American Auto Club Do they still have the Lincoln out there? Oh, he sold it. Uh, that's the other thing.

You can sell it after you've imported it and had it there for 2 years. He and his wife financed their first house with the Lincoln that they imported to nor because they sold it for15. Grand Oh my, someone bought it for 125 Grand a Lincoln Mark 8 That that's hilarious. It's funny.

you mentioned the Lincoln Mark 8 because that's definitely on my list of cars to own because they have a Lincoln Mark 8 LSC like Edition and my channel is legit. Three cars LSC A lot of my viewers always comment you got to get a Mark 8, LSC and I'm like I know I love those I want one too if you visit S law you can ask him if that's what it was because it was the top end of whatever Lincoln had I don't I don't know what year that the LSC came out, but it might might have been I don't know. Maybe one day I'll end up with a Norwegian Mark 8 Yeah, but but anyways, yeah, when he bought it, it cost him 33 Grand and he ended it being president which is an elected position. by the way.

he does get paid for it because he's a legal representative too. Yeah, but they have a CEO and they have I don't know 30,000 members who own about 70,000 cars. Wow, that is so cool. Well I really hope I could meet up with you guys in Las Vegas that would be amazing.

Well one of these days you know you're going to get a call from somebody you know. Hey I'm at the airport Chicago D that thing out here let me see. Well, thank you so much Dave I Appreciate all the information I'm sure the viewers will appreciate it too. It's always nice to tie together one of these projects.

the story it's life before and everything. It makes the car just a little bit more special to me knowing that it was. You know, a one-owner and I get to speak to the original owner and it's such an older car, that's it's just a rare opportunity for me. So I appreciate you talking to me.

I I appreciate the fact that you remember so much about the car too, because I know it's one of many that you've had and it was a long time ago. So they're kind of unique. They're a little unique. Yeah, so thanks and thank you so much for the little DeLorean I'm keeping this in the big DeLorean at all times.

All right, All right, Hey Alex good luck you get a chance. Give me a buzz in you're out there. Okay, good luck with the trip. Thanks, Thanks again.
Okay, bye how cool was that? Oh my gosh, that is so awesome. He's the nicest guy in the world and I mean I I don't I don't know how old Dave is but I mean obviously he's he's got to be up there. He's sharp as attack. Remember so much about the car and it's just so cool to know that you know he.

he was really into it. You know he drove it for 10 years. although he had many other cars including four Corvettes he picked the DeLorean out of all of them. So anyway, this is awesome.

It needs a little bit of refurbishing. it's missing the mirror here and the door doesn't work. but that's just how it is. with the DeLorean it can't be 100% Hey, the frun open on this too.

Does the back open? Oh it does. Wait a minute. Wait a minute people. I Was about to do my outro but I got to show you this.

Can we see the engine? Yes. look at that. Oh that's phenomenal. I wonder if I can use this as a reference if I forgot where something went on my toorn I don't know but in the next one we're putting it mostly all back together.

We have steering, suspension, brakes, big brakes, coilovers, control arms I'm painting everything it's going to look awesome and then I'm I'm going to try and drive this car for the first time. In the next video, we'll see what happens I don't know. but having that conv ation with Dave definitely cheered me up. and uh, I'm ready to go I'm ready to work for the next video which right after this outro I'm getting going anyway.

I Hope you enjoyed this one. If you did, give it a big thumbs up, share the video with your friends, subscribe if you haven't already, and most importantly, have a fantastic day! I'll see all of you in the next video. All the tubes are ready. All the tubes are cleaned up dried, all the tubes are cleaned up.

Let's see how let's see what Google Translate says for Bo Let's see how Google translate says this: I was looking for um this is I kind of like. so far my DeLorean is looking pretty good. Throw a baseball over here all right I can't see. hold on, hold on.

Okay, there we go. I don't know what this uh what's a necklace called around your wrist? a uh bracelet bracelet? I mean that makes sense but that's the weirdest could said that. Okay so things are looking up for the Tesla we're about to talk to Dave the pre so the Tesla see what happened.

By Alex

14 thoughts on “I put my delorean engine back together spoke with the orignal owner! fake miles more bad news :”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G-Man Jeeps says:

    Your Friend OJ is Full of SHIT and you can STOP 110% of the rust !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amy Keen says:

    The guy from Fluid MotorUnion should be called O.J. Schwarzenegger.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ReelPrices says:

    How much a Delorean used to cost in the 1989, when Back to the Future was first released ?? Check out our channel for a detailed analysis of Delorean price over the years.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chroptus says:

    <- Norwegian 🇳🇴

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GA Golf and Drones says:

    Wow I sold mine for 32k and it was so much nicer than that, Zero rust.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GA Golf and Drones says:

    You know when pull the heads you can just pull the cylinder out by hand they are actually just sandwiched betwween the bloc and the head. Never rotate that engine with the heads off!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hexthrill says:

    Noooo Alex didn't understand the A Day To Remember joke on the t-shirt ahahah

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rich walker says:

    Why didn't you do the frame 1st and save going back and doing jobs twice

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hank Ramos says:

    Man! DeLorean!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HoButt Garage says:

    Alex u NEED a lincoln mark viii! LSC was 96 in gen 1 and all gen 2 ( 97/8).

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dads Channel says:

    Hot dip galvanising check out HME for your frame rails great show 👍

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! jstar1000 says:

    Cut and run lol.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edward Armstead says:

    Delorean update soon?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Just Aguy says:

    I had the 1976 Buick Century Pace Car replica, and bought a Chilton's for it to replace the water pump. It was under warranty but I REALLY wanted to do it myself, first time ever doing anything more involved than an oil or filter change. And it was a snap with that manual.

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