I Don't know how long this is going to last Guys: I am just not having a good day. Is this working? Can you guys see me? anyone there? Hello hello, hey, what's up Darus? That's why I'm here. Yeah, the video's down I Had to take it down guys I'm gonna wait for a few you guys to get back in here. Hopefully this live works.

I'm having issues even going live. What's up guys, What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? Oh my gosh. I haven't gone Live on YouTube in Forever It's like there's like a million of you guys. Oh man.

Okay, yeah. I'm sorry guys I had to I had to private the video and take it down. It just was not working for so many of you. So I am working on getting it back up.

Sorry I'm waiting to get more people in here. otherwise I'm just going to keep on saying the same thing over again. Um, thank man. there's like so many of you guys.

Thank you for tuning in I Never go live on YouTube What's up? What's up? What's up? Thanks I Know the video is awesome I'm so glad you liked it up until it stopped working but it just stopped working for so many people I think views were down like 50% from normal and everybody was commenting that it didn't work. so I I could not keep that up. Um, it didn't look like it was ever going to work. And the hangup? it was so weird.

is it said that it hadn't processed in 4K yet. but you could click it to 4K So I'm like, all right, it's fine or it'll just play in 1080P No one seems to ever know the difference anyway. Uh, but yeah, apparently there were some big issues. everybody was saying.

it wasn't plain for them. it was freezing on them. So oh man. Anyway, what's going on with you guys? Um, waiting for this thing to upload? I'm actually uploading it in 1080P I Did last week's video in 1080P and no one said anything and the first 5 years of my videos were in 1080P and no one cared.

So I'm going to try that. It's a super long video and I wonder if the 4K is just killing it. Um, but yeah, if the video stopped halfway while you were watching it, that was me taking the video down. But if it never played for you to begin with, that was the issue that I'm trying to fix.

that is. the issue I'm trying to fix is that it wasn't playing for like half of you guys. So thanks brother. Five bucks to help my Wi-Fi Oh my gosh Pretty.

Oh, is it okay getting a text message to put my phone in? Do not disturb. Okay, lots of technical issues. Um, all right. I Got five bucks for someone to help me with my Wi-Fi I Wish it was the Wi-Fi That's not the problem it it was.

The video itself was uploaded to YouTube but then YouTube has to go through this processing thing and that was the problem. So it was in YouTube's hands and this was uploaded yesterday and I woke up this morning did saying it was still processing but only 4K. So I'm like ah, whatever, no one cares, you know about 4K anyway. so I just put the video out and apparently you know I think YouTube Just you know, first off, kills the video if it's not if it's supposed to be in 4k and it's not um But then also a ton of you guys were telling me that the app was either crashing or it just wouldn't play ever and all my other videos play fine.
So I'm like all right we got to pull this before it. This gets out of control because if YouTube sees that the views are way down, they're going to think it's a really bad video and then they're not going to send it out to anybody then just like a tumble weed thing and then the video is dead and I think I have a hundred hours into this video like between the work and editing and everything. So um yeah, 1080p for the win I Hear you? Um, so we are uploading it. We're rendering it right now.

Thanks brother I Appreciate that. Um, we're rendering it right now and that'll take about an hour and then we got to upload YouTube So turn your post notification. thanks CJ projects I Appreciate it if you guys could turn on your um post notifications because I don't know exactly when this is going to come out. I'm trying my best to still get this out on.

Saturday I've never missed a Saturday video in six years. I think I started my YouTube channel seven years ago but that the first year was like not consistent so whatever. I I didn't think this was going to work. um but anyway in the last six years I've never missed a Saturday upload and last week I almost missed this is it like this.

the last little while has just been crazy with like technical issues and stuff like that. so normally this does not happen but uh yeah oh man. uh CTSV I still have it but I did take a deposit on it so yeah I'll just give you guys some updates, ask me some questions. uh we got 20 minutes left on the render.

Okay, that's not bad. um I took a deposit on the CTSV the um LS Benz is gone I ended up just selling it. thanks brother! um um I got I got a lot of trade requests for it but just there was nothing interesting. and when I came out with that whole trade series idea, everybody was so confused because I had paid a little bit of cash on the trade.

So I think if I do the whole trade series again, it's just going to be. you know, a straightup trade for the car so there's no confusion at all. So it's like the series was already kind of messed up. I need the room in the garage so I sold it for 165 so that was pretty awesome.

Um, thanks brother. uh Michael I'm not getting into that man I'm here I'm here to talk cars I've addressed that stuff. it's in the YouTube Community post If you guys want to check it out, it's way down there now because I post stuff about cars. Um, what's up? let's see.

Thank you very much I appreciate that. Thanks dude. Thanks Jay appreciate it du Bears Uh, all right I'll update some new guys the video I had to private it because it wasn't working for like half of you guys having an issue with the 4K processing. So I'm rendering the whole video right now Carlos Gra fellow Italian brother over there.
Um, so we're re I'm re-uploading the video. It should be up at some point today. Thanks Chris So if you guys can do me a favor, post notifications if you haven't already. Um, and you'll know exactly when it comes out.

Um, what's up guys? Uh, when are you getting rid of the 12C I don't know I got to do the water pump and tune it. It's right here. Um so at some point thanks Chris I Appreciate that man. thank you so much.

Um I don't know maybe the 2023 maybe is when I'll get rid of the um McLaren I Love the car. It's just like I'm just not going to keep it forever. It's like I don't know. It's a really expensive car and uh, if I can get in and out of it, you know that that'd be kind of cool.

Move on to something else. Um what else? What else? guys? oh man. I can't even keep up. Uh, the batteries for the Space Man are in the mail.

They should have been here by now, but uh, you know it's like shipping a hazardous thing takes a little bit longer. but they they've been on. They've been in the mail for uh, like a week. Thanks Edie I Love the Grand National too.

Grand National By the way, Grand National in the house looking pretty? Um, let's see, let's see what's up. Florida Happy Birthday the silver V12 I'm still working on it um C4 Update: uh Pro Chargers coming out this month uh with a new Supercharger so that'll be cool and buy a Marauder I love the Marauders those are cool. Um, still working on the CL65 that thing is just a beast I'm like halfway through a video but I keep on getting defeated. So I haven't really accomplished anything.

A lot of diagnosis. a lot of cool stuff. but like I don't come out with videos unless they have an actual like something, an ending a result something like that. Um yeah I know Zolo Tech I'm I'm trying.

You know you know the YouTube YouTube game here. uh Jeffrey I'm not getting into that. Thank you though brother. um let's see CDI uh the Eclipse update turbo on order.

um fuel system is mostly there, just kind of piecing it together I work on that car like kind of on the side and the CL like in between all the other stuff so that's more of a passion project eclips and yeah, it's going well. it's going well. um need more ta content I actually drove that car for I I Hate to say this but I think the second time this year which is pretty crazy. Um, let's see any chance.

I Working on Volkswagen someday? Sure. uh plans for the SVT Mustang I got a new engine for it uh I actually own that car. It's in the last update and um yeah, let's see. Thank you But brother, uh let's see they look like yeah I I don't know about those tail lights I have no idea.

Um, let's see. Yeah I know 4K is is just killing me here. it's killing me. What's up from Sudan uh 4Runner I Love the 4Runners Maybe one day to find one that's properly broken.
uh space Band waiting on the batteries lightning? um waiting on an engine I put out an update video last week and it updates like literally every single car. So if you guys want to watch last week's video right now while you wait for this week's video, it has every answer to you know all of the world's questions in that video. Um yeah, pantas are cool I would consider a panta I like them. let's see Jack's looking to buy my McLaren it's right here Jack it's right here.

Come byy it after I'm done with it. Let's see. Thanks Freddy Appreciate it. Yeah McLaren Content is coming I Just uh I Need a lift right now I got a broken DeLorean on there.

so I got to get the McLaren and the lift for that water pump and then we're going to tune it and hopefully clean up the tune because it was. It was pretty bad. very choppy. I think I think we got like 40 wheel horsepower something like that just sitting in this car and it's already a beast.

So yeah. I Saw Tasso's shop burned down. he messaged me right away. we're in talks.

uh, you know, so it's It's like one of it's so sad. Tassos is one of my favorite people in the whole world and his shop burned down so we'll see I'm trying to I'm talking with him to see if he needs any help with that and maybe we can get something together with you guys too. I I don't know we'll see, we'll see, but it really sucks I Can't wait for the pictures. Also, the DeLorean will be on my front lawn hopefully running and driving.

That starts next week. I I've seriously spent the last month or so just on the restoration which is the video I'm trying to show you guys it's yeah. I don't know. Um, but speaking of McLaren's and Freddy I can't wait for you guys to see his 675 LT I know he's deep into the P1 and that's awesome.

But the what happened to the 675 LT and the engine and then how it ended up is like it's out of this world. Like that content will blow your mind and it. it was local to me. pretty cool.

So I can't wait for you guys to see his video on that. Um Mustang I might be trading the Mustang Uh, let's see I have too many daily drivers. Yes. I Do I end up just driving a different one every day so they're like they're all my daily drivers I Guess yeah I think the space man's pretty cool too.

it's just oh, it's a mess. it's a mess I Did not get to see uh going again uh for anyone knew the today's video I had to take down because of a bunch of issues. It will be out later today. Uh, just turn post notifications on so you know exactly when it comes out.

But I had a lot of issues. Half you guys couldn't even click on the video and watch it. so I had to just pull it, scrap it early and stinks. It's my longest video.

It's like definitely, the labor that went into that video is just insane. I I just it's crazy. Um, let's see. thanks Chris I Appreciate it.
Don't worry if you don't make a Saturday's video. I know it's just it's like an internal record obviously I don't need to come out with a Saturday video. but I've never missed in six years and I keep a very, you know, tight schedule with just my life in general. Especially now that I work for myself I never want to I never want to slack I mean I've never slacked but I never want to and uh, so I I just I make like internal rules for myself Full Throttle nonsense your editor is awesome also super handsome H wonder if full throtle nonsense has anything to do with my editor I don't know.

might be the owner of that channel. maybe you are very handsome though Max and and now we know why that you got your DNA results so top of the morning to yeah, so many inside jokes with ma. Um, but anyway, yeah. so I I I never miss a video on Saturdays and this would be such a shame to miss because I literally had the video up.

it just wouldn't work work for half you guys. So I I can't give up I'm not just going to like give up on the video and then the best part is like the part two of the video that's coming out today which is like the full restoration of the car it's coming out on Wednesday and like that's already done. So I can't not have the video come out today you? You know what I'm saying so it's it's an awesome video. I Cannot wait for you guys to watch it.

Oh man um yeah I know the video said not available if you were watching it and it stopped. that's because I had take it down because it wasn't working for half the other people. So sorry guys I'm trying to read the uh the comments here. it's insane.

uh winter ma uh someone asked thank you uh by the way for the Super Chat uh yeah I was thinking about doing a like a more of like a fall late fall win U you know winter Meetup and ideally don't don't quote me here. but I'd love to have the DeLorean and the space fan there two of the bigger series of this year. I Think it'd be really cool for you guys to see those in person so we'll see it could happened, it could happened. Oh and then uh thank you very much I appreciate it.

Thank you guys Thank you guys with the super chats. You guys are awesome! Um I don't know who Ian is Okay does the van get? how's the van going? Much love from Australia Thanks mate! Uh, the well the which the space van is going I'm waiting on battery so but we'll be back with that and then the Express van is just rocking and rolling. That thing's done and and I drive it all the time. It's awesome! Um oh sorry.

just had some breakfast Yeah I know guys I was excited to see it. Um, let's see typhoon or Cyclone thanks Brian yeah I'm working on a typhoon like right now so we might have a typhoon coming to the channel soon. You know what's the weird thing about this typhoon I'm looking at is that it might not be broken enough for the channel, but it so it might be like a shortlived typhoon because I have come to the realization that the cars that I want to hang on to Forever um or for like many, many years are ones that I've done a lot of work to like. if I buy one you know, like the McLaren it's not.
It's like not my build you know what I mean and like I just don't have that much of an attachment. but like on the other hand, I put a ton of work into this Grand National and I put like 2,000 miles on it this summer which is a lot for a car like that, you know. Um, and I drive it all the time. So what's up guys? what's up guys? Um oh man guys I can't even keep up.

How do you feel about vet carts? Cool, probably dangerous. Thank you Jean appreciate it. Um, what else? What else? What else Thank thank you very much I appreciate that. um SVT Mustang is it's going to after the lightning? I mean I I could I could do the SVT Mustang like it has an engine but just out of loyalty to my original SVT Lightning I got to do that engine first and I'm waiting on the machine shut.

So um okay and know that the DeLorean video is not up guys. No, it's not. um, but the rendering is almost done. Um, hold on I Got lucky, clicked on the whole video and watched it in.

1080P Okay, yeah, I guess that was an option I wish I could have turned off 4K so it would have just stopped processing so you guys could have just watched it. But thank you I I'm glad you enjoyed the video and were able to watch it. Everybody else will soon as soon as this thing is done and hopefully doesn't screw me over again. Oh my gosh, Um Mar always say the same thing.

like selling like selling off cars. Why do you always do the same off? Oh like oh why do I always do the same thing and sell cars? Oh I mean I have to like I don't have unlimited storage you know? So if I buy like 10 cars a year roughly for the channel gosh, I don't know. six probably seven get sold. So then you imagine after years of keeping two or three cars a year, I have quite the collection of cars that I don't want to sell.

so like I have to sell 70 roughly 70% of the cars on the channel I just can't keep them all if I had like unlimited space I would keep a lot more of them but I just can't Uh yes the DeLorean is okay. you guys will see in the video it's more than okay. It is amazing. Um yeah sup Jay uh keeps on saying hi Alex with a wavy hand thing.

what are you doing dude, we see it. It's just turned into spam at this point. I don't understand why you would do that. um I don't know it's the internet I guess uh do you like Saabs yeah I think Saabs are really cool.

One day one day I'll get a Saab Let's see this guy saying the CL will never work. Yeah, maybe there'll always be something broken on it, right? Um, let's see GSX is in the works. Um my wife is collecting some cars. she really likes the C63 that's like kind of like her car now.
Oh man, all right guys. Um I am going to get back to work on monitoring this video. It's done rendering now so we got to start the upload on to YouTube So uh I'll do a community post uh soon to let you guys know what's going on. but please turn on post notifications for the channel.

It'll just simply tell you when my next video goes live. It's not spam or anything like that, it's just. it's a really nice feature if you want to keep up with the video videos. but especially this time because I don't know exactly what time it'll be out.

but I want you guys to watch it. It's phenomenal. The amount of work I mean the car looks the body like We finish the interior completely in this video. We finished the stainless steel body completely in this video.

It is out of this world. Took forever. There's a ton of hours. I Can't believe this happened to this video.

but it did. But anyway, you guys will see it eventually. Thank you so so so much and yes, enjoy the video later on. Let me know in the comments section of that one if you're one of the guys that tried watching it and now it's back, just please let me know if it's working or if you guys are having any issues at all with it not working, let me know when that thing finally goes live anyway.

Love you guys! Thank you so much! Um I Never go live. So I don't even know how to turn this on so this is going to be me clicking buttons on my screen for a few seconds. How do I do this?.

By Alex

14 thoughts on “Big issue with delorean video!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lawrence Tate says:

    Some days youโ€™re the hammer, some days the nail. Push through you have friends youโ€™ve never met.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Harrison says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Uncle Bob says:

    I hear you loud and clear!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Wallinger says:

    I am a 78 year old mechanically capable retired guy .. English Living in Alvito Portugal .. I have followed a lot of your video,s . The delorean video has been one of my must views. keep up the good work.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wade Charles says:

    I love your work man youโ€™re awesome

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith B says:

    What happened?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnnytacosauce says:

    I watched the video before the takedown and it was nice (:

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kiwi Biker says:

    I saw it all๐Ÿ˜Š

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars neil barnes says:

    hey hope you have a better dat

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mats Williams says:

    I saw the full length, it worked out perfekt!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Premier Media Group says:

    Video worked fine for me.

    Many creators have had issues with YT showing no views (or significantly reduced views).

    This is apparently a BUG they are working on, and is not (necessarily) a true reflection of actual views or watchtime metrics.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hydraulic Bat says:

    Seen the video. Was a great watch. ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Elliott says:

    Nah played just fine for me.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Parga says:

    Did you get the exhaust fixed on the Express?

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