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In this video, I tore apart my C63 AMG engine to make sure it can hold 900 supercharged horsepower! This will be my most radical Mercedes build to date as I upgrade the engine internals to hold up to the power and we tune it to act like a stock car when off throttle. Help me name this car! Comment below! Enjoy!
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Last summer I bought a 2014 edition 507 C63 AMG in my dream spec and I really haven't done much to it since. I bought my C63 sight unseen out of California for $27,000 which is a great deal for a clean title accident free edition 507 car now. It showed up to my shop with a check engine light and it was running rough and since I've been let down a few times with C63 engines I was expecting the worst. but surprisingly I got lucky and was able to fix the car with a little bit of Maintenance and a good oldfashioned Italian tuneup.

The car hadn't been driven much over the last couple of years and these cars need some throttle every so often. So after a spirited drive, going the speed limit and on a closed course, it ran beautifully. The car was also in excellent cosmetic condition as well. So over the summer and fall, I simply drove it and it's been perfect.

and so at this point I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do with a car that's not broken and that doesn't really need anything at all. This is a kind of a weird situation for me to oh oh I forgot I should just supercharge it and I got an engine table so might as well take the engine out now. I Can't think of anyone better to come by and help me supercharge my M156 than the M156 supercharged Masters Craig and Rusty from Modern Masters What's up guys? What's up man? Welcome to Chicago It's good to see you And they brought their beautiful supercharging E63 This is going to be fun! Boy oh boy am I excited about this video series. I've had the complete Vrp supercharging system since before I bought the C63 We have a couple of big boxes of FCP Euro Parts Vrp long tube headers.

we're doing a crazy fuel system look at the gauge wiring here and that is all to power a Heal Cat dual fuel pump system and we have fresh cylinder heads as well. Rusty's already getting to work with a bunch of tools and supplies that he brought and Craig is over here to assembling some of the engine. Before we drain all of the fluids, we are going to remove the entire engine, rip the heads off, do a bunch of internal engine work. It's going to be a ton of fun and we have a Dyno reserved on Friday at the end of the week so fingers crossed, no pressure.

Hopefully we we make it there. car is going up in the air so we can get the front bumper and the wheels off. That'll give us a ton more access. I think last time we got the engine and transmission out of the other C63 and 4 hours no pressure.

but I think we could do three this time. Uhoh this wheel. it's not a good start. Get off, we don't have time for you.

Mule Kick Ah, the mule kick works every time. All right front grill is coming out and here is the Drron I plus sensor because this car has adaptive cruise control. It's kind of cool for this generation car. We'll get this upper core support off next.

All right there we go. Couple of cable clips and she's gone all right. I'm good over here and we actually don't need to take this front bumper off to get the engine out, but we're going to be installing something right in this area. Nice big honk and heat exchanger.
that's right and we should be able to see it through the front bumper as well. And also Danny McBride Kenny Powers Craig sounds just like a every time every time. You've heard that before, right? I've heard it a little bit. All right.

listen to this. If you don't know who I'm talking about, Do you know what would happen? if he would have dry accelerated this jet ski on land, he would have ruined it all right. Now listen to: Craig Listen I do like jet skis. There you go.

Kenny Power's in the house helping me super charge my car I'm almost done draining all of the coolant and Rusty is working on loosening up this s W our link and so far so good on all of the hardware. We just got the exhaust Hardware off and Rusty this this car is not Rusty at all I mean I like rusties I just don't like rusty cars and look at how mint this is. This is going to be such a breeze to work on. None of the bolts are corroded.

ah, engine oil coming out I've already lost my gloves guys. they ripped on me and I just don't have time. So anyway, we are draining some oil and Craig has got the exhaust system right now so this is all loosened up there. We go, there, we go.

Yeah, this is definitely aftermarket right here and this is the only modification that was done to the C63 It's an H-pipe There used to be a couple of resonators right here. At some point during all this madness, we're going to do a transmission service so we're going to drain this now. This fluid looks really good. This car was dealer maintained so it's probably been done okay.

I didn't fart. All right that that was the fluid or that was not me or it was crack was not. There's a little plastic tube in here and if you get a pick in, pop it over. you'll get even more fluid to come out.

It'll just make things a lot easier when we go to drop the pan and then it's it starts making noises again. Rusty All right it is thrust arm bolt time. Surprisingly, these thrust arms look really good. Well, probably because they've been replaced before we're dropping the entire cradle and everything.

so we just need to disconnect a little bit of these suspension. remove yourself. Oh look at this bushing. It's so nice and pretty.

The last piece of steering and suspension attached to the Cradle is the outer tie rod. Let's get the nut off! I have the outer tie rod end lubed up with some Mercedes-Benz sunroof grease of course and I got this cool little like handable Lecter mask because this is always scary when you pop these pop. Just a little love tap. We got to use the air hammer put the nut on so you don't mess up the threads.

This is not normal. Don't get discouraged about working on your own car. Okay I loosened it up for him. We did it.
Woo! That side was harder than the other side. That's they all get suuck like that I Don't think these have ever been off. You guys ever get really dirty working on your cars? Me too. So now we have legit street cars Shop wipes something I've been working on for about a year.

I've tested so many different wipes and I wanted to get them made in the United States and I've done it all and they're finally here and here and here. Oh and we have some more over there too. They're everywhere! You don't know how excited I am to finally finally be able to show you guys something that I've been working on for so long. These are the absolute best hand and Shop wipes on the market.

You can clean up your arms and your hands, your tools, your bench, what whatever you'd like. walls. They work on everything and they're gentle on the skin and what's cool is this has a rough side and a soft side and there is no Sandy grit in this I Hate when you get a hand soap with all that Sandy stuff that gets everywhere in your nails and everything. We put it into the actual wipe itself and yours truly Help design these I Worked with a Local Company right here in Illinois they physically came to my shop.

They drop off samples and I would use them for months at a time to see which ones are the best and we fine-tuned it to this. I don't even use the sink anymore. so you're going to save on water, you're going to save on soap. So I'll check this out.

Look at my hands now. perfectly clean and I haven't even used the smooth side that just gets off anything left over and you're done. Your hands are clean in just a few seconds and then when you're done, you can clean up all all of your tools and this is still wet with the solution. Then you can take this to your table and clean up any oil or any dirt.

One of these towels goes a very very long way. We still can use this for the entire table. They are the best. Then when you're done, you just throw it in the garbage.

So for all you DIY guys that don't have running water in the garage and you don't want to have to run into your house, get the whole kitchen dirty with your dirty boots and have your wife yell at you, this is your solution. Not only are these hand WIP wipes but they're also just general shop wipes. Look at this. Got a hand print on my wall and it cleans it right off.

So we have our before and our after. Each one of these super tough tubs holds 72 wipes. They are extra large ready to use and Max and I even designed this label with some jokes on the back for you guys. So anyway you can pick yours up with my link down below and for a very limited time you guys are going to get 20% off and we have a bundle deal on the website as well.

It's automatically applied if you just click the link down below and look at how good these work at just generally cleaning stuff on your car. The shock is like brand new. Anyway guys, I'm super proud of the wipes I Put a ton of work into these. They are made right here in.
Illinois The wipes. The solution Everything! It's printed here 100% American and we fulfill right out of legit Street quarters. So check out the link down below and and say goodbye to dirty Hands right now. I'm recovering all of the refrigerant so now we can remove the airbox.

Okay, I removed the air boxes so we could get to this right here. This is our main feed for the fuel and this steel braided line is going to stay with the car, stop leaking, stay. We'll pull the upper radiator hose out and we've drained all the power steering fluid. This stays with the car.

This goes right to the pump so it can go down with the engine and we have this one disconnected as well. Main engine harness is disconnected from the engine's computer and this unit. It's it's. almost ready to get low.

Get low means drop. drop out from the bottom. Get Low It's going to lower itself. So okay, that's done.

We are finished recovering. There is no more pressure in the AC unit. I got you! I Gotta thumbs up we're good. Last thing we have to do before dropping the engine and transmission is the drive shaft and this crossmember cross.

M Coming down. it's easier to remove the transmount with this bracket to get to all these just four bolts. That's All She Wrote and this uses an AMG specific transmission mount and I Love seeing stickers on here. Was this replaced? Yeah.

I Think this was replaced. at some point they left a sticker for us. It's in great condition. The sticker would be destroyed if this was a Chicago car.

Next we have the flex disc bolts. So these cars have a rubber Flex disc and when they start to develop Cracks around the bolt head in the rubber, you need to replace them. but this one is in good shape. Once you get the bolts off, you just kind of pry this off and a lot of times it's much harder than that.

This is the easiest one I've ever done. Look at that and then just to give us a little bit more room, we'll go ahead and pop it off the drive shaft. There we go. It's engine table time.

First time using this bad boy and I think I'm almost at its Max Maybe maybe not. it's going up pretty high. Oh, we're done all right. So now we got to lower the car.

If we get two guns on both sides and zip the bolts out really quick, it'll just it's just a short fall. it's not that bad. it'll catch it. You think you can hold it? Ry Yeah, I got it and slow down.

All right. Here we go. real slow. Rusty is literally holding the transmission they call me Jack That's right, Good y Okay, okay, we're on the table.

All right. We are on the table. You can see here. the rack plate is resting on the table, the back of the transmission as well.

And now we just have a few of these E16s and E18s in the rear. Okay, these have this bar right here that connects from here to there subpreme support bar is what I call them There we go. Now we just have the front bolts left. Okay, that's it.
That's all the subframe bolts. This thing should just come right down now. So I just realized I I Have really never used this table before and this is the release and I hope it just doesn't let give it little baby bumps here okay seem to be one solid. Mass Yeah yeah yeah, always do this slow guys.

you don't know what's going to get caught or you don't know what you forget to disconnect to. it happens if we can push it a forward just a little bit. Pull It Forward a little bit. yeah there you go.

You're good good. Just it was. keep it away from the steering shaft. Okay, park it with the car.

Ah, did you get showered there? Rusty No Okay, yeah you're going to make a mess. It's inevitable. it's looking clear. Whoa Whoa.

I got to unhook this go up. this is snag in here. There we go. You good? Yep, okay I Got to say I wish this was a little slower.

This is just like an onoff and that's that's the speed. There we go. All right ready. Oh oh this is beautiful beautiful guys.

I am a big fan of the engine table here I Have dropped many many engines here at legits 3/ quarters and at my home garage and it's usually just on jack stands and then I raised the the body the car off. This is way way nicer. Look at this. now we can get around everything and this only took us realistically about 3 hours from it driving into this stall to what you see right here.

So this is the way to go, especially for many jobs on the C63 because they cram this gigantic engine into this little spot here with the frame rails. So yeah, this is sweet and look at the condition of this engine. I mean it is bone dry, perfectly clean. This has 85,000 miles and I mean just from physically looking at the engine and everything.

I mean look at the rack. It's just everything. Everything is perfect on this. it ran and drove beautifully.

no issues whatsoever. Famous last words right? Because now we are dissecting this entire engine and then reassembling it and then afterwards it'll be a handbuilt engine by me. Look what the guys made for my supercharger kit. The only thing guys you messed up on here is that we should all be on this.

It's a team effort so at the very least you got to sign these for me. We'll sign them right. This is your car. your build.

We wanted you to have that. Danny McBride is the best Plan of attack people plan of attack. We are going to remove the intake and the valve covers right now and just reinspect our camp shafts. Make sure everything looks good in there.

And if you guys are ever wondering what these clips look like in the back that always break, that's what they look like and it's way easier to do that with the engine out. I Mean literally everything is easier to do with the engine out. It's actually kind of getting late so we're all very motivated by going out to dinner. Steaks Guys Steaks! What do you think? Free dinner? Oh no Oh Max said he had me I thought I thought you guys were paying for dinner I was I was told Max was taking care of me tonight.
This all goes so much quicker when you have a Craig and a rusty here to help or as I like to call it a crusty. Have you guys ever heard that one that's new that's not new. No one's ever called you guys crusty before. No, no, All right if I keep this up I'm not going to have any help at all.

Coils are off. These guys are beating me. Are you guys already at valve cover? Yeah, we're almost done man man. I Got to hurry up there we go.

I Got to say guys, this is what it's all about. Working on cool engines with your friends, supercharging stuff and then going to eat steaks I mean does it get any better? I Don't think so. Oh, here we go. they still look good.

I Inspected these like 5,000 mil ago and I thought they looked pretty good. All right. Driver side valve cover almost coming off here. Okay, oh nice.

All right, let's take a look at these cams. We're inspecting cam lobes right now and believe it or not, it's typically the driver side cams that go bad if if they're going to go bad. But yeah, after 85,000 miles, these cam lobes do have a little bit of wear. you just want to look at the top here to make sure it's not porous.

and if it's nice and smooth like this, you're in good good shape and more of the same here. on the passenger side, these are looking good. All right. let's let's keep tearing down right now.

we're checking the cam phaser plates and they are worn out. This is an easy way to check. You get a rench on the cam and if you see this moving, that means it's wobbled out inside of the plate here. This will make a lot more sense once we disassemble and dissect.

let intake manifold time race you R Oh, you beat me, didn't you? Modern Masters Guys Stakes One Alex I Just lost the betat there. Did you get your injectors unplugged? Yeah, did you do yours? Oh see, Oh he didn't No, you guys didn't do that I Win I Have my injector unplugged? Yes! Stakes On you guys. Now we can't afford this. We're just raising this up enough so we can unplug these this side.

injectors. Oh I was able to, you know, unplug mine without raising anything. You're welcome to come try this side. Yeah, let's see it.

It's all about the pick. All you do is get your little pick tool in here. Oh see you. you pulling the wires too much? Oh stop there we go see.

Oh did you got that one? I did that one. Oh wow. Good job. See you don't need to lift anything now.

I'm all nervous. They got me all nervous guys. I did this on the other side. It was difficult though.

I'm not going to lie, you just want us to come back tomorrow or well. there we go. Okay, it's coming all right. Injectors are unplugged.
Yay! Wait! So hold on. So who won the challenge? then? well may. Oh come on all right. I guess we're going to.

Cracker Barrel it's it's one of the best places in. Chicago They have a really good steak. It's called a country fried steak. Sal Oh man.

oh you missed one too. He tightened that back up I saw him. Intake is off. Okay, it only cost me a couple of Salsbury steaks.

What are we looking at here First ever Mice free intake manifold? Yeah. beautiful. Usually something good hidden under here for us. There's remnants, yeah a little bit.

So this guy right here fails on the M156. Kind of a pain to get to. There we go. Okay, all right, this is an excellent time to replace these.

I have a brand new one a Mercedes one ready to go in. Everything under the intake is looking excellent. We can see inside of the intake Runners and see the valves as well looking nice and so we can remove these gaskets. All right.

I Got the belt off this. Well, we don't need this anymore. We need a different belt. That's right.

goodbye belt. Perfectly good that just got oil on. okay and now we can get this power steering reservoir out of the way. Okay, Oh and we actually aren't Are we not using this too? We are not.

Yeah, this is going by by two so no more problematic filter in here. We're going to a standard power steering reservoir that's going to be relocated I have a lot of spare parts for my next M156 car. I'm sure I'll have another one you think an Ml I Don't know I don't know, just these things happen like some broken M156 car will come my way and I'll buy it. I have an 11 Ml63 that's broken and need your love I Got my Supercharged Escalade and now it's lowered and everything and it's my daily.

So like I'm good with that. but I don't know if I want an Ml. Have you driven an Ml lately? No. but I drove my supercharged Escalade and it's it's a monster.

We're moving the cam shaft solenoids right now for the phasers and they just slide off like that. And we have new seals right here. These can leak sometimes. oil filter housing coming off any minute.

Now there we go. and this is another point that can leak on a lot of Mercedes this gasket right here for the oil filter housing, but we definitely got a new one of those too. There's two secondary air injection valves they're held in with two T30s. got one bolet there and we can get this guy out of the way.

All right. Okay, got that. Don't don't don't break that. They're discontinued.

What is all of this? Aren't we blocking these off? anyway? Yeah, there we go. Okay, Wow. Three of us. we did it.

We did it. Let's find out if there's coolant in here. No, there's no coolant. We're good.

Okay, Reservoir Coming off all right. Right now. we have the cam shafts locked with a special tool and you need a gigantic breaker bar here to get these cam bolts out? These are one time use bolts too, so you got to replace them all Right there we go. Then the adjusters come right off like so and we'll get back to these a little bit later.
We have to rebuild them all right? Two more on this side and all of these are interchangeable whole. Blonde Ambition Tour I'm really upset with how I'm acting, but I'm not going to stop yelling because then it means I lost the fight I Love you guys I'll see you later I'm out I Told you sounds just like like them. Literally memorized all of his lines. Love it all right.

Sometimes these need a little bit of persuasion with the screwdriver, so you guys know how these are handbuilt. You can tell when you see stuff like that right there that is Clearan Scine that someone did by hand at the factory. and some of these engines have that some of them don't. Some of them have a little bit.

some of them have a lot. It's kind of cool to see like someone got in there and all alternator is coming out so we can get to this right here. The timing, chain, tensioner. all right.

So we're going to go ahead and loosen this guy and we'll lose a little bit more oil here. even though we drained all the oil there. we are all right now. We have a bolt for the gear here.

Now it is special tool time so we're threading this right in. It's a little mini slide hammer there we go. so this is what the tool looks like and it just threads right in. Okay, we're going to remove the cam shafts now.

we'll go outside in. I Definitely want to keep these caps in order and don't drop your cam. There we go. Okay, intake cam coming off cool and let's take a look at these.

they're in really good shape. 85,000 miile lifters. They're not too bad. Nothing's sunken in.

See how's the wear on the side? Yeah, you know there's some. It's not going to be perfect, but we are going to help with friction by going to a black series lifter. from the SLS Black Rusty Just got out one of the pins that hold in the plastic timing chain guides. There's two different sizes so we're just going to go ahead and knock out the pins of the same size before we switch it on.

The tool working on engines is a it's a good workout. This right here is good for the tries. I think maybe a little buys. It's definitely not buys come out.

Ah, got it all right. That's a nice looking guide pin right right there. There's one more on this side. Oh okay, got it all right.

One last guide. This requires a different tool. You get fire involved here. This thing wasn't coming.

Still not coming. Oh, it's hot now. we can fish one of the guides out right now. it'll be interesting to see the condition.

This is really nice. So couple of the other engines we did before in the giveaway. C63 The used engines. Uh, these guides were in pretty rough shape, but this is perfect.
Sometimes these can just get brittle and crack off or you'll see like grooves in here. but it's a really nice guide. We're going to get these T4s first for the cylinder heads. it's headbolt time.

Oh yeah, and we'll just go outside in for the headbolts. Move around a little bit over here. okay, the last one now we can get the gun and this head's coming off. Rusty's going to town on the other side and I think this will be a matter of 8 hours today roughly and we'll have the heads off.

Not bad. All right, this head is coming off and we can leave the exhaust manifold on a getting wet because we're going to be going with different heads and headers breaking that seal for the first time since they built this engine. Thanks! Rusty This is got it. There We go.

We did it all right. I got a little ahead of myself. It's much easier to take the uh headbolts out, that helps, but then you can't do cool stuff like that and then pull them out all right? So these are the updated style headbolts. You guys may have heard of horror stories of headbolts breaking on the M156 and those were the 2011 and earlier ones midyear 2011.

So I think it's 2012 model year is where they fix them so they don't break anymore. but for us, we don't care about any of that because I'm going head stuff because we need to pump boost through this engine. Here's the inside of the engine and what's different here. and the other M156 engines that you've seen on this channel is that this one has a smiley face that literally looks like a smiley face.

Craig Did you do that? My hands are clean. Literally. Whatever. that's a Craig smiley face on a forged piston.

So because this has the performance pack, it's a 507, but they also had the Performance Performance pack. In non 507 cars, you got forged pistons so that is perfect for Boost and the cylinders look absolutely perfect. I Mean this car didn't really use any oil. it ran beautifully.

It sounded great. so I Wasn't expecting any issues here at all. and there is no lip either. We're good.

Zelinda head number two coming off I Did not learn and got coolant all over my boots again. Okay, here we go. Uh, you want to get that head gasket? just peel it right off. There we go.

Okay, all right, these heads are looking really nice and here is what the combustion chamber looks like on the cylinder head. Everything looks normal. The smark plugs are in good shape and everything is good for these to be sent to a machine shop and just checked and cleaned and all that. So we're kind of doing like a core exchange with the fact that we only have 5 days to do everything and no time to send heads out and have them checked.

Craig and Rusty were nice and enough to bring us these which are ready to go. Yeah, these guys look good as well. Nothing has broken off. They are in excellent condition.
We'll have to do a little bit of cleaning here on the Pistons before everything goes back together. but so far so good on this engine and that's to be expected. I Mean there's literally nothing wrong with this car. It drove in here just a few hours ago in perfect condition and this is where we're at.

All right guys, we're going to call it right here in the next episode when we have much much cleaner hands. Actually, that's going to be in a few seconds here with these awesome legit street cars shop hand wipes. But in the next episode we are going to be assembling this engine, the entire thing. well we still have there you go, we still have a lot of disassembly to do and Discovery but in the next one we'll put it all back together.

and uh yeah! So if you guys enjoyed this AMG goodness If you think that Craig sounds exactly like Kenny Powers then hit the Thumbs Up Button share the video with your friends, subscribe if you haven't already and most importantly, have an awesome day! I'll see all of you in the next video car's going up. We're going to rip the front bumper and the wheels off so we can get G that What's the Best Steak place? Illuminatis? Illuminati Illuminati What's the best steak place in Chicago Oh my God I think I just literally broke that one. Keep that in there Max don't C that hey guys got me all nervous I did the other side so well I I was going to move it to get that out I'm not taking that I thought you said you were. oh you change your mind.

Well when you change your mind, could you do? let others know? But for us we don't really care about any of that because we're going for head studs be. But for us we don't care about any of that because I'm going ARP Head oh is it almost time for the music I Love your ending Music.

By Alex

11 thoughts on “I tore apart my c63 amg engine after 85,000 miles! can this hold 900 horsepower in this condition!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @GoldEj25 says:

    Yo Alex! Never been this early to an upload! This is going to go great with my breakfast!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @niagarajoe4402 says:

    I have my w204 c63 amg in the garage for the winter. Top end pulled off, doing some of the usual AMG maintenance. She will be ready to rip come spring time!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @andrewo.5722 says:

    I love this car!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @joshv1452 says:

    Love the videos. Keep it up! 🇨🇦

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @colemanzapien9994 says:

    Give to us, the bmw build

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jonsmith6496 says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @farewell_to_normalcy9352 says:

    Damn I’ve never been the first to comment on you videos Alex but here I am! I am about to pull the trigger on a C63 w204 here soon and this just makes me want it even more. Love how far the channel has come Alex. Been with you for 5 years now

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @oliverbyrne3209 says:

    One of the best automotive channels on YouTube hands down

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jeffreydaniels6547 says:

    Hey Alex hope y'all are good love your videos keep up the great work

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @abudhansamu says:

    Being waiting since morning now almost midnight at gmt+8

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @banana3020 says:


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