I mentioned a few videos ago that I would donate $5 for every Merch order over $30 and here's that donation!
Legit Street Cars Foam Cannon bundle with wash mitt & Clay Mitt! https://www.legitstreetcars.com/merch/p/lsc-foam-cannon-wash-mitt-clay-mitt-bundle
Foam-Cannon with wash mitt!
Get 25% off all Amsoil products including their famous synthetic engine oil! Sign up as one of my preferred customers here! https://www.amsoil.com/offers/pc/?zo=5427904 Your first order pays for the membership!
Use Coupon Code LEGIT For 10% off Sonic Tools! Combine Code With Other Sales! https://bit.ly/3iNDtGU
Try a sample tool kit for only $60! https://bit.ly/3CSBqcB
Everything car-related I recommend from Amazon! https://amzn.to/2k606
I'm having a subscriber meet-up called the "Fill the Van with Cans" event! Show off your car and bring any non-perishable food so we can fill the van with thousands of pounds of food to donate to those in need! I'll bring the supercharged van!
When: Saturday, June 24th, 2023 from 11a-3p
Where: Cannonball Garage
38 West End Dr, Gilberts, IL 60136
Email me at legitstreetcars @gmail.com if you're coming and put "Fill the Van With Cans" in the email subject. Thanks!

Let's whip okay I'm live and holding to screens. This is kind of crazy. I'm over here and I'm over here and it's super early. Let's see.

let's see if we get anyone in here. it is 9 20. in the morning here in Chicago hey we got people in there. What are you people doing? Get back to work but what is going on? Good morning, Good morning.

Good morning first from Puerto Rico Been around forever. Thanks brother I Appreciate it. What's up guys? sorry I'm kind of holding phones I'm on YouTube here and Facebook here your lunch. should we do like some some Inception here like ooh YouTube Meet Facebook Facebook meet YouTube what's up Bay Area what's up Good morning? Good morning Comments: Good morning from Florida What's up guys I'm gonna wait for a few more people to get in here and then if you remember a couple videos ago I said um for every merch order over 30 bucks I would donate five dollars to a pediatric cancer charity and so I'm gonna do that live right now but I'll wait for more you guys to come on in.

What's going on? Robert uh no I didn't sell the Caprice Ppv video coming out on that tomorrow on YouTube Oh man, today What? I got today. Oh man, today's crazy. This whole week has been insane I've been working with OJ at Fluid Motor Union until like 10 o'clock every night. Um on the E55 wagon I have a very special like Grand Finale video for that.

So I'm finishing a ton of projects. um and that is that is one of them. So we finished the Grand National we finished the C63 Now we're finishing the E55 Um yeah, it's it's uh, it's good stuff. Good morning Houston Dubai uh 2000 lightning to pair with eighteen five.

Oh sweet dude, that's awesome. Good morning Texas Naperville North Lake a Jeff the post typhoon and big capital letters I know I want a typhoon? Oh man. all right, we got quite a few people. Okay, all right guys.

um I am going to do this uh uh donation here. so a few I forget which video was in Van video maybe? um I was plugging my merch and I said that for every order over 30 bucks I would donate five bucks and uh, so we're gonna do St Jude's um, that seems to be a reputable charity to donate to. So uh, basically we got I'm donating 945 dollars to St Jude's so divided by five. Whatever.

Whatever the math is, it's in my calculator on my phone that I'm using right now. uh, that's how many orders we got. uh, within that week after I announced what we were doing. So um, awesome.

So we're gonna be donating 945 right now. Um, so hang on I Gotta figure out how to do this whole flipping of the camera thingy. All right. So we got we're flipped on Facebook there we go.

St Jude's 945 Dallas Um, all right and then hang on guys. I'm still here I'm just trying to figure out here we go. we're gonna flip it uh on. YouTube as well.

Okay, 945 bucks? All right. You can see that in there, right? All right now. Hang on guys. I might have to I Might have to point the camera at some other cars right now or let's point that way.
Actually here. I can just do this. Let's go right to me. All right.

You go to me too. All right. Sorry. Hang on I Gotta type in like my credit card stuff here or wait a minute.

paper. I don't know how easy is this. Come on. PayPal you can do it.

Sorry guys, this is I'm just donating. it takes a little while. Uh which one? No, no no, no, no, no. hang on.

Aha I figured it out. Bam Sorry guys. I'm just doing this payment credit card stuff right now. Hang on.

let me see your credit card numbers now. Uh, okay. whatever. Go through.

Shoot. Hang on. Can you thanks? Hang on. Hang on I'm Gonna Fill this stuff out.

oh my. God Sorry guys, there's so much to fill out. This is insane. Throw on some questions I'll go back and here we go.

Donate. Okay here. Okay. Hold on.

Okay. and this one okay. Hold on. Kill this one.

Sorry. All right here we go. Donate. Hang on.

Let's move it there out of the computer just in case it shows something. All right. 945 bucks. Two Saint Jude There we go.

So thank you guys! Okay, sorry I'm back. Thank you guys so much for buying merch. Um, it feels awesome to donate to a pediatric cancer uh, charity. So we'll have to come up with a new one for another video.

But let's uh, let's let's what. What do you got guys? what do you got? Um, sorry I'm like on three hours of sleep trying to. we have a trip I have to leave for in a few hours. uh, four hours each way in the E55 and we have to use this E55 and kind of.

We've already kind of beaten on it quite a bit. it's just late nights. it's it's crazy. Um, have I had a chance to test the Trans Am with the oilless turbo.

Um, not not really any major tests, just kind of Street driving and and messing around, but so far so good you know? But I I haven't uh you know, put it on a Dyno or erase it or anything at the track or anything like that. Um, let's see what else we got here. Send me Peak Lots Peak watch. Pizza is good.

That's my number two right under. Lou Malnati's um, let's see how was your food drive? It hasn't happened yet. It's June 24th. so we're going to be filling my 15 passenger van, my supercharged 15 passenger van with as much food as we could possibly fit in it, and then we're gonna donate that to a food bank.

So if you guys want to come out, it's a cannonball. Garage in Gilberts Illinois June 24th you can bring your car. Uh, we're having a big meet. It's going to be awesome and I cannot wait to hang out with you guys! Uh Eugene's Backyard Repair I Appreciate it brother! I'm not getting into that stuff though.

we're just talking about cars. It's a car. Channel Um yeah, it does suck that I'm without sleep. uh, what's up Steve Jason Went to Great Lakes Dragaway.

That's that's where I kind of cut my teeth on the drag strip. Not that I'm like a professional drag racer or anything like that. Um, looking for Eric Looking forward to the food drive Meetup Cool man I Can't wait to see you there! This is gonna be so much fun! I'll be leaving Chicago Right before the food drive stay. We got good food and we're actually going to have food at the at the Food drive.
You could buy food. there's a restaurant right across from Cannonball garage and uh, they're going to be working with us and we can. You can buy food we can walk around. Let's see my club does Toys for Tots and animal shelter donations.

You could always look out for either of those. Cool, All right. Awesome! Um going to Giordano's tonight I mean we do get your downs everyone. So I'm not gonna lie.

Uh, how's the McLaren it's good I Gotta replace the water pump and the brakes. um and that those parts finally came in, it took like a about two weeks to get those in so they are in I Gotta pick them up so you know soon we will have the McLaren fixed up. uh on the dyno and all sorts of cool stuff. So um, hello from Scotland Scotland I don't know what kind of accent I'm doing the worst Accents in the world.

What's up brother? uh, any plans to come to Florida yeah for sure. uh I have like actual plans to come to Florida it won't be for a couple of months, but I'm coming I'm coming to Florida Uh, how's the Mercedes Honda thing that's good? I just sits out there. It runs fine though unless it's really cold. If it's super cold, it doesn't want to start, but when it's not, when it's over like 40ish or 45, it fires right up and it runs really great.

I'm just I'm not super into the the Miranda guys I'd have to redo the whole car I'm just it's not my swap. You know, like if the car wasn't really, if it's that modified and wasn't built by me I don't know. I'm just not super into it. You know? um, can you do a car show a little further south? I'm going to be in Arkansas Yeah, I mean I'd love to.

You know, maybe next time I'm like driving across country with one of these crazy like abandoned cars. I'll I'll do that. uh Cletus collaboration that'd be awesome. Um, let's see Arthur Thanks brother! Love the current Channel Thank you so much! Um, what's going on with CL65 I'm working on it I've been working on it and making a video but the video has no ending to it because I can't figure out a really weird problem and I'm not gonna put the video out the way it is because it's not complete.

so I am working on it I actually got a new part in on it uh Wednesday that may or may not fix it I'm not really sure. um yeah. the dyno software that that's not even the issue Albert the CL65 does have the new tune in it. Um, the issue is that when you get into boost it just completely cuts out.

It's crazy. um I don't know what it is. Collab with boosted boys in the Honda City is that'd be fun? That'd be really fun I wonder what they would think about that car? You know what's the CL problem? It just cuts out as soon as you get into boost. It's just like like it's like some kind of weird throttle cut or something.
I don't know. Um, let's see how is the lightning? Yeah yeah, it's the same guys. Uh, but I did get I was missing some parts I brought it to a machine shop. they had it for like nine months.

They ended up not doing a lot of the work and then they lost a bunch of the parts. uh, mainly these little dowels that go in the crank so those are like a forward ordered item or something like that. Um, you know. Thanks Rexland I Appreciate that brother.

Thank you so much. Um and I got the parts in I got new lifters because they there was one mismatched lifter that they gave me back so I didn't I didn't trust them. It's at a supposedly a good machine shop now I don't know. Uh, where's the Cobra it's still outside guys I haven't gotten on that one yet.

it's there's a lot of projects. um Christian thank you so much from the Philippines Uh, when are we gonna see the CTSV wagon? uh I'm not sure at this moment. I mean like I'm kind of done with it I'm not done with it but it's my daily. so I have to be careful on how much I want to do to it because it's my daily.

like I need that car? So um I'm pretty happy with it. You know, puts down 550 wheel, we cleaned it up. We have the new uh you know radio interface thing and the steering wheel and the Recaro seats and the new Wheels and Tires and Brakes and all that kind of stuff. So I'm good with that right now.

but I do want to make it faster obviously I'm almost done rebuilding the 924s you gave me in December Daniel What's up man? Awesome dude. Send me some pictures I Want to see that I gave away? uh well actually I I gave the car away but it was um Jr garage's car that they bought. they'd never seen it. it was at a Copart it was a old 80s Porsche and they just wanted the seats out of it.

so I took the seats out, shipped them the seats and then I gave the car away to a guy named Daniel super nice guy and uh and now he's finished rebuilding the car which is amazing. That thing was pretty smashed. really cool. all right.

This guy says CL65 cuts out because of the tune over boosting I know but the tuner is like pretty reputable so we've gone through this with the tuner. Of course when you're dealing with a tuner and different parts, everybody blames each other so it's just been difficult. you know? um I have a few other things. you guys will see it all in the video.

I've tried a lot man, but of course that's how that CL65 is. It's just like nothing is easy on that car. Uh, will there ever be a gas to electric engine project? Maybe. I'm not really thinking about it though.

How do you say so? stress free with so many projects I don't I'm stressed out a lot about the projects because I want to deliver good videos to you guys like on a consistent basis I don't know if you guys know this but I've never missed a Saturday upload ever actually. No. I take that back I missed one when I was in Amelia Island I still uploaded but it was like a five minute video to tell you guys that I couldn't upload a real video and I didn't want to ruin my street but I did upload something hello from Milwaukee Thank you Joe I appreciate the support thank you so much! Um, let's see, you're allowed to miss videos I know but it's it's like an internal record for me. You know what I mean It's like how I gauge how I'm doing I never want to like, let up, you know and I'm always striving to like, just do better.
bring better videos out. but consistency has been King like my channel never really like super blew up in the sense that I gained like a half a million followers in like a year, you know? Um, I've had a really consistent like you know following and I appreciate all you guys so much like I just want to keep it going keep you guys some good videos thank you Jared I appreciate it Yes! come to the meet we will grab coffee I will have coffee there. It's not officially a Cars and Coffee meet but I'll have mine. Hello from Peloton I'm working on 98 Crown Vic Suite I've worked on a few of those I worked for a police station uh and I was at the foreman so I was in charge of like decommissioning those two.

so I kind of feel bad because we'd get a lot of in a lot of them in there with like rotted frames and I'd have to decommission them. They weren't worth a lot but then they went to like someone like you guys like someone bought them at an auction. uh Ricky Thank you so much. Appreciate it brother.

um hey Alex from Kentucky what's up? Let's see 6663 I don't know where that went. Okay oh Fargo Nice. Ah, these things are going so fast. Would you take an F90 M5 or a Gen 6 ZL1 ZL1 I'm going ZL1 Definitely like reliable American I I yeah um do you plan on selling any of your cars? Yeah yeah.

um I ended up keeping a lot of them because I really like them I'm trying to look around here. What am I gonna sell? There's nothing in my shop right now that I'm gonna sell the the Mercedes Honda Mercedes thingy I Want to trade I want to do a swap for swap so like I only want to trade that for another cool Swap and just see if I could keep that rolling forever and ever. Uh, the vet Yes Actually the vet is here I will be selling the C4 vet after I make two more videos on it so that'll be later. um later in the summer and the twin turbo Mustang in my p uh that's my um wife's I may sell this year we'll see oh my God I Can't keep up guys you guys are awesome I can't how what are you guys doing right now like it's Friday morning? this is so crazy like I Normally don't go live this early I Normally go live at the end of the day when everybody's kind of just you know on the bathroom at work.
uh hold on Sebastian Thanks brother I Really appreciate that. Thank you um I usually go live later in the day but I have a bunch of stuff going on today I Gotta go meet up with OJ and we have to drive really far in this E55 wagon that we just finished like a bunch of stuff on. so I got to go live now or I won't go live today. um and it's nine something or whatever in Chicago oh man, something on YouTube mentioned Chicago Auto Pros they are the best If you guys haven't seen the Buick Grand National video I've only done like four of those videos like the full Chicago auto pros and me going nuts for like 50 hours I think that was my fourth one in like six years.

300 like 80 videos. so check it out if you haven't already. Um, it is a very cool like start to finish restoration that was and I was I was like getting emotional at the end. Would you ever get a super or too common for YouTube videos I don't think about any of that stuff for YouTube videos I just get whatever I think has always been a cool car.

so yeah, would I get a super sure I think that's a cool car. Um, you need to try a drift Mercedes build look I'm not I'm not saying I won't I've never been into drifting but then again I was mostly into drag racing and and I don't know I don't know how many drag racers Crypt it'd be fun. we'll see what Mercedes would you like to see me build into a drift? a drift missile actually that Honda Katie's wouldn't be too bad. manual trans, lots of power 400 wheel you know, so that could be a good one.

The Grand National came out awesome. Thank you thank you thank you I Love that car! What's next for the Grand National Driving miles I Don't really need to do anything else to it, it's done I'm gonna drive it. The only thing eventually that I would need to do to that car or the body mounts are kind of worn out. um, which does require you to literally lift the body and you know it's one of those where are you going to go from there rabbit holes? you know any.

Dodge Content coming? No I don't have a Dodge um Travis thank you so much he says love. You guys inspired me to play welcome in there on my Lightning which is dope and my 22 super out of tons of mine is coming from you. Thanks! Travis I Appreciate it dude, that's awesome. Um let's see front wheel drive, rear wheel or all-wheel I mean a little of both, you know I like my all wheels in the Chicagoly snowy winter although front wheel works pretty well I like my rear wheel for like performance cars and stuff.

So I say all of them. Um, keep filming. Thank you, thank you I Appreciate it. Um, what's next with the lightning? I just got to get this this engine done.

um oh Garrett Mitchell AKA Cletus he drifts too. Yeah, you're right. Completist does a little bit of everything. That guy's awesome I'd love to meet him one day I've never met Cletus and he just seems like a really genuine nice guy.
So I think that would be fun? um I am saving burnout tires for my supercharged van and my Chevy Caprice If you're watching there, please frame off Resto on the GN I Guess that it like the body and the interior and everything's done so it would just be basically sanding the frame down and just coating it. There's like no rust really on it other than surface rust and then new body mounts, so it'd be kind of a sort of framer. I Don't know. Honestly, I'm not thinking about it though.

The car runs and drives beautifully and I'm just gonna keep going. just drive it all wind or out winter. I mean all uh summer? Um, how about cheaper cars? I Do a lot of Cheaper cars? Um, what are your suggestions for a cheaper car? How's the Trans Am It's good. When's the next video tomorrow on? YouTube Monday on um Facebook Okay, uh Ready Set real.

Will you ever buy another movie car? Sure who? He's a friend of mine if he's got a cool car I'm buying it I Don't discriminate who owns the car first I bought a couple of YouTuber cars I bought cars from Facebook Craigslist dealers auction I'm what if it's a cool car that I like and it's a good price I'm down. Uh have you replaced your M113 crank pulley? Mine blew up at 90 000 miles I haven't I have heard of that happening. It's possible, but they're expensive. Make sure you get the AMG specific one and get it like get the Mercedes ones.

I Don't know if they make an aftermarket but don't mess with that because if it does come apart it could take out your oil pan and timing cover. and you know and all sorts of stuff. Sounds like you need to take the Trans Am to Freedom Factory I Dude, there's so many cars I want to take to the freedom Factory uh hopefully I get my seat wide body C5 ready for the event. That'd be so cool Wicked Society Thank you so much! Um, let's see what does your ta do in the quarter mile? It the last time I ran it was like five years ago.

it's on the channel. it's one of my earlier videos if you guys want to see me in my early days of not knowing what in the world I don't know what I'm doing now but um, it ran a 970 at like 141 but then I never went back. you know? So um yeah I don't know a lot, not much I mean I put a new turbo on it so like if we retuned it on E85 uh yeah I think it could go deep nines. It's a heavy car though.

for that car kind of car. it's like totally full weight with plus plus the turbo kit the Ford 9-inch rear end. um I vote for a late 60s muscle car build uh fidencio Garcia What do you? What do you? What do you want to see? I would love to do a GTO I've always wanted like a 65 GTO um C63 or first Gen E55 C63 I I mean don't get me wrong, the for the 210 E55 is a classic but I don't know I should probably ask what are your like goals and expectations like the C63 is a way more modern, faster car. But if you're going for a classic Benz then yeah first generation E55 would definitely be the car.
so it depends. Uh, all right, someone mentioned to get a Chevelle um I would yeah I'm down with that. it's Max eating I think he had breakfast today. Yes, uh, all right.

Do you work on people's cars for a living? Not anymore. I did for 20 years and now I do. and now I do this. but I just don't have time to work on anyone else's cars.

If you guys watch the videos, you know I'm past doing a lot of my own cars. Uh thanks Mark I appreciate it I love the channel sending shout out from Oklahoma City I love Chicago and Portillos you should consider yourself looking for a little red express truck to restore. That would be sweet. that would be sweet.

that would be sweet. Um and I think is Portillo's expanding I think they might be I think they might not only be in Chicago anymore. hey Daniel thanks brother I will check that out and you'll be at Woodward Dream Cruise sweet I'm trying to get there with the GN um the Cobra is still here. it's outside I just haven't gotten to it guys.

you know, just lots of other projects and whatnot. Um, let's see Dallas Portillos is expanding Wisconsin that's what I thought I thought they were doing something there. Um, let's see is there. one car you're ready to like to rebuild? Man, there are so many and some of them I've already bought and they're coming to the channel? Um, will there be any? McLaren I'm sorry exotic cars on your channel? Emmanuel I Love the McLaren Um, well I gotta finish the McLaren So there's that and that is a great question because I have bought something recently and it's debatable whether it's an exotic.

Let's just say it's a little fake, but it looks exotic. Uh, how's uh hello? Michael Thank you so much. How's the Corvette Love the show. It's good.

It's been sitting here for the winter. that's all. Um, thanks Donald I Appreciate the support. Um, what do you think of Derek's Grand National from Vice Grip Garage I mean I Like all Grand Nationals I think I think it's awesome and I think it's got a ton of really great potential.

So yeah, I'd love to see another one rebuilt. Hooby's got one I've got one. Derek's got one. It's pretty cool.

Um what else you guys got for me? Remember we had yeah Ben pretty much. um, hold on a second. I Get it. What is going on with Facebook Okay, sorry ciao Alex Any news on the SVT Yeah, just the engine parts? That's all Do you? Uh, do you think of a new wiring harness for the GN I Don't think it needs one? Um, you know it looks fine.

Honestly, it's not brittle or anything. Uh, any motorcycles in your life? No. um I had a old 1980 FX wide guide Harley back when I was like 22-ish and I had it for a couple years and it was cool. but um I'm not super into bikes yeah now I got kids like I just really don't want one.

would I race Hoovie's GN Sure, why not? James thank you so much I appreciate that. Uh, what's next for the GSX Turbo Injectors tune? Yep, got that stuff on order so we'll get that going. Uh, more. Third Gen Camaro content I Love my third gens.
Um, okay. opinion on LT1 You got to specify there's been a lot of LT ones LT1 from the 70s, Lt1's from the 90s current LT ones. um yeah, there are a lot of LT1 dubbed engine manual CTS-V would be sweet. mine's an automatic.

Um oh man, these comments are going so quick. guys. Thoughts on: C6 Corvette Really cool I Like them big fan? Um, let's see I wish we bought a 56 Cadillac that would be cool. Thanks brother.

I'm not going to be talking about that though here. Um, where'd you buy the intercooler from? Oh, that intercooler was a eBay CX racing intercooler. It's been around forever for the Eclipse. Thoughts on: Volkswagens Personally, not into them, but I mean there's a lot of car brands I just haven't gotten into.

you know, build off against another YouTuber sure that'd be fun. um okay what else we got? Um how do you feel about the flooded P1 that uh Tavares is rebuilding I feel like Tavaresh is an absolute Beast for taking on that project I mean the dude I mean it doesn't matter what the project is, he will try and he will succeed and I give him all the props in the world for that P1 it's it's insane and I I can't wait to see it I'm gonna check it out when I go to Florida um let's see turning electric oh I don't know if that was electric guitar I don't know I I'd love to I'd kind of sort of play oh there's a port Davenport Iowa I didn't know that man. they really are expanding. Uh am I gonna convert my band to four by four? Nope.

I want to keep it rear wheel drive? We need an LSC Rich rebuilds mashup. That would be cool. Rich is a good friend of mine I talk to him all the time and uh, hopefully we see each other this year. It's tough to meet up.

we all got kids and we live so far away you know and there's a Portillo's in Minneapolis Um man I can maybe I feel like I knew that because my family in Minnesota do they? um will you ever race the Cletus in cars I don't know. that's one of those invite things if police invites me? Sure. uh I would like to see racer Wife heads up dude the Escalade would take the CTSV off the line for quite a bit because I would just be burning the tires. The thing is it's a monster with the all-wheel drive which is faster.

The E55 wagon or the CTS V that Tommy has changed in the last couple of days. It used to be close and I might have given it to the V but that is all changed which you guys will see in a video the E55 is ridiculous. Um let's see will I help him rebuild the P1 if I'm there and he's still rebuilding it which I'm sure he will be when I get there. Um yeah I mean I'd love to help him you know? sure.

Um PC Talian thank you so much! Love your show my father and I watch Cleaves and cars I grew up watching Motor Trend now focus on LLC That's awesome dude. Thank you so much I appreciate it. Um let's see we got here uh in someone's posting Indie yeah it might be in Indy um when you visit Florida Sam track selling our way yeah I know I've been to Sam's a bunch of times. we're good friends.
Did you see West My Porsche is doing an unbolt restoration on a 964 turbo. Oh man, a dealership doing a nut and bolt restoration? That is really cool huh? I Didn't know that? Um, what else? Let's see what do we got? Um, would I ever modify or fix up a dually if it's a really interesting like story behind it? Sure. I Got no problem with Julie's um, let's see. look at 1980 Volvo 90s.

uh okay thanks Steve I will look that up a 90s, an 80s Volvo with a Vortex swap is that you hi from England Cheerio uh any GTR content I Do you know I Gotta say I know this has been done a million times on YouTube but again I don't really care what's been done or not done on YouTube I just do whatever I want but in 09 to whatever now like the last 12 13 years of GTR I really like those. It's probably the most done up car on YouTube ever, you know? but I still like them I don't know how's this pizza sponsorship going Nate I haven't gotten it yet Lou Malnati's if you're watching, just give me some pizza I Love it I'll buy it anyway though. so whatever people the great content. hopefully you go to the Power Tour yeah that would be so cool.

What car would you guys take to the Power Tour what do you got Brew in it? That would make the trip too. It's got to be a reliable, legit street car. Um yeah. I would do.

Definitely think of doing a cyclone as a project. I I actively look for typhoons Cyclones and 89 turbo Trans Ams like I want every turbo V6 GM product from the 80s and 90s. Um do you plan any car meets in this Chicagoland area? Uh yeah. build a van with cans.

event is June 24th at Cannonball garage I will be there with a bunch of my cars. You guys can bring your cars. it's gonna be awesome June 24th I'm putting the link in all the in and all the info on all of my last like three videos. so check it out, it's going to be awesome.

Ever thought of doing basic maintenance videos for the average person? Steve that's how I made my channel I had a bunch of those like a bunch. There's a cyclone on Facebook Market Place right now for 15 Grant Joe Legit3cars.gmail.com If that's real, please email me. That's insane that should. I Mean it's got to be a wreck obviously.

but like that's still crazy. Uh do you have any leftover parts from the lightning? You know what? I'm I after I get done with the lightning build I'll look that over right now I'm not gonna like sell anything because you never know what you need. Whatever happened to Germany plans with uh yeah with E39 and Pub I was supposed to meet up with Stratton in Germany just family stuff happened I just couldn't make it. Um oh yeah cool West My Porsche has their certified dealers and a restoring a restoration challenge.
Oh cool Tony Angelo should do account collaboration I don't know if it is almost 1 million subscribers I know it's crazy I know it's cliche but I never thought I'd be anywhere near that honestly. um any good leads on DeLorean Yeah I found a couple Deloreans that are very interesting. They are very expensive though I've realized so I'm trying to like work on that basically. but I found a couple cool ones.

They have their like ups and downs though, you know, All right. I'm getting text messages here Rich rebuilds I'm on a live Come on dude. Um, all right, let me work. Best of luck from Lithuania Thank you LS swap DeLorean yeah I kind of want to do that.

Um, let's see what else we got CL65 on the track I Don't know man I'm scared of that car I Just want it to run well. we'll take it day by day LS swap DeLorean yeah that would be cool. Thanks brother I Appreciate all the kind words guys Thank you so much I I yeah I hope you guys can make it to the to the meat I'd love to meet as many of you guys as possible. that'd be so much fun I can talk I'll warn you I could talk your ears off on cars though like I might have to get kicked out of my own event for staying too late.

Have you outgrown the shop yet? Yeah, kind of. I mean it's doing better right now, you know I have a little bit more space, but like eventually, I'll need anyone. Um, giveaway videos are your favorite I Love doing those too. They're fun.

They're difficult though. a lot of work goes into those surprising people and everything like that. Um, thank you so much. Uh, for the fun.

And then we have portals in the maladies in our area. Cool? Uh, let's see I'm so sorry guys I can't get to all the questions? Um, let's see would you? Uh, would you drive in one of Cletus's uh. events? Yeah, that'd be super cool I'd Love that. Let me know what you guys want to see me bring down to a Cletus event.

Uh, any chance we see Channel memberships in the future would love to subscribe. Thanks Travis I Appreciate that. You know I haven't looked too deep into it with the with the channel memberships. um I think it's sort of like a patriotic type of thing on YouTube I don't know I don't know it'd have to be something that I give a ton of value back to everybody and I need to make sure I have time to actually do that.

You know? Um, let's see. All right? Um I Gotta go guys! I Would love to stay here seriously forever and and talk with you guys and one of these days I'll do another super long one. Although this is 32 minutes, it's not bad. but I've been on live for like an hour and a half and I don't ever want to go.

but uh thanks guys! thank you! What's the worst car? You look sexier than ever. Oh my god look horrible with my yellow teeth right now. Uh, it's so bad. do a 90 Chevy Cyclone Build Yeah those are cool all right guys.
I Love you so much! Uh, tune in to YouTube video tomorrow if you need something to me. thank you Travis I Appreciate that. Um, it means the world to me. Seriously.

Um, but if you guys need a little filler and you haven't seen the Grand National video, it is Amazing! I Don't even care if you skip around just watch the just watch some of the video. It was such a cool restoration. The guys at Chicago Auto Pros are amazing! uh I cop S I Thank you so much thank you! Um, check out the Grand National video, check out tomorrow's video um which? I have to actually go do the final edit uh with Max right now and then head over to OJ So check that out too! It's gonna be awesome and uh, have a phenomenal weekend Nate s Woodward uh I'll post up if I'm going to Woodward Thank you um oh all right, this is not working. We need to reconnect.

All right Thanks guys! I Thank you so much I will talk to you soon I Don't even know how to get off of this rotate device. Oh my! God I'm gonna be on live for the rest of my life. Oh here we go. Are you sure you want to stop streaming? Yes! Okay love you Bye foreign.

By Alex

12 thoughts on “Friday live and st jude’s children’s hospital!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Org@nicCold says:

    Amazing job Alex. Thank you for the donation ❤

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian R says:

    There is a Portillos in Tampa Florida.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Reyes says:

    Is everything ok with mods and miles, I sent all of the info for a car that listed with them but haven't heard back from them. How do I reach them? Besides e-mail, they hadn't responded to my inquiry

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FREEDOMGUNNER says:

    Did you guys ever get that red car running? Was it a Mazda or Mitsubishi? I forgot since last epiosode 1-2mtgs ago.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Claudiu Gardelli says:

    Bring back, Peter. Maybe pay him better, and he will probably stop stilling your shit.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars javiermjr1 says:

    Did anyone ask what happened to Peter???????????????

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick94GSR says:

    As a Memphis native still living in the area, we thank you. They are a shining star in this city.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DIYDad says:

    Random question: how do you maintain all the cars you own? Do you drive all of them? Are they on trickle chargers? What is your favorite build/car in your fleet?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ur very angry​​⁠ says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Benard says:

    Your hair product ain't making it! No ultra closeups!🤣

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John says:

    St Jude can blow me. Until such time as they stop blocking half of Memphis during the weekend with their charity walks with no regard whatsoever to anyone who is trying to get anywhere they are absolutely not getting a wooden nickel or a gob of used chewing gum or anything from me.


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A D says:

    Hey Alex! Love the channel man ! appreciate your videos and your thoroughness for us DIY folk. Thoughts on the w204 c250? With the 1.8L 4cyl turbo. Just picked one up and going to start tinkering on it. Something different from my Cummins diesel lol

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