Recording live for youtube and for facebook at the same time, so you might see peter manning the facebook camera on the youtube one and max main in the youtube camera on the facebook one or vice versa. I don't know we might kind of cross paths. I've never done this before. I have no idea what i'm saying uh anyway.

This is the live picking of the winner for this my 1989 325. I bmw so, let's just kind of walk around first, let's, let's take it all in this, may be one of my last days, uh with this car here at the shop and uh yeah, i'm delivering this to whoever wins. So i mean, if they're local, if they're not i'm gon na, have it shipped because i don't, i don't think i'll have enough time to uh to drive this cross country. But if i do ship it to you, it's coming in the supercharged escalade, so uh here it is, it's been sitting outside for a couple days, just like everything else.

We got the cl. This has been rained on and look the ta was outside too. So i put everything outside. It was all clean at one point, and now it's all dirty so anyway yeah so here's the car, i'd have to say the uh.

The nicest part of this car is definitely the interior, so come on over fellas. Let's see it's kind of dark, but these seats are practically brand new. They were covered with a factory. Bmw wool seat cover both of them in the front literally nowhere.

These are like 1989 seats awesome steering wheel. The dash is in really good shape. All the buttons are really nice, the back seat, i don't think - has ever been used, but this car has a hundred and seventy-five thousand miles, and you really cannot tell when you're driving around sitting in here, so it uh it runs well, it's never had any water Ran through the engine at all, you know definitely not like 20 gallons or anything like that um. But let's see here every time i start this car i hit the wiper switch.

The everything in the e30 fits well, except for the wiper switches right here, where you started um, but yeah. It runs and drives. If you guys were kind of local ish um. Aside from some of the tires like two of the tires will go flat after a day or two or a week, you can drive this, you can drive this thing home, it doesn't overheat, it stops it's beautiful uh.

It does need some love before i give it to whoever wins. I'm gon na clean it up a little bit, but pretty sure this is single stage paint and just for me working on it, it's kind of dirty, but we're going to clean this up, make it look as good as it can look um before the giveaway. So anyway, uh let's go into legit's reporter's office, it's kind of a huge mess um and yes, new merch new merch. This is some of this is live on the site right max yeah.

Some of this is live on the site right now, if you guys want to check it out, but i'll be making like a full video. You know on that later, but come on in this place is a total disaster um, but uh anyway. Oh here max has some of the stuff up right now, um, he literally just you just added this, like today, 10 minutes ten minutes ago. Okay, so we got stickers, bmw, stickers, shirts, hats, everything super excited about this um, but, more importantly, let's get to this live giveaway.
So was absolutely amazing, guys um! We raised 53 000. Let me see here where is it um, okay, yeah? So originally my goal was um ten thousand dollars. I thought we would hit. Maybe half of that.

I don't know, and so i kept on raising the goal - every 10 grand that it would go up and we ended at almost 54 000 raised for the national ms society. The comments on here just unreal guys. I wish i wish i could have spent a lot more time on the comments, but you know we had stuff like this uh. Thank you for supporting this cause.

My father was diagnosed in his 40s and uh. It wasn't well known also. My brother-in-law was diagnosed when he was 18, 19 years old, so uh just you know, a lot of you know really good comments. People telling their story on how you know, ms has affect affected themselves or their family, so this has just been a ton of fun.

Um i before we do this, i want to give a big thanks to my friend chris. He handled the entire spreadsheet and the organization of all the donations, so we could do this giveaway. Honestly, i had like no time and it was very intimidating and he's a computer whiz. So on i'll show you guys, like the dashboard and stuff on the computer, but um.

I can see everybody who has donated um and there's a spreadsheet that you can hear if we click on donations. All right, i think going live, is sucking up all of my internet here, um, okay, so yeah. So if you see here, we can download the donor report and then it turns into some kind of crazy alien language and my friend chris was able to work with this and he was able to export it into excel, and so essentially every five dollars was one Entry um, so you know the more you donated the more entries and he was able to make a spreadsheet. We have there's 10 000 over 10 000 lines here so they're, like 10 000 separate, you know entries uh.

We had a total of 1500 donors. There was a guy on here that donated 1 000. There were multiple people that donated 500, 200 100, just crazy generosity, um, and so the more that you donated, you know the more entries you got so now. We have this insane spreadsheet that he did.

I mean this, i i don't know he's he's awesome um. So if we go down here come on it takes a little bit there. We go takes a little time to populate right now, we're like 8 500.. So we got to figure out how many entries, because i'm going to use a random number generator uh to generate a number.

So essentially, where are we here? Oh we're past. It oh come on there we go here. We go this guy jason sutherland. He donated 1.

000, so he got a ton of entries um, so then, basically jason or whoever uh would have their name. Next to you know, however many entries they uh they made. If that makes any sense, um some people we have anonymous. Some people did not put their names.
I made it very clear that you had to put your name and email and most like 99 of the people did that, but some people, just maybe they didn't care to win the car uh. So we have 10 527 uh total entries um. So we're going to do a rant, we have so we're just going to put in here 10 500. What did i just say? Um.

10. 527., all right, so i just want you guys to see what we're doing here. This is a This is totally free and we're going to hit generate it's going to come up with a number and as soon as we find out what that number is we're just going to go to it here, and whoever's name was associated with that number wins the car uh Taxes are covered, and so is shipping and everything like that hold on one more thing before i forget.

I just wanted to show you guys how awesome our fundraiser was. Sorry, i'm really not organized here, so these are just some of the people that donated if we go to dashboard all right check it out. So these are my stats and we have we rank 3 out of 169 fundraisers for this national. Ms society largest donation is a thousand average 34 bucks and we receive 1553 donations, but check check this out.

This is so crazy. This is so crazy. So here we are we're number three out of 169, that's nuts, so i you know, i don't know who these people are. These might be like corporations or companies or whatever they're, raising 175 000.

128 000. And here we are almost 54 000 yeah. There we go so very, very happy with how this all worked out and uh yeah. So anyway, without further ado.

Let's do this. Do i have this right? Oh i don't know, i don't have this right, it's uh! 10. 528.. All right! I don't want to rip off jason doppler.

So where are we here? We need to make that an eight all right, we're gon na. Do it who's gon na win the e30. What number is going to win here? We go okay, 4015.. So whoever is 4015.

Let's go to the spreadsheet, there's a little while here, okay, all right not used to doing stuff live. Normally we would edit, when there's boring stuff like this uh. Okay, hang on. How do we go up faster? We go four thousand.

Oh, this is going to be even more suspenseful, because it's not loading right away. What was it four thousand in 2015 15. You sure yep hold on a second really yeah, four thousand fifteen uh there. Where are we uh? Four thousand here we go.

Tony tony rose right. Yeah 4015 tony rose, that's who won the car cool tony rose. Tony rose um. I have your email in here.

Unfortunately, i don't have anyone's phone number. There wasn't a spot to enter that. I i was hoping there was so that i could call the person live right now. Um, but tony rose, i'm going to email you right now.

You won the e30 um, not gon na lie kind of secretly hoping you live in uh, the midwest and not california. So it doesn't cost me two thousand dollars to ship. This thing um, but also yeah international people could win too. You just had to handle getting the car from here.
So i'm covering shipping and taxes in the united states, the lower 48., so tony rose, hopefully uh you're over here - and it's just you know an easy transaction uh and that's it clean title it's already signed by the previous owner um. Oh something else i wanted to mention if you guys watched the first e30 video um, you know i was given this car and the previous owner who actually lives right by me. I didn't know him, but he lives like blocks away from me. Um his you know.

He knew i do shared. He was like. I know you do charitable stuff with cars um. So he's like i'm gon na give you this car for free.

It's been sitting in the garage for 10 years. It doesn't run blah blah blah, uh and just come up with something you know to do with it, and i was like well. Is there anything i'm just gon na pick like a random charity or figure. Something out.

Is there anything that's kind of close to home with you and his dad uh had ms now. This is really crazy, but the day that i announced um, the the giveaway the whole the whole uh donating to the ms charity and everything his dad passed away. Literally the day i announced it, i hadn't talked to him for a couple months at this point um, so he had messaged me and he's like hey. You know i saw your video on.

You know the whole uh with the bmw and the ms and he's like my dad would have loved to have seen your video because he was watching him ever since i made the video on the e30 and he's like. Unfortunately, he passed away today, um. So i don't know, i don't know if you guys, like believing anything. It was just kind of weird like how that all worked out, but he you know so.

The previous owner's son who's in the first video who gave me the car, was just like very emotional and just so happy and overwhelmed at the support you know for trying to get rid of this disease that that his dad, you know, had um so anyway um. I think that's about it. We we picked a winner, um and uh tony rose. You won so anyway guys.

I will uh i'll, probably do one more video on the car. I might even you know, i'm gon na detail it up and then i might even do a video of me giving it to someone if they're local and i end up shipping or you know, trailering the car myself to them or meeting up with them or whatever Um, so they'll probably just be one more video on the e30, and that is it so uh with that. Thank you so much to anyone who's involved in this whole thing who donated and everything um we're definitely gon na do more stuff like this. I think we made a really big impact.

Fifty four thousand dollars um, you know worth of an impact to the national ms society, 100 of the donations, went straight there just right right to himself uh anyway. Uh like this live video. If that's even a thing, i don't even know how this works uh and i will see you guys uh very soon. I got a couple videos coming out this week.
Um, big merch drop, legit um max just added some right now, so you could literally go buy legit street cars. Merch like this, this hoodie right here and all right hang on. Let's just do this we'll show them we'll give him a little sneak peek. This was not supposed to be like a merch plug, but i just got there's one shirt in particular.

I really want to show you um, so i had a local artist draw an e55, so this is for all the og legit street cars guys out there uh. This is the car that this is my first channel build. This is kind of the car that started the channel, so he drew it. So this is not like a filter.

This isn't like a five dollar fiverr, you know drawing this is a well-known automotive artist drew this. It took him a couple of weeks and he's gon na be doing this on a few other cars uh for me. So in the front here we have the w211 amg and yeah, so this is drawn in america produced in america. Super high quality stuff.

We're not messing around uh. This all just came in yesterday. We got hats going on a couple: different kinds of hats: hoodies that i'm wearing right now: um yeah, so really good. Next level, quality shirts, that's literally the brand they're awesome they stretch they make.

You look kind of skinny, it's great so anyway, we'll do an official merch drop thing coming up this week, but it is live on the channel. If you want to check that out. Thank you again for supporting the giveaway in the national, ms society, and i will catch all of you in the next video.

By Alex

17 thoughts on “Picking the winner of the e30 live!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars leppie says:

    I dont get it, I can stream in 1440p from ZA at 50mbit, but a US person cant. I see this all the time. Not sure where the blame lies.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Clark says:

    Hello I have a E55 AMG I would like that shirt with the e55amg logo on the back I hope you have plus size in the hood and shirt

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars x says:

    Alex, you've done a fantastic job.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ssom7291ify says:

    So awesome my fellow Chicagoan!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Damian V says:

    My brother was diagnosed 6 years ago. Thank you so much for all that you do.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arabian๐ŸŽattitude says:

    Congratulations to Tony rose I wish I had money to donate I really needed a car I am super broke man good luck next time

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Stansfield says:

    Great content, win win all round, keep going Alex ๐Ÿ‘ your onto something sir, from the UK ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rick Cox says:

    Not sure if you've ever come across Brian_636, but he's another Chicago YouTuber that rides stunt motorcycle. Might be cool to see a collab with him at some point.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arabian๐ŸŽattitude says:

    I sent u an email brother Alex please pay attention to ur emails

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arabian๐ŸŽattitude says:

    I live by aurora man I been asking u for a car if u can

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leslie Tese says:

    Aaag i missed it….congrats to the winner

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arabian๐ŸŽattitude says:

    Brother I really need a car

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bkad 623 says:

    Bummed I missed this live. Your chanel has become one that I look forward to a new video.โœŒ

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tommy kane says:

    Nice werk alex, โค of gold.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars the Fishing wizard says:

    Cangrats to whoever won the e30

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Wolf says:

    Good afternoon! Going live! I see you.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Harris says:

    You need to setup a media server to be able to send a live stream to ALL social platforms are once

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