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If you watched the last V12 video then you saw a very happy Alex at the end. Right after filming the outro to that video, I started the V12 up for the second time and something really bad happened. This is about as real world as it gets.
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Hey guys, i should have turned the camera right back on, but if you were here for the last v12 engine video where we got it started at the end, and i had a big smile on my face - it's alive, it's alive, the v12 runs it runs. Well. This is like a half hour later, so the engine wasn't running very nicely. It was misfiring, so i kind of went around trying to figure out what was wrong with it card sat for maybe, like i don't know five minutes.

So i'm like you know. Let me just fire it up again. This thing's been sitting with old fuel for a long time, see what happens so. Eugene was in the car and i was out here and he turned the key and it may be cranked for like two seconds, but it was like and then like.

Stop stop, stop stop and there was smoke coming from this area here. The starter is right down there and uh. At this point i mean i've, hydro, locked the engine, i've hydro, locked one of the cylinders. I was i didn't film any of this, but i just got done.

You know this is like the fastest i've ever worked, but in hindsight i wish i had turned the camera on, but i was just kind of freaking out didn't even think about filming, but long story short. I went underneath there. I took the shield around the starter sort of off. If you guys remember when the engine was out, it's pretty much impossible, so you can't actually get that out, but i just wanted to take a look at the starter, make sure nothing was shorting there.

Everything was good there and i ended up pulling out all the plugs and this cylinder here it had a bunch of fuel in it. The other ones are totally dry. This one is totally hydro locked yeah, it's not good, so we didn't um. You know the engine.

Didn't start hydro locked like before when i said it was running rich. That's that's why it was running rich, but it was still moving up and down. So that's good, but yeah we let it sit. It must have drained the pressure out of the rail because the injector stuck open and it just filled the entire cylinder, and then we went to start it five minutes later is when it it stopped.

It wouldn't turn over. So at this point it is rod versus starter and uh. This could be really bad, so i've got the camera on now, because this is about as real world as it gets. This thing has been sitting here for like five months.

I finally get it all together. Last video, which again was like less than an hour ago for me, probably a week or so for you guys, i was super happy everything was done, i'm like let's go, get a drink and uh, and now we have this so i'm back at it um anyway. Right now, what i'm gon na do is i've already kind of pulled some of this stuff up. I just want to pull this fuel rail up.

I just want to watch that injector leaking um. I bore scoped, it turn the key and it it does spray fuel everywhere without you cranking it. So that's not good, but i just want to triple verify whatever and show you guys too, that this injector is sticking and then i'm going to disable the fuel system. I'm going to make sure that that cylinder is totally dry.
We're going to get a little bit of oil in there to get around the rings, because it's washed out at this point and then we're going to do a compression test. And that's going to be a big determining factor here on whether or not we have an issue, so the irony or the bad luck or whatever you want to call it is. You guys saw that last video i have new injectors. I have new injectors for this and they're aftermarket they're 60 pound injectors - and i was just gon na run these temporarily, so i could make it to the tune shop, so they could upload the first file after i put a bunch of miles on it.

You know. Maybe just a tank or so a fuel just to verify everything is good to go before we start tuning, especially on the dyno. You uh, you never really want to bring an untested car to the dyno, because you could waste a lot of time and money. So there were nothing wrong with these injectors before the only thing i could think of is when i was driving it back from kansas.

We did have a bad tank of fuel, but i'd gone through. I think two tanks after that, and it ran perfect okay. So all we got to do here is just pop this guy out, and then we can prime the fuel and see if it squirts everywhere. I can already tell this: injector is bad.

Just by pulling it up, you can see the fuel dripping. That is just horrible, that is just horrible here. Let's just see, there might still be some in here, yeah yeah, that cylinder filled with fuel. I want to show you guys this injector in action go ahead and prime it look at that guy, so bad all right.

So at this point, i'm going to compression test we're going to start with the bad cylinder. I've blown out all of the fuel and we're going to use my lucky 100 year. Old oil can because the rings are totally washed out at this point. I'm not going to run this engine without changing the oil, but for a compression test.

We should be okay, i'm just going to get some oil in there all right, i'm going to go ahead and just crank it get that oil move into it again: okay, get it nice and fogged up in there. I just want to show you guys, the inside of the cylinder wall, it's coated in oil. As you can see. Sorry, the video footage isn't the best like my other stuff, but just kind of uh working through this right now but yeah.

So we have uh lubed up these cylinders. You can see right there all the oil kind of running down, so we're good to go. Let's compression test it: okay, so i've reinstalled one of the spark plugs since it's dual plugs per cylinder and uh. We're ready to go, go ahead and uh crank cross fingers all right.

All right, wow really good a little too good, probably because we put the oil in there, it's making a perfect seal uh, let's test another one, all right, so i'm testing the cylinder right next to it. Go ahead all right! Okay, that's kind of what i figured more like it around 200 ish um, i'm going to throw a little bit oil in this cylinder too, and we'll just do a direct comparison. Okay, we're going to try that same cylinder. We just did our test cylinder and we have some oil in there now go ahead: okay, okay, so we're in the same general vicinity.
I'm gon na go back to that one, real, quick, we're back in the suspect, cylinder there just to test this again. Go ahead! All right yeah, it gets up there pretty quick. I probably just have way more oil in that one. I just did a little squirt on the other side, so all right so far, so good.

Well, it's the next day and i've had time to clean myself up and kind of reevaluate this whole mess of a situation. I definitely like the direction we're headed in, but i have one more test with the borescope i want to perform before we put everything back together with new fuel injectors this time and start this engine up for the first time again. So this is going to be its third first start and hopefully, third time's a charm, and this engine is okay, but before we get to that, i want to show you something. That's been saving me a ton of time, unlike this horribly bad fuel injector, and that would be the extra parliament wallet.

I've been using this wallet for a couple months now and i absolutely love it. It's got the coolest feature in the world, a pop-out mechanism for your cards, so you just push this and your cards come right out very easy to grab and then you just push them back down and they are secure in the wallet until you do this again. It's kind of addicting: you can hold your cash in there. You can put all your cards in here as well guys you're seriously gon na like this one, i'm gon na put a link down below or you can just go to extra.com street cars and when you do you're going to get five percent off, even if they Have other promotions going on so it's an amazing value.

You guys are going to love the quality of this wallet, and this is very, very addicting. So, anyway, with that, let's get to the borescope, i want to show you guys the pistons moving, comparing them to the known good pistons and see what we have, and this isn't the most scientific test in the world. I know, but right now, i'm just turning the crank by hand and if you see at the top there we have the ridge, that's a normal little ridge. There that's the highest position.

The piston goes just wan na make sure this piston goes the exact same spot as before, yeah. I think it does. Let's do this one more time. Okay, so that's that tdc right there! Okay! Now, let's do another one! So now we're in a known, good cylinder.

You can see that ridge again, let's see here, i'm gon na start losing some light. This is difficult to duplicate, yeah, okay, so this is just another random cylinder, a known good cylinder. If you will so we're coming all the way up there is our ridge yeah. I think that's about the same.
That looks about the same: here's, the cylinder that was filled with fuel. It goes past where you see the carbon and then okay, all right, not very scientific, but it's definitely not really bent if it's bent so something else. I wanted to do was take a long extension like this or a stick or whatever and we'd bring the piston all the way up to top dead center rest, this on the piston and then kind of mark it and then test it next to another one. But the spark plug hole is so deep.

You really can't accurately mark it and the pistons domed you can be off just depending on where you put the extension. It's not going to be perfect, it might show little variances here and there all right. Let's take this fuel line off all right: let's get this fuel rail off got a couple brackets to remove one of them's already gone. It's not too bad to work on this part of the engine with it in the car plan was to do injectors.

When i got to the speed shop, so i kind of knew what this entailed and it's not that bad. So in hindsight, yes, i should have replaced these injectors, but if you guys didn't watch the entire last video, i have the new injectors they're, just larger they're 60 pound fuel injectors and i didn't have a tune yet so i just didn't want to run rich. I just wanted to get a few miles on the setup with the factory tune, the factory injectors, so i knew for sure everything was perfectly fine. I didn't want to add in any unknown variables, with tuning and with injectors and a base tune, and everything not being dialed in.

I wanted to. First, just make sure everything on the car was okay, so that when we do go to the dyno to tune the thing, we're not worrying about things leaking or things rattling or just weird stuff. That can come up when you have so many parts apart. So i just wanted to run this on the factory fuel system and just drive it around for a little bit and then swap in the big injectors and that ended up biting me big time so anyway, we're gon na run with the larger injectors.

This time we're gon na do what i was trying to avoid, because it's not the end of the world. It's not that big of a deal to run it on larger injectors, we're not gon na beat on it, and the computer will adjust. That's within reason. If you have injectors that are double the size, don't do it, but these are only about like 30 or so larger than factory injectors.

So i think we're going to be okay. The o2 sensors will pick up the rich mixture and the engine's computer will adjust to a certain point. It will max out so it'll run richer than 14.71, i'm sure, but nothing dangerous, and we have a wideband to double check it just in case, but really at this point, i'm not going to drive it over there with the aftermarket injectors, i'm sending the computer out For the base tune, i just want to fire it up right now with these injectors, so i won't be driving it. It's not going to be an issue at all.
It's just going to run rich for the amount of time that we run it to verify that my engine is okay and that i can go to sleep at night and not worry. Okay, i'll make life easier, get that out of the way there we go. Okay, old fuel injectors goodbye okay, so these are the 630cc fuel injectors from victory road performance and if you guys saw my video on the m156 engine, you're probably saying alex you've literally told us to replace fuel injectors for maintenance purposes on that engine. Definitely definitely those actually would go bad, i'm leaking fuel everywhere.

I thought i got it all out. No, so the 156 was notorious for injectors sticking open, but this generation fuel injector never had really any issues at all. Uh myself and a bunch of my tech friends that i've spoken to about this have never seen these go bad or stick open like this. So that is why i wasn't worried, but uh apparently anything can happen in this world and that's what happened.

We're going to lubricate these seals pop, the new ones in and just reinstall our clips and repeat, 10 more times. Okay, now we're going back in with the fuel rail sneaking it through this harness not saying this would be. My first destination probably way more important things in history to make sure i got done before this, but if i had a time machine i would go back in time and tell myself to replace these injectors. I would have never imagined in a million years.

One of them would stick yeah, that's what i would do if i had full-blown access to a time machine. You know like no no limits on how many times i could use it, and i would invest in some stuff too, but you know what i wouldn't change this youtube channel. I would go back in time and be like just just keep just keep doing what you're doing man you're good you're having fun you're fixing cars breaking some cars, apparently now too, but you're having fun so keep doing it. That's what i would tell myself well maybe buying the shop.

A little earlier would have been nice too, although i'm not using it right now. Maybe i would have bought this shop earlier all right enough about time travel. I do love sci-fi, though i will tell you this, i'm a sci-fi fanatic, if it's a sci-fi movie, i'm definitely watching it all that kind of craziness aside. Oh, let's get this rail in here.

Okay, injectors are nice and seated - and now i have to plug in 12 of these adapter harnesses for the fuel injectors, because the new style fuel injectors have a different connector. So this is pretty easy to do. It does kind of clutter everything up a little bit more, but you can tuck these away nicely. If you take your time so there's one of them 11 more to go.

This turned out perfectly there's a ton of room around this intake, so i was able to tuck in the connectors right here and right here so once this is all together, you won't even be able to tell all right next up is the throttle body going back On there we go ground wire all right. Now we have 24 ruthenium spark plugs to install or reinstall already been here before, but luckily these really aren't hard to do probably get these back in in like 20 minutes, okay, then passenger side, gigantic coil pack again a lot easier, the engine out. Okay, all right perfect, that's in all right plugs are all in and torqued, and now we have our second gigantic and very, very expensive, coil pack to install just like that, just like that and that and that and that and that all right, that's it okay, everything Is done up top and what you're looking at is the starter. So i'm pretty confident the starter is okay, it did give out a little bit of smoke, but i think it got really hot and my greasy paws have been all over it and it hasn't really had time to burn off or anything.
So i'm leaving this shield loose for now, just in case, but i'll give this thing plenty of tries to make sure it's okay and, if not i'll, have to replace it. Okay, here we go again power to the cl for the first time. Okay, it's alive, prime. The fuel give it a couple primes, and here we go guys.

I am nervous this uh. This means a lot right now. If this sounds totally normal, we're good. If it's ticking and rattling away, we uh, we are not good.

We're gon na have to get a new engine a used engine, whatever replace a rod. I don't know um all right without further ado. Okay, fired right up runs a lot smoother than before. I'm gon na shut it off real, quick, okay.

So far, so good a lot of smoke here, a lot of oil. I poured into the cylinders for the compression test. Let's open up the door, it was hard to tell anything from inside. I don't have an extra guy with me today, so i'm gon na open the door start it up and then i'll run around to the engine, so we can hear it yeah and that smells like 100 oil right there.

So that's good! It doesn't smell like fuel before it was very rich. You could smell it. Obviously it had an open fuel injector, oh and you'll notice. This time i haven't put it all back together: 100 we're missing the intercoolers and the air boxes and stuff, but i just put enough stuff back together, so we can fire it up.

Okay, here we go all right running. Well, it's running really! Well, it's idling! Pretty high right now: oh there we go okay, titling down. Oh, this is really smooth there. We go wow, okay, yeah a little rich, not too bad, though the important thing is.

It's running really smooth right now! Oh yeah! Oh it's perfect guys! Oh thank god! Thank god geez what a roller coaster guys! The last few days have been what an absolute roller coaster. I don't hear any issues at all, no ticking, no, nothing! It is a smooth perfectly smooth. V12. Let me shut this off.
Well, hang on. I know you want to hear it first from here before it was misfiring when i brought the camera over this way and now we're good all right shut her down man. Is it smoky in the garage, but it's a good smoke. It's just oil from the compression test.

It doesn't even smell, like fuel with the larger injectors. It seems to be running fine, oh man, which makes me regret not replacing them even more. I just you know just general rule of thumb: don't run a car with bigger injectors on the factory tune, you're not supposed to do that and that's what i was trying to avoid. I don't recommend doing it, but you know whatever.

If i go back in time, you guys know the deal, hindsight is 20 20., that is for sure. So anyway, the v12 is alive. What a scare i don't hear any ticking! It runs perfectly smooth, just beautiful, beautiful and uh. At this point, i am going to be removing the ecu and sending it out to california, so they can install a base tune and then from there after they copy the factory file, then we can remote tune it at fluid motor union in naperville illinois.

Once we have that backup file, there's a lot that kind of goes into this, because not many people do custom tunes honestly, like no one does custom tunes on these things. This is uh going to be another kind of learning curve for us all. So we're going to get this thing tuned for the 60 pounders and then we're going to be putting e85 on this testing that out in the dyno, so lots of dino tune stuff, but at least now i know the engine's good. So we can continue so i'll mail that out, while it's out i'm gon na be efficient, i'm gon na wrap everything else up.

So we'll finish up the engine connect the suspension, the hydraulic suspension, all the fluids, all that good stuff, so that when the computer comes back, we can just fire it up, bleed everything out and be good to go and that'll be the first drive video bringing it To the dyno and uh, i'm just hoping that's all it is i'm hoping it's just a really easy video where i just drive it there we're good first drive no issues crossing my fingers. Please do the same over there. So if you guys enjoyed this video, if you enjoy kind of having a heart attack with me, uh give this video a thumbs up. Share the video with friends that have talked to you about doing extensive work on european cars.

So that way, you can just completely deter them from doing anything subscribe if you haven't already and most importantly, have an awesome day i'll catch all of you in the next video, and i think it's going to be on that guy. You.

By Alex

8 thoughts on “The 2nd First Start Of My Twin-Turbo Mercedes V12 Engine Went HORRIBLY WRONG. Here’s What Happened.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Asad ZeeTwo says:

    Man, I'm glad it started up fine because Alex put so much time and effort into this build, and more than anything, you can see how stressed he was in this video. Thank God it seems well, so far.👍👍👍💞

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hudson says:

    To check tdc on a deep sparkplug hole like that tape two plastic straws together and paint the bottom one with a dry erase marker hold it lightly against the treads as someone turns it over slowly the thread will scratch the marker off the straw then just measure from the bottom of the straw to wear the scratch ends then repaint and repeat for each cylinder it's not super accurate but will tell you if ones way off

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Seth Tynan says:

    I wish my 2006 W215 was a V12. At least mine has the 722.9 transmission. The transmission makes a huge difference! My W220 has the 722.6 transmission and it is nothing like the 7 speed.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gonz Salina says:

    My God I was freaking out. Please finish this project and show everyone why you are the YouTube tech that we all need. Not these bs guys that drag out and clickbait views. Respect from Houston Texas

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stan the Man says:

    Very nicely done. Working on cars with my son I always stress the importance of being thorough and methodical, especially when trying to troubleshoot a problem. So happy that it worked out in the end.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wakeywhodat says:

    Your entire time travel rant had me lol’ing. The way things went down with that motor seemed entirely plausible to me. It made perfect sense the way you did it, it just didn’t work correctly, but that’s Murphy’s Law isn’t it?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Zalnis says:

    check the wire loom for that injector. as you know fuel injectors are constant 5v and the negative ground is switched by the ECU. I ruined my 94 SL600 engine when I pinched a fuel injector ground installing an engine cover. by the time it chafed through the insulation on that wire I was on the highway. by the time I realized what happened the cylinder was fuel washed and the V12 engine was shot.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars adam0bt says:

    had this happen too, luckily i caught it before cranking because i noticed the fuel rail wouldn't keep pressure, and double lucky for me it filled the intake port on a closed valve

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