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In this video, we spend 60 hours restoring the body and interior of my abandoned DeLorean making it look brand new! This is the most intense restoration I've been a part of and I'm so proud to call this car my own. Can't wait for you guys to see more!
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For welding, fabrication, stainless work, and much more Blane at BRH Fabrication is the Man!
If you have Dents in your car, then you know who to contact! DennisDoesDents
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In this video, we are going to begin a restoration that will totally transform my 1981 DeLorean that sat forgotten in a garage in North Dakota for 32 years. So during this process, you guys are going to see a lot of cleaning and detail work. There's going to be metal restoration and paint work and even stainless steel body repair work and re-graining which is essentially like getting a whole new paint job on a DeLorean Now I'm going to try and keep this to a minimum, but there may be one or two Back to the Future jokes. But before we get to any of that, I did a lot of preparation and disassembly in the last video.

So let me take you guys back in time and show you how we've gotten to this point coming out. we'll get this weather stripping off as well. Get out of here. Okay, there we go.

Okay, okay oh oh wow. okay. rear bumpers off should be it. I Think beautiful, there's your front DeLorean Carpet oh man.

oh so glad I did this stainless steel roof coming off? Yeah! I'll let you guys see first. So our first step is going to be the stainless body repair and my buddy Blaine just pulled up in a typhoon I didn't even know we had that my work truck you ready for some uh stainless work I think so Yeah, all right. got all the body shop equipment in the back. good jamming.

Let's do it. This thing is so mint. Look at the license plates I Love it! So some of my OG subscribers will recognize Blaine from a video I made on the CL65 where there was a hole in the cylinder head. I thought I was totally screwed but he came out and saved the day.

So Blaine in a past life worked at a body shop but no DeLorean specific experience never worked on a DeLorean All right. so here is our crease and I did actually find out how this happened I might put this on Legit street cars too, but I was able to speak to the original owner on the phone of the DeLorean He told me so much about the car including that this crease happened in 1983. The car was parked in his driveway. He said the transmission popped out of gear.

it's an automatic so that's kind of weird. but he said that it rolled down the driveway and hit his hot air balloon pickup truck. He had a pickup truck converted to transport hot air balloons and he said that that happened. so the car was only two years old.

it was before Blaine and I were even born and it's been there ever since. All right, what do you think for a game plan? So what's nice is we do have plenty of access behind here. so first thing we got to do is push out the crease but we're just going to get in there and kind of push on it and work at it and pound it and get it nice and back and straight. Ready for the regrain.

Let's do it now. Blaine I Will warn you that I posted up the picture of this. that's how you saw I needed the work done on Instagram and Facebook yeah and there were a couple guys that said this is impossible to repair. That's what they said.

it's impossible to repair. We specialize in the impossible. All right, that's why Blaine's the guy for the job I commented back I was like we're gonna get this to work. it's not impossible.
we can do this I don't think it's impossible, but definitely a little more difficult than a traditional repair I'm just gonna slowly work at it. It's not going to look like a lot of progress at first, and the goal here is to have this crease kind of stick out a little bit, just a tiny amount so that during the regrain he can smooth it back down and hopefully it'll just disappear. And there also is a little bit of a dent right here that needs to be kind of fixed up and matched up with this line. Oh, that's starting to come out nice and that's moving nicely.

Oh yeah, yeah, so this was kind of crunching. You see how this is here I'm assuming it should probably be mostly straight and then that kind of shows how it when this went in, it kind of rolled this. Edge That's the kind of damage hot air balloons cause I Guess so every time. every single time so it's not often.

I come across a tool I've never seen before I was actually a macro dealer in a past life. I Saw this in Alex's box and it looks like it was made perfectly for fixing. DeLorean Quarter panels. That's what it's for.

That's exactly what it's for. It's not gonna lie. I don't think I've ever used that one either side. Yeah.

DeLorean Body Panel Tools: This seems really nice and even obviously you can still see the little cut there, but that should get fixed during the regrain. This is great. Yeah, yeah, so we just got to kind of fix these little guys. There may not be much we can do with that little dent in the corner there, but we're gonna do our best All right.

It's been about an hour and Blaine has been working away, so yeah. so back here there's a couple tabs like where this screw goes into so it's tight getting tools back to where these two marks are. but over here, where the main crease was. we've got that pretty much knocked out.

Once they go for the regrain, you shouldn't be able to see that at all. so we're gonna see a lot more of this soon when Mike from DeLorean Midwest gets here. But right now Blaine wants to do a little bit of re-graining just to see how far he's gotten in case he needs to continue pushing out. Thank you! Oh man, this is gonna look so good.

Once it's re-grained you can already see how shiny it's supposed to be. We've taken out some of the screws here for the quarter panel before we had trouble. We couldn't get the dolly in through there. so these little Marks here and here were giving me trouble.

but we pulled the screws out. So now I got my dolly up against there and be able to pound these out a little bit more. Two hours and a few thousand hits with the hammer. This is what we have.

This is what it looked like before and this is what we have after. So obviously we still have the regrain coming so we'll be getting rid of this and stuff like this as well. But man, Blaine you did a great job I appreciate the opportunity. This looks so good! I've always wanted to bang out some stainless dents on a DeLorean and you provided me that chance.
I'm glad we were able to make your dream come true on this one. And seriously, you saved the day once again. V12 Cylinder head stainless steel DeLorean I'm pretty sure in three years I'll be calling you to fix my abandoned spaceship warp drag. Yeah, Next up we have a very special guest.

My buddy Dennis does dense is coming in to take care of some some dents. That's what he does before the re-grain. We gotta get this guy taken out and these two right there. I Think that's about it on the car I Think we can give them way better access with the quarter panel pulled back.

I Don't see if this just kind of pulls back. Wow. we could probably work with this. The man, the myth, the legend.

Ladies and gentlemen. Dennis Does Dense is back at it. You guys have seen him in many videos where any ends up finding like 400 more dents than I originally thought we had. so.

Dennis I See this one here and then your light just made of. Oh yeah, yeah, here we go and these two here and that's all you see, right? He's wiping this down to reveal more dents. It is one two three four five six seven. What? one two, three, four five, six seven eight.

Literally, it never fails every single time I'm like yeah, there's only like two and then it's times ten. but check this out. I Took out even some more screws and yeah, we have a ton of room in here. Yeah, like refrigerators.

I do with a case link. It's really difficult to get a good reflection on it, but since you're doing the regraining back in, uh, make it look a lot less and all, this one is repaired. so know the learning experience. But refrigerators? Yeah, all right.

I like it. Same same tool you're using for normal PDR right now. Yeah, I'm using a very, uh, blunt tip tool so it's not as sharp you want to use like sharper stuff like on aluminum but it's just really difficult to get it. The reflection is just right to see.

I Gotta say that this one was pretty apparent and it's like disappearing in front of our eyes. so it's pretty great. look at the progress. So we had dense just like these right there all over here and I think he's working on one like right there right now.

but yeah, this already looks so good. Dennis is all done with the dents. so this is what we had before and this is what we have after. I Don't see any dents in here at all.

We have whatever this is right here which I think will come off once we start cleaning this guy. but yeah, phenomenal job. Dennis Once again thank you very much and I will leave all of his contact information down below. He travels the Chicagoland area making people happy by removing dents.
so thank you right now I'm pulling all of these little screws here for this sill panel. Okay, yeah, a little dirty under here. not too bad. Let's clean this.

Yeah, this guy definitely drove on a lot of dirt roads. Look at all that coming out from in there, just do a little bit of degreaser. All right, that's beautiful. but the screws that hold that in are not cool at all.

They're all kind of rusty so we're going to drop them in some evapo. Rust Oh, it's already bubbling up. evaporate that rust. We'll go ahead and tighten up all these quarter panel screws.

I'm using a ton of force here. it is going into fiberglass after all. We still actually have a bunch of stainless work to do. We're waiting on a couple people to get here though, so while we wait, we have a lot of wiring repairs to do so.

In the last video, I attempted to repair some of this but I went down the rabbit hole of pulling up all the wires and a lot of them just broke in half. so we need to do a way better job with this. So what I want to do is pull the harness out. So if you guys saw the last video we removed this t-bar roof and I've depend most of this connector.

but I saved one for you guys. You can get these Universal d-pin tools pretty cheap on. Amazon Some parts stores have them as well so you're just going to take your tool, stick it in here. it's going to release a little clip and your PIN will pop out.

So what you're releasing is right here. So there's our connector. All of our pins are off I definitely took some pictures so I know where these go. I Ended up having to d-pin two of these connectors so we have a lot of wires to pull through.

Okay, I'm having a really hard time pulling this harness through I think we're at the very least gonna have to take this torsion bar off. This, along with this is how the doors open and I've never done that, but luckily we have Mike from DeLorean Midwest who just showed up in a Chevy Volt I Love Chevy Volts I've had two of them. You want to do this? They're special tools and it's very delicate, right? Yeah, so we got a detention the torsion bar but I brought the stuff. uh, anticipating we may have to do this and let's pull door off I Guess Well you want to go full full door here? Yeah, All right.

All right, the door's coming off. This should be fun. So this is a special tool that Mike brought over and this is to remove detention and adjust the torsion bar. and right now he's marking exactly where that needs to be because we're pretty happy with how far the door opens.

so pull down on that a little bit and then I'm going to try to get a judge for how much tension is on the bars when I take these screws out. Okay, I should almost be able to spin them out by hand give it a wiggle. So right now I'm holding the tension with this gigantic breaker bar so he can remove the bracket so you can't just rip the door off your DeLorean you you need this tool. I'm just gonna get my face out of the way here.
I'll just put my face here and you can see as as Alex goes up and down with the bar. it's moving this bracket and obviously we got to get this bracket off to clear the windshield. Now you can come counterclockwise Alex all the way up and keep going. You probably hear that snap.

It should have no tension and you're going to tension it the other way a little bit. Okay, you got it. Ah that's what you're looking for. That's not a good sound dude.

that's the sound we wanted. Okay I Trust you, that's what I'm going for with all the tension off. I'm just gonna spray a little bit of penetrating oil in here and we should be able to get the bar to come out. So I've cut a little piece of rubber hose and we have our special Sonic tool here and hopefully we can move this torsion bar a little bit.

There we go. All right. no damage whatsoever and that's good if you nick these that can create a weak spot in the torsion bar and they'll break. and how much are these guys again? Uh, this is a good thousand dollar bar.

Before this video, we had never used this tool before and now we've used it twice and it saved the day. Unreal. with the torsion bar out of the way I Think we can pull these wires out? Yes, Oh this is beautiful. We got them all out and then okay, they use some kind of goop I don't I have no idea what happened in here guys.

Look at all this stuff. look at. Wires are cut everywhere, but the rest of the wiring harness on this car looks to be in really good shape. I mean even these wires here, they're very flexible.

I Was thinking maybe because this is a hinge point that it was a common failure for these wires, but it's not and speaking with Mike he hasn't seen anything like this. So in any case, we gotta. we gotta fix these wires. with the harness out.

we can remove four total bolts for the door. Okay, lots of. while you're in, there's with this car. No, this is what we have all to fix.

Some wiring that went through this: Factory goopy mess. This either says Bob or that's a heart and that's another heart right there with the door out. I Can drill out these two rivets. then I can pull this plate off and hope we can get a lot more wiring out of this door.

Oh, we're going to be gold and perfect. All this wire in here is in excellent condition. For this wiring repair, we are going to use Solder Stick Connectors. These things are absolutely amazing and you can get them at or you can use my link down below.

I'll leave a coupon code down there as well, but this kit right here will change your life if you guys do any kind of wiring. These solder sticks are super flexible and so the solder is right in the middle and this is heat shrink tubing as well. It's the perfect repair. Check this out all right.
So first step is to strip the wire and then we'll get the other end too. There we go. Next, we're going to slide on our solder stick connector like so and we'll twist the wires together. Now all we do is slide this guy on and we're going to want to solder right in the middle just like that and then all you're going to use is a heat gun.

It could be electric, could be butane and watch the magic happen. See that solder? It's melting right into the wires. This is going to be the best connection you could possibly have. So the solder part is done and now we'll just kind of move the heat gun back and forth and the two red Parts They're melting inside right now giving us a perfect weatherproof seal.

Look at that. This is beautiful and that's it. This is the best way to repair wiring and what I like about these is that the sealant in here? it doesn't ooze all out. We need these wires to be the same diameter because they have to fit in this really narrow sleeve so you don't want anything bulging out and look at this super strong not going anywhere.

So not only are the solder stick connectors the best possible method to repair your wiring, but they'll save you a bunch of time and money. So click on the link down below. Use code Legit 20 and enjoy life. Not that I wanted this to happen to my DeLorean but since we have to fix these I'm actually kind of looking forward to it.

It's really satisfying to melt that solder and then you see it kind of explode inside of there. Infuse the wires together. it's I Don't know, It's just fun. You got you got to try it.

It's just. it's too good. It's too good. This works so well.

All of the wiring repair is done and I did find some broken glass in here so I have a feeling that they were in there before and they probably didn't put the seal in there properly and the stainless steel gets really sharp so it could have been cut by the actual door. but we are fixing all of that now and what's great is this sleeve right here. It's a very visual part of the car. When you have the doors open you see this and mine was all cut up and they don't make this anymore, but they make Mike from DeLorean Midwest Who has basically every DeLorean part in the world.

a few used doors that I was able to scrounge one for you. Well thank you Mike thank you. We're keeping my DeLorean all DeLorean at least for now. while we have the door off.

We need to replace this seal. This is the top door seal and it used to go up to here and it's just brittle came apart. So I've drilled out most of the rivets here to remove this. just have one left there.

we go all right. So now I can remove this right here and we're going to go ahead and peel this seal off. That's garbage I've ground that down and now I have to punch it through. but you have to be really careful because you can make a dent in the door.
Foreign. There we go. No. Dent we are good.

next. I have to drill little holes in our new rubber seals. so this is the piece that's going to get riveted back to the inside of the door. So I just used some two inch spring clamps to kind of hold this in place.

So everything's even because with the doors closed you will see this seal and I want to make sure that it's straight when you're looking at it. It is kind of a cosmetic thing. There we go and that's all we needed. that little hole there.

So now I have to do that a few more times and we're good to rivet this back in and we've stuck a rivet right through so it's sticking out of the rubber as well. We've gotten some of the rivets in to locate this seal back on and this is another one of those times where we could. Dent This So usually this is two pulls before the rivet snaps and you want to do one pull and you can see that that kind of pulled down tight and I got the play out of it and then on the second one. I can go ahead and push tight because I've shortened the rivet and then you want to make sure it's through and if you look over here you can see that edge of the seal bloomed.

That means I'm pulling it tight. Perfect. Good job! Mike No dents. You've done this a few times.

we're not done yet. We have one rivet to go. no dents. Here we go.

Oh yeah, this is perfect and this is really nice and straight. This is going to look great now. we just have the rubber boot and this door is going back on all right. So we're going to feed our wires through this unobtainium sleeve that doesn't exist anymore.

What really stinks about this not existing is that this is a very cosmetic part of the car. Here it is on the passenger side, so when you have your door open like you're definitely going to do if you're at a car show, you have a DeLorean you see this right here and you can't have that all mangled up. This one's in good shape. Luckily, someone needs to reproduce this part.

And speaking of Parts, a lot of you guys had mentioned that there are a ton of DeLorean Parts still available and that they're making them new. That is true, but a lot of the parts are New Old Stock meaning that they're still body panels for example that exist from 1981. but there are things that are eventually going to run out on the DeLorean Unless someone steps up to save the DeLorean for the rest of time there. We have it.

All of our wires are through the sleeve now we just have to rivet this in. So replacing this on the car is very difficult to do it properly because you can't get to these rivets as you can see on the passenger side. they're right there and you can't really fit anything in here. and replacing the seal without taking the door off? That's going to be fun and I will be doing it on this side because this seals out in the best of condition.
This is one of the most riveting parts of the video right here. Some are here for me working on cars, others for the dad jokes. Oh look at this so nice. This is perfect.

This door's ready to go back on. So while I was doing all the wiring repair, Mike kept on working here. I mean this is This is insane guys. He's not even done.

he still has to do some blending. So right now Mike and Kevin from DeLorean Nation are working away at regraining the entire vehicle and Mike and Kevin have a YouTube channel called DeLorean Nation So if you guys want to see a ton more awesome DeLorean Content Mike Sent me some videos after I bought mine on what to check and uh yeah, if you guys are in the market for a DeLorean you gotta check out the videos. There's a ton of good information and Kevin came all the way in from Madison Wisconsin right? All right and you're working on this door right now, right? Yeah! So right now we just finished up green it on this part of the right recorder and now I'm going to start working on the top of the door. and the Green in this car really isn't all that bad.

but it does if you. I don't know if the camera can pick it up, but there are some scratches in here. Um, just probably somebody set something on here while it was in storage or something like that. Who knows where that came from.

But um, we're gonna hit this with 120 grit sandpaper in the wolf head wheel and we should be able to run that right out of there. And we're doing is basically just start restoring it back to factory degree. Mike's got a smaller wheel to get in these smaller area so that he's not overlapping onto the glass or anything. but we did do a pretty good job of taping everything off.

This is crazy though. It is like getting a new paint job. Look at this. So This is actually a dealer Arrow tool that was designed specifically for graining this car.

They took an Aero Tool that this company made uh Aro and uh, geared it down. It's been a particular 1000 RPM and then this is actually a horsehair head and the same company that made this is out of Indianapolis And that's who both of the wolf heads that Kevin and I are both using today came from. So all the dealers in the United States would have to have this in order to regrain. Yep, Wow! This is really interesting.

So everybody knows that stainless steel doesn't rust, right? Well, not really. There are different grades of stainless steel. This is 304 and you can see here this is very, very mild. but there's some staining in here and this is actually rust.

And Mike was telling me that he's seen this on a few in very extreme situations where they've been sitting around for a while in a humid area. This seems to be on the surface we should be able to get this out, but stainless steel canned rust and he's even seen some with basically rust holes in them in a DeLorean. Let's hit this with the wheel and hopefully come comes off. Oh wow.
yeah, a little bit more down here to get out, but yeah, that came out pretty well. I'm happy with that. Oh, that's perfect. Okay, cool rust removal on a stainless steel DeLorean body.

You've seen it here first. Hey, can we just can we just talk about how cool this car is I mean the lines, the stainless it I Can't wait to get this done all right guys! So we are going to experiment with cleaning the car with gasoline here in a moment and I'll explain. But first, we're going to do it the right way. So we haven't regrained this section here, but you can see there are a lot of fingerprints on the stainless steel.

It's just like your refrigerator. it's kind of annoying and then some other corrosion little scuff marks here. And to clean this, we're going to use Bar Keeper's Friend So this stuff has been out all of time. Yeah, this has been around for a long time as a bar and restaurant cleaner and you know kitchen sink cleanser.

They make it in a few different forms I prefer it in the powder and what I do is take a damp Rag and we can shake it down into a damp Rag and then kind of work it in. When DeLorean owners want to wash their car, they just wash it like a normal car and then they do this. Yeah, this is probably you know, maybe a once a year clean. You don't have to do this each time and you do want to.

once you do this. you should rinse it all off because it can't bleach like the Rockers and non-stainless stuff so you don't want to just leave it on for a long time. But uh yeah, there is kind of a rundown here. you can see and then there was like some grease on it and it just doesn't.

If we did this with a white towel, you would see how much crap it pulls out of the stainless. Wow, That's almost instant. so the the grain does trap dirt in it, even if it didn't have any of that on it. There tends to be a brown Hue to the stainless just because there's dirt within the Grain and then this brightens it up and kind of gives it more of a blue hue.

And so it can make a big difference and not a lot of time. So there's Bar Keepers Friend that worked out really nicely. Look at this panel. it's going to look even better once we do the regrain.

But let me let me show you guys that. So DeLorean in one of their shop manuals and I think in some of their owner's manuals, they recommended cleaning the car with gasoline, literally getting gasoline in a rag and wiping the car down, which may or may not work. We're gonna try it, but I Just want to point out that this engine has an EVAP system. Okay, so that is an emissions control system that's supposed to take the fuel Vapors from the fuel tank and burn them so they don't escape into the atmosphere.

But at the same time, they want you to wet a drag with gasoline and wipe your whole car down. So not only is that super dangerous, but it's not environmentally friendly. like why, why do they even have the EVAP system? It makes no sense. But anyway, we're gonna test this Theory see if it even works there.
We go 93 octane gas on a rag and this one has a ton of little smudges and it's pretty dirty at the bottom of the door here. and we're cleaning it with gasoline and all the fumes are just evaporating up. Maybe the EVAP system is so good on this car, it just sucks the fumes from all around it. Maybe that's what they were going for.

Okay, yeah, I gotta say I got the fingerprints out of it. but the Bar Keeper's Friend did a much much better job. So gasoline to clean a DeLorean no bueno? All right. it's DeLorean door.

going back on all right. Ate my Wheaties today so this is like hour 10 I think roughly today. Been living a DeLorean lifestyle lately. It's good for losing weight I Don't eat it all I just keep working.

Live the dream people That was the DeLorean slogan. There was one that was the last production door and I said will the dream still be alive It was the last car that the factory had screwed together and they that point we're unsure if if another one would ever be built and it's a bait. uh not not really. So someone wrote that on the inside of the door.

they had to pop the door panel off and find it and then uh, the owner of that car ended up just hanging like they just hung it up as a decoration right? Yeah, it's now kind of in uh in a museum in Texas in the lake, the DeLorean Museum in the Humble Texas facility. it's a little Eerie Like the workers at the factory were like is this it and they wrote it on the inside of the door the last DeLorean out. How crazy is that? The whole DeLorean story is insane. The factory was only open for 18 months.

The workers had to basically sign a contract that they wouldn't fight their Civil War inside of the factory because at the time the Protestants and the Catholics they weren't happy with each other. There was a Catholic entrance and a Protestant entrance and the rule was once who came inside the building they had they had to work together, they had to take lunch together and it was the first time time they kind of started to see each other as human beings I can lift it up? Okay, so that's probably about where we were. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, no that's good. That's that's right where my Sharpie is and we're gonna get this at least as good as the Irish workers did back in 1981.

he's even wearing his lucky green today, so that's right. I Hate me Lucky Charms I have a lot of Irish friends so I can I can say that? I'm Irish So oh there you go. see Irish and Italians it's Chicago lots of Irish and Italians We all make fun of each other. It's a wonderful thing.

No one really cares, it's just all fun. I didn't get punched I've had a final kind of torque once. We know this is all set up all right now. I Gotta feed this wiring harness through and hindsight we probably and I should have done this a little bit differently.
Unfortunately, we can't go back in time. It's getting late, people. All right, it's getting late. The brain is wandering back to the future.

References are flying there we go. harnesses coming through I Got I got me a boot? Yes, so that's a good sign. Look at this beautiful, beautiful gray rubber. what do we call this wire loom? It's a pirate's boot.

All right. We're gonna check our body lines before we put everything back together and before the torsion bar goes in. We're mainly just making sure it still fits the hole because the torsion bar will torque up the door and it'll fit different. But if it closes fully and the gaps look good, this is a really good sign because I'm happy with that.

Yeah, these gaps are actually right where they were and these are actually pretty nice. I mean considering it's a DeLorean where like this is normal right here. Like this kind of stuff. it's hilarious.

The fit and finish on this car is horrible so you almost like can't mess it up honestly. but uh this is. this is great. This is also a decent time to see like the door has not been drained and the rear has so like here you can see how it's just brighter.

Yeah wow, look at the difference on the Grain and then a lot of like. You know this, there's a little scratches going you know, vertical here and the rear green gets it all going horizontal again. We've been working away so much here. I haven't even had a chance to like.

stand back and look at some of the regrain. This is wild. look at that. So we have our before and our after.

Oh oh Kevin you did. You did that other side already didn't you? I did do that other side. so I didn't even get to go look at Kevin's beautiful work yet. Wow, look at this thing.

Yeah, See this. This door line is really nice too. We're still technically not done right. We still need to blend it out yet.

but as far as the re-graining um, every grain, all three panels here? Um, there was a little bit of rust on the bottom of the store like you had on the other side and we were actually able to get all of that out. So I'm really, really pleased with the way that came out. Um, so other than running a running man across the side, I think we're pretty much pretty much squared away so we still need to do the hood, put the t-panel back on, and engrave the door on the other side. But we're getting there.

So one of Mike's friends just showed up Anthony with a DeLorean Of course my Delorean's gonna look kind of like this because I am doing this stripe kit. I Think it looks awesome. It was a factory dealer installed option, but something that you probably won't ever see on another. DeLorean is this is one of the only twin turbo DeLorean using the V6 engine.
So Yep This is the Island twin turbo kit. It was a aftermarket that was done back in the early 80s. Um, and it's got two little twin turbos. Runs about five to seven.

PSI Um, you can get some internals on it, you know? get the engine upgraded, stuck, and grow a little bit higher boost. It's a dying kind of twin turbo kit. so um, I'm trying to keep this one alive and run as fast as I can. as long as I can not as fast.

Is it actually fast? Um, it's peppier. It's definitely peppier. Okay, top end. When you get the turbos pulled up a little bit, it definitely goes a little bit faster.

So, but it's you know, compared to today's cars, it's not as fast as you know, a challenge or whatever they got out there now, but it's a 2700 pound card. It's definitely puppy. So these are aftermarket ground effects that came with the twin turbo kit. It was kind of a package and this light is from a C4 Corvette And this is a black interior automatic car just like mine with of course our flux capacitor.

and yes, I might might get one of those. oh look at that, it lights up. That is too cool but beautiful beautiful car. The interior is amazing on this one.

Soon mine will will kind of look the same. That actually sounds pretty good. Wow! Anthony I Love 42 enough. Really nice car dude.

thank you so much I Appreciate it brother later Anthony Say ya. look at that right there guys. See that dullness gonna disappear? Say goodbye, say goodbye. All right.

it's not working out. Say goodbye goodbye. Come on. all right.

So Kevin said that's actually a stain so we might have to get it out with the Bar Keepers All right. I Was trying to be slick. Okay, now it's going away very good. Just had to give that spot a little extra love and it came right out.

This is gonna look cool. He hasn't done any of this yet. As you can see here, look at that stuff, it's all gonna go away. Thousand dollar torsion bar going back in foreign on the door now that it's back on.

so we have this left. Kevin's almost done with the hood, but soon this driver door is going to look like the passenger door. Perfect! Kevin is all done with the hood. It looks absolutely perfect and this is one of those parts that they don't make anymore.

There were three or four versions of this hood and this is the very first. So it gets the lines on each side and it gets the gas flap. so most Deloreans don't have the gas up, you have to open the hood to fill it with fuel. So this is basically a Priceless Hood in perfect condition I Love the fact that I got an early car but anyway, this is how it looked before.

Lots of stains. there were some scratches as well and now we have this. I Mean you can go around here with an inspection light? There's it's just perfect. It's absolutely perfect.

So anyway for now this is going back on the space fan for storage and we'll get it back on in a few days. So what you guys are seeing in this video is going to be about three weeks of working on this thing almost every day Monday through Friday All right ladies and gentlemen I know it doesn't look like much yet because it's not complete but the regrain, all the stainless work, all the dent work, everything is done, the door is back on I still have to do the T roof which I will get to tomorrow because I have to finish up the wiring but uh these guys just did such an amazing job on my DeLorean it looks brand new I mean this is just I I can't I say this a lot? but I can't believe this is my car. like what is going on I have a DeLorean that looks like it's from 1981. well like still on the assembly line getting finished.
but you know what I mean Gentlemen, thank you so much! This looks absolutely amazing I Cannot wait to bring this to your car show next year! I Can't wait to see it! Mike does a DeLorean car show at his shop and what were they like? 80 cars this year. We counted 78 including the ones that we have in for service this year, but 78 all in one property. A few time machines as well like Kevin's time machine. so I went to the last one.

it was right after I bought this car and it was literally the day the first video came out. Uh so I Can't wait till next year. but if you guys have a DeLorean or you're in interested in getting a DeLorean DeLorean Midwest I will link it down below and check out their YouTube channel as well at DeLorean Nation So thanks again guys! I Can't wait to show you the car when it's done, it's the next day and I have to do the other door seal without taking the door off. so this this should be fun.

I really want to make sure I protect the torsion bar. so I have cut up a piece of heater hose so it goes the entire length. Drilled out some of the other rivets. So far so good.

I'm going to pry this seal back. Wow. Okay, the stainless steel strip is in there so I'm going to attempt to remove the Rubber seal and maybe leave the stainless in here I Don't know. So here is the seal and with the door closed I wonder if we could sneak this thing out this way? Okay, that makes sense.

That's why you have to have the T-roof off. This is great. Oh man dare I say this is going to be easy. I'm not going to dare to say that no new seal is on.

Rivets are through. Now we're just going to grind off these old rivets. There we go, Rip. it's out.

Well this was a royal pain in the butt, but without any of the rivets installed I was able to get the seal in there and then the stainless steel strip and then I just centered it with a couple of rivets. So let's see if we can get in there. This torsion bar is totally in the way. see if we can work around it though on the back side.

Yeah, yeah, bad at all. Can we do this? We did this, We did this. Let's close the door. Oh I'm getting old, getting old.
Oh I've been crouched down too long. All of that was done for this seal right here. and once we get this T-roof back on, you'll see why we wanted to do this. It doesn't look good with a ripped seal, but it also leaked water supposedly into the car without this.

Now that we've done that, let's drill into the roof of the car. Best Tool Ever. No turning back. Now this is weird.

Let's do it again. So what in the world am I doing drilling holes in my DeLorean Let me explain. this is a big while. we're in there.

So under the stainless steel tea roof you have fiberglass which makes up most of the structure of this vehicle. but you also have steel. So Steel on fiberglass and same same deal over here. But basically what happens on Deloreans is this Bond right here comes up.

so the steel starts to lift up and the torsion bars for the doors are bolted right into this. So when this starts lifting up, you're gonna have all sorts of issues with your doors. You can break the torsion bars. all sorts of bad things will happen.

This will pop up and destroy the stainless steel tea roof. So what I'm doing right now is I'm preventing this from ever happening by drilling four bolts, two on each side of each torsion bar. and then we're going to install some gigantic bolts with washers that will go all the way through into the interior of the vehicle as well and it'll all be covered up by the t-roof and the headliners. and then that way my DeLorean will never have this problem from the get-go Now there is a different level to this.

I'm sometimes this steel rots out so I know it's a stainless steel car. People think that it'll never rot, but there is steel on this car and it'll trap moisture. We're in really good shape with mine so I got lucky there. but if you're looking for a DeLorean it's kind of hard to inspect, but you want to, you want to make sure this isn't all rusted.

So I've made my marks on a piece of tape. Let's keep Drilling And there's another layer There we go. Now we're all the way through. So it's steel, fiberglass and then a little cushion of air and then fiberglass again and there we go.

All right. So I've used five different drill bits stepping it All the way up to a 10 millimeter. This is my last one. All right holes are done.

We'll get rid of the tape now. Of course we're using nice stainless steel. Hardware This is an Allen head so it's not going to interfere with our roof. and then from the inside, we're going to install our washer and lock nut like.

so with my Allen on top, we'll tighten this guy up. We're going to tighten them all up by hand once they're all in. Yeah, we got to shave that down. All right.

It's going to go around by hand. We're not going to go too crazy here. It's good. It's pretty wild that this steel piece is just held in with glue essentially.
probably a really strong panel Bond or something along those lines. but no, Hardware is actually reinforcing this and those torsion bars that control the entire door bolt to this. So kind of a weird design, but we just fixed it now. we have to cut off this excess stud.

These tools are the best! This is the first time I've ever used one. I Know it sounds crazy, but wow, that was great. There's no sparks and there's minimal stuff all over the place. Sweet.

All right now we have to seal up the top. and yeah, I don't feel like going to the store to get a caulk gun I Have like three at my house but not driving all the way home for this. Ah, this is just to seal out any water, which we shouldn't have any issues with that at all. That's all we're doing here.

Perfect a little trick here. there we go. We probably don't need to do this, but just for good measure, we'll put some on the inside too. All done with the bolts.

Everything is protected. inside is done as well. I'm re-pinning the connectors now. Good thing we took a picture and what you want to do here is just pry up a little bit on these clips and then we can slide it in here.

Your click and you're good. All right. Click these back and we have plenty of slack after making our wiring repair so we're good there. Cool.

Okay, you know, before we tuck these wires in. I Got a boroscope in here for Peace of Mind From what? I Understand there's always going to be a little bit of surface rust in here, but if you have big flaky stuff and and it's collapsed, you're in bad shape. And yeah, this stuff is right on the surface. it looks pretty good in here.

Kind of looks like an alien planet. Look at this. could use this in a Sci-Fi movie. Yeah, I'm not seeing anything too alarming in here.

This looks pretty good, so let's do a little bit more preventative maintenance while we're in there. I'm going to use a rust converter. There's a bunch of these on the market, but I had some of this laying around and basically we're just going to go ahead and fog this out and this is going to bond with the rust and convert it and it'll stop future rusting as well. Really want to make sure I get in there.

so I've switched over to a spray bottle. This is not clay. Lube this is more rust converter. Yeah! I Really want to make sure I fog it in there After spraying multiple brand rust converters, this is our landscape underneath the t-roof everything is nice and coated.

This makes me feel a ton better. The rust converter is in there doing its thing, preventing this from becoming a real issue. Sweet. All right.

with that done, we can feed in our wiring harness and these just tuck in there Like So all right. just like they didn't hit the factory. There we go and let's remove some of this old duct tape that they used. it's black I don't have any black DeLorean purists I don't have any black tape is that bad I Don't feel like going to the store I know there's lots of things I could run to the store for at this point the caulk gun, some kind of nozzle to spray further in here.
you don't know how many other store runs I've made okay throughout all these projects. I Just want to work I Don't want to leave anymore. We're going to work with whatever we got. so get rid of this old DeLorean tape.

This is messy. Four hours later, we've got this pretty clean Degreaser time. All right. That is looking good next.

I Had to restore this metal plate that no one's ever gonna see and after grinding away all the rust, it looked shiny and new. so I protected it with some black primer, let it dry and it's ready to go back on before we seal that panel up. I Got to make sure stuff works. Door locks Mirror Works My favorite window works.

This one works too I Think we're good. See you later too cool I mean not very practical, but still Orient We have to seal up this plate before the install. There we go. and this isn't held in by any screws, it's just glued in there.

We go. All right. Cool. basically a DeLorean Tech from 1981 in Northern Ireland While we let that dry, we're going to loosen up this back louvered.

Hood I Don't really know what we call this thing this. We're gonna loosen it up because we need to make an adjustment. This thing was running into the tea roof. I Guess that's a common issue and all you do is loosen it up and just kind of pull it up ever so slightly.

It's a very small adjustment and while you're holding it, you just tighten it down. Foreign. Okay, hopefully that fixed it. It moved a little.

so DeLorean only used a few little pieces of double-sided tape to hold down the t-roof in the center. But we're gonna pretend that DeLorean had an unlimited budget and we're gonna use a lot more of this. Why not right? And there's two. All right, let's go crazy.

Let's do two more. I'm a wild man they would have had to raise MSRP if I was in charge of the tape Department someone in accounting would be like hey, uh John DeLorean this car is gonna have to cost like 34 dollars more because of this guy in the tape. Department then I would have been fired by John DeLorean that would have been cool. You know we got to use black tape just like DeLorean did and I found some super old black tape I think this was in the back of the Eclipse GSX or something I don't remember.

It's also kind of pointless I Don't really see what this is doing. We've already made a really good seal with this plate, but you're gonna keep your DeLorean all. DeLorean I Don't know. All right.

Look at that nice piece right there. I'm going way overboard here on what they did because I just got word in the break room that John's about to fire me. so I'm just going crazy taping these things up. John DeLorean Take that extra 10 cents of tape for you.
should we just do one really long crazy one? look at that. Gonna be the most bestest taped roof ever. That was satisfying. Look, Look, this is nice.

Look at that. Oh man. I don't want to cover this up? Can I be the only DeLorean that rides around with no tea roof? No No. I can't let's put this on.

Now we all know the DeLorean is a pretty slow car and we also know that stickers make cars faster. So here is five extra horsepower. and you know what? let's just do. Let's just do another one back here too.

Yep, right, there's where you're supposed to put them. Now it's time for the T-roof tea roof. going back on and we gotta start from this front lip and gently lower it down. Okay, tape is down.

I Got the side screws in. We should be good. Last piece of the tea roof puzzle is installing this trim. This actually holds in the back of the T-roof so it slides in the front to hold it down, Tape, a few screws, and some plastic trim in the back.

They really weren't worried about the T-roof coming off. Were they all right? T-roof is back on looking pretty. We've pushed the DeLorean outside because I want to blow it out so I did vacuum everything but I just I want to get in all the nooks and crannies and really clean this up. I Also inspected everything under the dash.

It looks beautiful. No wiring damage but look in there. That's what I'm talking about and I'm using the respirator this time. This stuff is nasty.

Oh and check this out. I Pulled up a panel back here. So glad I did. Look what we found.

Look at all the poo, Look at all that. look at all right? I Want to see what's going on with these vents? Make sure there's nothing inside of them. All right that looks good. I Looked at how this works behind the dash.

It's very simple. I should be able to blow on this side and it should come out the other side so let's see. Oh yeah, and we can hit it right in the middle here. All right.

I Vacuumed everything I've blown everything out from the dash now. I'm just gonna go nuts. It's gonna blow air everywhere. Say hello to my two little friends.

Yeah, this is awesome. Wow, look at everything that's coming up. Oh yeah, it's just finding stuff everywhere I need to do this a bunch of times. So after I blow it out, I'm gonna vacuum it.

then we'll blow it out again, vacuum again and I'll just keep on going until nothing else comes out of anywhere. Pretty good. So now it's time to attack it with some Degreaser some tough stuff, a brush, microfiber. we even got Steam Areas like this look clean right now, but if you get up close they they kind of smell like mice.

So we're just gonna spray everything and this is just some. Degreaser Right now we got all these little nooks and crannies. There were rodents running around in here. super cool 80s rodents all right.
So we'll stuff up. Oh much better, much better. We're gonna steam away as well, kill as many germs as possible and wipe this clean. also.

Final step in cleaning an area we're going to be using Lysol to kill any remaining germs. It's about 100 degrees out I'm just gonna let that air dry while we move on. so that's pretty much going to be the treatment. Degreaser Brush Wipe it out, steam it Lysol it.

This thing's gonna be cleaner than it was at the factory. I'm gonna do this entire center console and then getting in the wiring harness as well. Wires look good, they're just they're dirty and I know we're never going to see any of this. This is mostly just a big disinfecting process.

We don't want to be driving this car with the little baby windows open, getting air in here, then all this dirt and dust and poo just kind of goes up in the air, makes you sneeze. It's bad for the allergies I Don't want any of that I Just want to clean everywhere I'm keeping this car for the rest of my life. Okay, don't call me crazy. Oh yeah, we'll get in here too.

Some pretty light Degreaser as well so it's not going to ruin any of our switches. Beautiful! Oh, this is looking great and look at this. Oh this just pops right off. Okay, this headlight switch 16 000 miles I Don't really trust the mileage on any DeLorean Basically, they all had a big Speedo cable issue and so it's almost always inaccurate.

So this says 16 000 I Don't know. It's a lot of pushes for 16 000 isn't it? I think I can easily get this vent out there. We go. Oh yeah, yeah, totally worth it.

DMC So cool. Oh, you can also take these tubes out here for the vents and just give them a good cleaning and these guys just slide right back in Slice on there. Okay, why not, right? It's really good in here I Plan on having ice cold AC in my DeLorean and I don't want any garbage blowing at me. All right.

we'll get this radio a little bit as well. it's looking so good I Cannot wait to listen to Back In Time Power of Love and Back in Time by Huey Lewis And the News Those are definitely my favorite on this one. Look what? I got to replace this a new one. So I think this goes there and then we push this in here.

Here we go. Perfect. Is this upside down and it looks upside down? Doesn't it There we go that looks more normal to me, right? Yeah, Then it's going back in. all right.

To top this off, I'm just using a little bit of trim conditioner. You can use leather cleaner as well I Found that to work well too. Okay, yeah, these easily pop off. that's nice and get in here and clean.

Final step with the soft brush and I think we are good. Wow, look at this so so cool. So 80s look at this. The white turned out super white.

Nothing's worn out there. We have our new headlight switch which I'm going to press on the sides anyway. we don't wear out the white. We got our DMC Dolby system looking pretty.
Let's keep going. Yeah, Scrub a dub dub. These work really good on cars and you can use them in the shower too to wash yourself. Just you know, get a new one for that.

Oh yeah, some of this is glue. It's left over glue like that right there. This car is smelling better by the minute. All right looking good.

There was a ton of mouse livings in here. If you guys don't have a steamer, I Highly recommend it. I'm gonna also do this and some of this and let me just wipe it away. it's looking good looking, good people looking good little.

Lauren is back inside and everything is super clean. I Wish you guys could smell inside of this car right now. I've sprayed every surface with the Lysol it's completely disinfected. We've cleaned up the dash which is in excellent condition by the way.

Look at this beautiful. The climate control, the radio area, the steering wheel. everything just looks really, really nice. Just a little incomplete.

So let's let's continue on. Let's get this interior back in. Oh I Can't wait to sit in this car again. I Mean it doesn't run or drive or anything like that, but the guy can pretend, right? Like I can put it back to the future tape in the car and sit in it and listen to it, right? That's not weird if you guys remember this piece had fallen out.

only two out of the four screws were in there. So I used a couple wood screws and we are solid. Thanks DeLorean for using wood and the interior and it made things easy. Now we just have to cover up these control units with their respective pieces of wood panel number two.

Now before we lay the carpet in, I'm going to do something that I've never done before, but I've always wanted to do on some cars, especially at the DeLorean with these fiberglass floors. I Think they could use a little bit of sound deadening so we're going to add a little bit of weight to the DeLorean but I don't really care. it's already pretty light. I Think this is really going to help cut down on potential road noise and just kind of make the car feel like it's a lot higher quality.

So this stuff is just peel and stick and I'm going to try and get it in everywhere. Let's do a little test that's scientific. It worked. I'm gonna lay one down like this.

This car's an instrument now. I'm definitely not. These washers are where the seats Mount to and they're kind of elevated so I think we can just cut around them. Oh this stuff that's really nice.

like butter. I Don't want to cut our speaker wire? This is great. You can kind of form it right around whatever you need to cut around. Really nice to work with.

Oh look at that. This is cool. If you kind of need to pull it back, it does pull right back up. Cool! This is so much fun guys! if you don't care about adding weight to your car.
I Literally have no personal experience with this so it could do nothing. but if it works and you don't care about adding weight to your car. I Highly recommend it. It's fun at the very least.

This stuff is kind of. Addicting It's so easy to lay down and fun and I'm even putting some inside of this little box. There's a cover here as well, but we could get some road noise in so I'm just cutting little pieces and then filling in the gaps. I'll slide it underneath these cables here and it's just so malleable.

It Just fits in everywhere. All right, that is sound. Deton I'm getting the tunnel area where the center con sole did I say that right? Con: Sol Just a few of you or 5 000 of you pointed out that I say counsel I Don't know what to tell you guys, it's just it's just how I've always said it. I know it's wrong.

just you know you're born in a certain place, things are said a certain way and you don't think about it. but I'll try my best. it is. Khan C-o-n Soul Han Sol There we go.

We're not gonna hear anything underneath this. Council Our sound detonating mat is done so this was about a box and a half. I think we added roughly 30 pounds to the DeLorean but I think it'll be well, well worth it. I've never driven a DeLorean but I would imagine they're kind of loud going down the road and we may have helped with that a little bit.

So we have it wrapped all the way around the transmission tunnel. Even though it's really not a transmission tunnel, this is just where the frame goes. But you know what I mean it's all wrapped up in there inside of here. We've insulated where the battery sits as well, but left the cool negative Earth Sticker I Finished up this box as well.

so now we can start to go back together with the interior. so this little carpet fits in here. It's kind of cut around the engine's computer which is this guy. This has even more foam so we are very well insulated inside of here.

now. a lot of the carpet for the DeLorean is actually glued in so I bought some spray adhesive. This stuff's kind of nasty so respirator time. What the instructions say to do is spray it on both sides that you want to stick together off and we'll just apply some pressure here for a little bit and I'm going to hold that for a few minutes and just dream of driving my DeLorean which by the way doesn't run guys.

We're doing the Cosmetic restoration before the mechanical because I'm waiting on parts for that and I can't waste any time. My deadline is Halloween I want this thing parked on my front lawn running and driving though as a Halloween decoration and then I'm going to dress up I think I'm going to be Marty I Was debating Marty or doc I think I'm going to be Marty So when we discovered this little cubby, it looked like this mice had been living in it for a while and now it looks like this. I did replace this with a good used part and we cleaned it up. but this is perfect.
All right, this part's gonna go pretty quick. Carpet Seats console there we go. This drapes over the wood and it was stuck originally with tape so I added a little bit. Only the finest materials for a DeLorean So we took this in.

Like so now believe it or not I Know this is going to sound crazy but the DeLorean carpet here is held in with Staples Staples Yes glue tape Staples It's all you need really to build a car. Last one. Perfect. That's all the Staples done.

We can now install this guy here. Great! This locks kind of in a bad spot right behind the seat, but there you go. put something in there. Next we have our carpet here that covers up the wood.

Goodbye wood you don't exist. Next we have this other piece of carpeted wood. The mice kind of chewed away at this but it's all been disinfected. It's good to go.

We'll leave a little sign that mice have been here. They're definitely the coolest mice ever living in a DeLorean oh I was a mouse out of limited Lori Now we can put our Golf Club net back on Now look at this. So pretty. All right.

let's get some more carpet in before going back together with the carpet. I Wanted to take care of these nasty seat frames. These things wouldn't even move back and forth so you couldn't adjust the seat. but a little bit of penetrating oil and some light Hammer action brought them back to life now.

I needed to get all the rust out so I soaked them in a bucket of evapo rust overnight. and when they came out they looked like this: This stuff basically melted all of the rust off. so I just had to touch it up a little bit with a wire wheel and then it was off to the paint shop or cardboard box where I shot them with primer first to prevent any future rusting and then a nice gloss black finish to make them look brand new again. Now although 95 of the seat frame you're not going to see, it's going to be underneath the seat, This is what I really wanted to look pretty again so this is the adjustment.

so you're going to grab this to move the seat back and forth so the seat frames are ready. You guys saw in the last video we restored these nasty seats. They were covered in mold and dirt and after some very satisfying scrubbing and wiping I re-dyed and conditioned the leather seats and now they look practically new. These things are in great shape and none of the leather is hard.

it's very nice and soft. Ready to go, Center console is ready. Carpet is all cleaned up I Did get used carpet but it had some coffee stains in there so I pressure washed these while they were out, got all of those stains out and now they're ready. ready to go back in time I I Had to I Don't think if I'd done it back in time yet in this video I Don't know.

This video is taking like three weeks to film. so I forget what I'm saying. We have to put the side pieces in first and unfortunately these get glued in so I'm just gonna line it up there. Okay, that's the easy part.
Okay, we don't get too many tries at this. The weather stripping is also going to go over this seam here and we just have to wrap it around all these. Corners Like I said this is a used carpet but I mean they took it apart. Okay, this gets tucked in here.

and like I said, we're gonna get weather stripping over this whole thing. That's going to really tighten it up. well. I'm not ready for the new weather stripping yet but I'm using it as a holding tool for this seam.

that way the glue can set. So I've laid some weather strip and you can kind of get an idea of what this is going to look like when we're done. and I think it looks really, really nice. This is all glued down.

looks good. We can move on to the larger piece. Here's what DeLorean did to help with noise so we're just helping a little bit more with everything we laid down. Oh, just left to get our battery in here.

So I've left this kind of undone so if you spray both sides and let it sit just for a couple minutes, it gets really nice and tacky and it just works so much better it almost just instantly sticks down. It's great and I was afraid of these parts here but that weather stripping really works to hold it in Kind of covers it up as well. Driver side carpets going back, Starting to look like a real car again. I'm a real car.

It's exciting stuff people. we are getting there. This is gonna be the best looking non-running and driving DeLorean ever. Okay, cool.

Are we ready for seats? Oh we got a bolt the seat frames back onto the seats though. That always helps. Let's do it. Okay, we can't put the seats in.

we got to do the center con sole first. um and the shifter lever was in pretty rough shape so I sanded it down and sprayed. it. Looks brand new now, but the the DeLorean was missing a trim piece that went in here when I bought the car.

You would just see this white which is not proper supposed to have this guy in there I Have no idea where it went but we need to separate this. it's just glued together. There we go nasty. Our purple powered Degreaser work pretty well for this nice nice and we'll get the bottom side of this too.

Probably had quite a few coffees spilled on it throughout the years. Okay, all right, another while we

By Alex

13 thoughts on “We spent 60 hours restoring the body interior of my abandoned delorean it looks brand new!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Koval_71_chuk says:

    Not a fan of Back to the Future but I Iove the car. If I ever get one for my self, I might be the first one to have the car battery powered. I would take it CyberPunk next level.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hu' R-U says:

    The video was long. So, I watched at 2X the speed. Saved 45mins…..

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith Brumagin says:

    Alex made your magic happen again nice were talking about dragging the seat across the fender, I about crapped my pants when seal slipped out of handโ€ฆmy luck on back swing it would of wrapped around steering Anyway love it, it looks like Delorean went back in time from fresh off production line.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith Brumagin says:

    Hey Blaine!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jalapeno says:

    Freakin awesome, I absolutely love the fact that you make these 30, 45, 60, even 90 minute videos. We are here for them!!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AsuraDandy says:

    Man, the owner leaving it in that garage luckily made the best decision for this car because majority of the parts from this car were left in amazing condition even after all those years.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Loren Stiegelmeier says:

    you should do the ls swap

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith Hancock says:

    Boys and their toys ๐Ÿ˜‚. Looks great

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Polly g says:

    the sound deadening doesnt work that way, once you put some on half a panel it works for the whole panel,in fact you only need 1sq inch per each sq ft to totally deaden sound/vibrations, 1 sheet [1inch sq to every sq ft]can deaden a whole car 80% as good as doing a whole car appx 10 sheets at 45 bucks each

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kiwitakimango says:

    Letโ€™s see how many times they say โ€œre-grainโ€!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Zeller says:

    What happened to Peter

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Bousquet says:

    Great video series. Only hint I can give you is to let the spray adhesive dry on both surfaces then spray one surface lightly just before you install the pieces.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mohamed110 says:

    Alex is living the dream of so many โ€˜80s kids, first with the Grand National and now the nut-and-bolt restoration of the DeLorean. Well done!

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